Black Blood. Dyvina Sollena

Black Blood - Dyvina Sollena

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Hanna asked.

      We both answered yes.

      Fast as the light she was back with our orders: two cold beers.

      I grabbed mine and took a great sip.

      «Reb has had another of her unhealthy ideas», Josh started absent-mindedly while checking his smartphone.

      Hanna was listening carefully, fixing her blonde weaves and, raising an eyebrow, she looked at me.


      I sighed, now they would have ganged up on me, I knew them so well.

      «I want to go to the Black Raven Hill. I plan on writing an article about the Winterbournes», I answered all in one breath.

      My best friend stood silent with her mouth opened for some seconds, no words were needed for Josh's expression, happy and satisfied not to be the only one against me.

      «Have you lost your mind, Reb? Those people are... weird», she said in between shocked and terrified.

      Let alone she would have taken my part!

      I took another sip from my beer looking up at the ceiling.

      «Come on guys! This is my opportunity to aim high. New horizons can open up for me», I explained staunched on my decision.

      What could have ever happened to me?

      The worst that could happen was being kicked out, by the way I wanted to observe the mansion first, without being seen.

      «But the Winterbournes are dangerous and the Black Raven Hill makes me shiver. What if they kidnap you, doing you cruel things? You are aware too about all the rumors circulating, aren't you?» Hanna stirred, frantically gesticulating.

      This made me laugh, she looked so goofy.

      «I've tried reasoning with her the whole day, she really doesn't want to listen» Josh added.

      I sighed playing with the drops of water running down my glass.

      I had never hoped for their approval. I knew very well how crazy my idea was, I just wished my friends could understand my point of view.

      I couldn't miss this opportunity.

      «I have already made my mind», I cut it short finishing the cold beer. I showed Hanna that I wanted another glass pointing my thumb down.

      She obeyed with no hesitation.

      «If your parents knew they would be mad», she objected by serving me.

      «My parents have been traveling around the world for two months, they won't know. At least if no one tells them», I said a bit annoyed.

      «The Thirsty, Reb. Figure out who are the persons you would like to go speak with», she continued.

      «Yes, exactly. They are not like any other, they are monsters», Josh agreed carrying out the blond's thesis.

      Were they serious?

      Did they really believe?

      «That hassle! How old are you? Eleven? You can't believe all those bullshits. Vampires don't exist and not even those so called Thirsty. All those are fairytales for stupid kids», I blurted out dumbfounded.

      It was about tales told through centuries by the ancients, but they were all crap. Nobody had any concrete evidence concerning those lies.

      «Then again, the younger attended our same school. Sebastian Winterbourne was a kid like us. If they were all vampires, how could something like this be possible?» I asked firmly.

      They both fell silent, they had nothing to reply to my consideration. They seemed like they hadn't thought about it and they found no answer to reply me back.

      I grinned satisfied.

      «See? All bullshits, that's why in the following days I am visiting the mansion. In the meanwhile, I am going to study it from the distance, secondly, I'll ring the bell. If you want to come, you'll be accepted, if not I'll be fine on my own», I concluded with all possible emphasis.

      Nobody did express, they exchanged a glance and looked down resigned.

      When I had something on my mind there was nothing that could have changed my decision. I had to discover the Winterbournes' secrets at any cost, my one-way ticket to London. I wouldn’t have lived in such a small town that I was feeling so narrow anymore. I was twenty-seven, I was still young but... I wouldn't have stayed young forever. I had to get involved immediately or Hazycreek would have suffocated me.

      Sometimes I was told that I was taking my job too seriously, but that was what I liked to do and I couldn't find anything wrong in pursuing my dreams. Fame was my goal, I would have chased my ambitions until I climbed to the top, and if the Black Raven Hill could clear my way, I would have presented myself at its gate.

      What would I have found behind?

      Only time could have told, but surely, what I was about to discover would have changed my life completely, destroying all my certainties.


      It was late at night; I was driving with my heart madly beating in my chest. Sure, I was excited but, also unnerved by a sense of restlessness. I was following the old road that would have led me straight to the Black Raven Hill, that was the only possible passage and the asphalt, illuminated by my headlights seemed spotless, clearly almost none was passing there.

      Apart from the Winterbournes.

      «I still don't get how you have managed to drag me till there», Josh complained, all pale, while he couldn't stop biting his nails.

      I took a glance at him, I felt a bit sorry, he was scared to death.

      «I've just asked you to come along and you have accepted. You shouldn't have come», I replied clutching my lips.

      His dark eyes posed on me, but he said nothing, he just kept looking at me with a sad expression, like a puppy in need of cuddles.

      I was absolutely grateful for what he was doing, but maybe I shouldn't have involved him.

      I pulled over on the left and I turned the car off.

      «What are you doing?» he asked confused.

      I unfastened my seatbelt and I was opening the door.

      «We get out, we walk forward. I don’t want anyone to hear us coming.»

      My best friend swallowed, but he did not oppose any resistance and he got out the car.

      I looked at the sky, it was extremely dark and it was like the forest engulfed us completely. Not even street lamps were enlightening our way.

      I found all this unreal.

      Josh was gazing in every direction, paying attention to every single noise, he was breathing heavily and his hands were closed in fists.

      I inhaled slowly and tried to look resolute to his eyes. I was, but that place was giving me goosebumps too. That gloomy atmosphere that was embracing everything was certainly to blame.

      I took the smartphone from my jeans' pocket and turned on the torch mode. The camera flash appeared, I pointed it in front of me and I started walking the last meters that kept us from the mansion.

      We walked silently and watchfully without saying any word, until the road made us turn to the left, where a dirt path was taking in front of the entrance gate.

      It was huge, thick black metal bars soared upward culminating in pointed quills.

      A sign on the right reported the surname “Winterbourne” written in gothic characters.

      I illuminated it with my phone. Nothing else was written.

      «What would you do now?» Josh whispered looking beyond the gate.


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