Ocean tales. Max Shaldon

Ocean tales - Max Shaldon

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You saved me again!

      – Yes that you Grandpa, I’m just asking, not hiding pride, said Spark – you also do all remembered.

      – No, dear friend! Without your help I would not cope! Thank you so much! Now the main thing to have time to get to the house, until I again do not forget.

      – I ‘ll see you, Grandpa Whale! – said Spark cheerfully, – don’t worry, you won’t forget anything with me!

      And they swam home to the whale. Spark helped grandfather arrange the groceries, found his favorite record and put it in the player, said goodbye to the whale and, pleased with his little feat, swam home.

      Now grandpa will not forget anything!

      At night Grandmother Turtle swam to visit to Grandfather Whale.

      They looked at old photos, dancing, laughing, and again felt themselves young. So, thanks to the young assistant in, they have fun and nice spend the night.


      Far – far away in the ocean, at the very bottom, sea animals live. They live in their small seaside town, which is called Rainbow Reef. The name of this, he got out for multi-colored coral, which surrounds the town from all sides. These corals are so beautiful, it seems, as if the town stands in the middle of the rainbow.

      Different animals live in Rainbow Reef: The Head of the town is the Sea Lion with his wife and little kids. He is very big, serious and fair. Marine Leo always knows, that you need to do, so that all the neighbors lived comfortably, and the town remained quiet and calm place. There lives a friend of Sea Lioness, a friend of Madame Jellyfish, which is best of all in town, doing hairstyle, make-up, different treatments for women, so that they remain beautiful and neat how you can last longer. He lives there with Grandmother Turtle nearby, which is never anywhere hurrying, because it is very wise and knows everything in the world. Even in the Rainbow Reef lives Grandfather Whale, it is very large and very old! Whale does not love, when close to him, who is naughty, bullies or swim very quickly, so that he once lost and forgotten, where he floats.

      There are many more sea animals living in Rainbow Reef, but this story is about Auntie Flounder, who often visits Sister Cuttlefish. They are long-long gossip about that, about the family, and then Aunt Flounder swims to her house, on the other end of town. The way it is usually passes through a large thick algae by piles of large stones, which, like it seems, so and strive to fall to her on the head, every time, when it floats past.

      Many residents of the town said she did not swim past these large boulders, once she was so afraid of, and to get to the house in the path through the central streets. But Auntie Flounder was lazy all the time. “It must be the same!” – every time she thought: “To make such a detour?! I’d better quickly to skip pass the stones, one – one, and I’m at home! Oh, very reluctant to be dragged through the whole city, where you can shorten the path in three times! Yes and how many times I have been there floated, perhaps, five hundred or even a thousand, yet none ever anything did not happen”.

      And here, in another time Sister Cuttlefish invited a girlfriend to drink tea with a tasty seaweed cake. Aunt Flounder, like usually, came in the morning, sat at a party since a day and, closer to the evening, enjoy by a pleasant conversation and a delicious treat, then swam home.

      The sea was rough that day. Nearby, on one of the islands, an old volcano woke up, it shook the earth on the island, threw out heaps of ash, spewing out lava. Tremors from the awakened volcano reached and to the ocean floor, which shook even the mighty rock.

      But in the Rainbow Reef, these tremors were almost not visible and no one especially not worried this day. Aunt Flounder sailed home the usual way, again too lazy to use the central streets. Today she was in a hurry, she really wanted to lie down. Chatting with a friend though and was nice, but was delayed to a day and a bit of her tiredness.

      She’s like just floated past the piles of large stones, when the old volcano, shaking the island, spit out another batch of ash and lava.

      It shook so badly, that the impetus has come and to the Rainbow Reef. From this jolt, the pile of stones trembled slightly and the topmost stone, moving, silently slid down. He began to fall, first slowly, then all faster and faster. And already almost near the very bottom banged on the other stone, that, probably, and saved the butt of death. Aunt Flounder, when he heard a strange sound, emanated from the top, raised her eyes and, of God! She saw, as the huge boulder falls directly from the sky, well it so it seemed, and that’s – that’s flatten and without that flat head fish.

      At last second flounder sharply jerked forward, but this turned out to be insufficient, it is all the same do not have time! No-no, of course, she didn’t die! A huge stone, falling on the sea bottom, all but pressed her tail. But it pressed so strongly, that, as neither tried Aunt Flounder was released from her, she did not turned out. “Here’s the deal!” – thought the fish”. Not for nothing because I was afraid of the stone! But there is in fact, laziness was to sail quickly home. What is now the will, like me are now out of a stone?” – and Auntie Flounder began to cry. But tears grief does not help. A little calmed down, the fish started to think, how to escape, but, as neither tried, in her not encountered any one idea, except how to call someone by anything to help.

      – Save! Help! Somebody help me! – cried Auntie Flounder.

      But since, this place was considered the outskirts of the city, no one was heard. Here except plaice no extra and no swimming. Meet to somebody here was a great rarity, and today it was even a big success.

      How much she tried to flat fish, one way and anybody did not heard her. Already it was beginning to get dark, and the water became cool. Auntie Flounder really did not want to spend the night here, under the stone, and she sobbed again.

      At this time, a small fish of the family of fish clowns, baby Spark usually already sitting at home and playing with his brother and sister, but today it was a special day. After all, tomorrow it was necessary to hand over the craft to school, but it was not yet ready, and he swam to look for multi-colored pebbles. In the city a lot of kids lived, and all colored stones, which can been found, has raised other kids and so Spark decided to look to the outskirts, there, where usually no one does not swim. “Oh, on the outskirts, sure I’ll find a whole bunch of beautiful stones and shells” – thought the kid the clown. Clowns these fish named for a bright orange color and dazzling white stripes with black trim, and for that, that they are very fond of fun and laugh neighbors, playing different funny scenes.

      Spark is already enough have collected pebbles and shells and already was going to come back, how far away, behind a wall of thick seaweed, heard someone – then cry. It was not even a cry, but rather a desperate sob. The kid probably swam in the side, from which came the sound. He deftly skirted thick algae and their huge leaves, trying to how you can quickly find that, who was crying, and help him. Spark, finally – then, I pushed, through the last bush and jumped on the meadow, next to a pile of stones.

      And what did he see there? Yes-yes, Auntie Flounder, which, is desperately trying to get out from under a huge, stone, crashed it on the tail, then, exhausted, he falls on the sand and begins to sob. Fish clown rapidly rushed forward, grabbed into teeth the fin flat fish and that there are forces began to pull back, trying to get a neighbor of trouble.

      – Yay – yay – yay! – screamed a flounder, began to beat on the sandy bottom, raising clouds of dust – oh – oh – oh! It hurts! Here, wait! They are already trying to eat me! – it is, the clouds of sand, even, impossible to notice, that is its small neighbor came to her to help.

      – Aunt Flounder! It’s me, Spark! – the boy cried out in fright, – and I want to help you! I wasn’t going to eat you!

      – Oh, it’s you! – sighed the flat fish – and I then, it was thought, that all, came to the end of my life!

      – Aunt

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