Ocean tales. Max Shaldon

Ocean tales - Max Shaldon

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look to, who will be able to fix your glasses.

      So they did, after putting the old woman in the bedroom. Spark float as quick as he could, swam in the shop Brother Squid began to call him, because, he had no sisters and brothers, and so that all of them, who came with him into the shop, he called brother or sister. It may be, he was alone, without brothers and sisters, it is for this reason, like in every visitor to see his brothers or sisters. However, this is a completely different story.

      The shop of Brother Squid had everything, that could be necessary when the residents of the Rainbow Reef wanted to have, and what wasn’t there, Brother Squid could easily make out the available in his is huge second pantry items

      – Hello, brother Spark! Why are you so out of breath? What was happened?

      – It was happened, Brother Squid! It happened so!

      – Yes, you do not worry, calm down and tell us all.

      – Grandmother Turtle’s glasses initially lost, and then broke down. And can, and vice versa, first broke, and then lost. But I found them, here, – said Spark and handed the glasses to the owner of the shop.

      – Oh, no.

      – Yes, no, that you? I only helped the tortoise to find them and immediately brought it to you! After all, it is without them, nothing-nothing not see.

      – Nothing-nothing? – asked Brother Squid.

      – Nothing-nothing, – sadly sighed Spark, trying to copy the intonation of Grandmother Turtle, to convey her desperate situation.

      – Well, that’s nothing! – said Brother Squid cheerfully. Oh, really it liked, like going through the kid.

      And the squid escaped in a closet. Only I could hear it.

      Finally, the owner of the shop came out of his closet, handed the kid glasses and said: “Bring it quickly, but look carefully!”

      – Good! Thanks a lot! – Gleefully squealed Spark and rushed away from the store, leaving only a whirlwind of bubbles on the threshold.

      – Give my greetings to sister Turtle and say, that I was always ready for her that something to repair, – shouted in reply Brother Squid, but it has one not heard.

      And he arrived as quick as he could. He was in a hurry to lodge the old turtle, Spark has been going to open the door, as he heard behind a strange rustling in the bushes. The kid turned around and saw two brothers – the bully Bip and Bop. They swam up to him with lowered eyes and said:

      – That we have broken glasses of Grandmother Turtle, when secretly took them to play, while she slept. We are afraid, that we will criticize, so planted them in the bushes, and sailed.

      – But why did you return then? – I surprised asked the kid – the clown.

      – We became very sorry Grandmother Turtle – quietly said Bop, which was at three minutes younger than his brother.

      – Yes, yes! – shook his head in sign of agreement Bip – and, in fact the same, we became very ashamed, that we have taken someone else’s thing without demand, more and broke it, – said a senior.

      – We are very ashamed, – continued Bop – and we do not want to further upset Grandmother Turtle or someone else.

      – Well, then you should tell all to my grandmother and ask at her forgiveness, – suggested baby Spark.

      – But we are very scared, just terribly scary! – rattled Bip.

      – Yes, yes, we are very afraid and did not want to, so that we got from the parents for our trick, – said frightened Bop.

      – Do not be afraid, friends, I will help you, – Spark answered cheerfully. He was very happily by the fact, that dolphins want to correct its mistake, – take a deep breath, then exhale and drop all your fears! I am always so do, and to me it helps. Brothers-bullies, plucking up courage, do, how advised the kid, and they swam to the house of Grandmother Turtle.

      When the guys saw a turtle, twins the dolphins began to quarrel with one another to ask forgiveness and promise, that they will never disappoint the old lady. Learning about that, some way lost and broken glasses, the old lady does not get angry, she smiled and gently said:

      – Of course, it is bad to take someone else’s thing without asking, and it is absolutely not good to break it. But I see, that you are brave and good guys, just realized the act and decide all to correct, I’m not angry! Then Grandmother Turtle stretched leg to his closet to the kitchen and got a shelf three sweet candies, made from sugar, which grow from it in the garden. She gave the first candy to the Fire.

      – Hold, my good boy! It is for you for the kindness and desire to help in need!

      – Thank you, grandma! – joyfully exclaimed Twinkle and then stuffed sweet candy, in his little fish mouth.

      – And it’s for you guys, – said the old tortoise and held out two candy Bip and Bop, – for then, that you were able to take on themselves the responsibility for their act and not afraid, and decided all correct and apologize. Now I know, that you are good guys, though, and sometimes love to fool around!

      Brothers – dolphins sheepishly smiled, thanked the tortoise and without delay began for a treat.

      – And now walk, walk, and I sit down to check your favorite book, because now what have -I have glasses! – and Grandma Turtle laughed loudly.

      Together they laughed. So, laughing and regaling candy, they sailed away to play in the children’s playground. Now guys know, that if you commit a mistake, but try it to celebrate, it is much better, than to hide from everyone, and to be afraid of punishment. After all, everyone makes mistakes, however, only the most courageous and wise recognize their responsibility for what they have done and can correct them.


      Far – far in the ocean, one day live sea animals. They live in their small seaside town, which is called Rainbow Reef. The name of this, it got out for multi-colored coral, which surrounds the town from all sides. These corals are so beautiful, it seems, as if the town stands in the middle of the rainbow.

      Different animals live in Rainbow Reef: a flock of dolphins, in which there are two brothers – twins Bip and Bop. They are terrible bullies. Sometimes at school, they make fun with the teacher, sounding, that the Bop is Bip, and back Bip was instead of Bop. Even in the Rainbow Reef Brother Squid lives, the owner of the shop, where you can buy everything, what you want.

      However, today the story will be about Grandfather Whale. Once Grandpa Whale swam to shop for food. He always carefully prepared to hike and was a list of, that he needs to buy, that anything not to forget. Here and this time the old man prepared and emerged from the house. Grandpa checked list, convinced, that all in order, and went into the shop of Brother Squid.

      Brother Squid was a very good salesman, always treated the children by ice cream and helped the ladies to convey heavy bags up to the house. Sometimes, at the request of his neighbours, he asked them to deliver products home. But Grandpa Whale all time forgot about it and went to the shop on their own. Although may be he has just loved to walk, loved to walk in the store.

      An old whale sailed to the store, and Brother Squid asked him:

      – What do you want, grandfather?

      – Is that seaweed in a salad? Then whether a salad of seaweed, – thought an excited grandfather, that he has forgotten, what sailed for.

      – And where is your list, dear? – the seller asked.

      – What? -the whale asked.

      – Your list? Where is the list? What is

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