Black Blood. Dyvina Sollena

Black Blood - Dyvina Sollena

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      From the distance, the dark shape of the mansion was really intimidating.

      There were some lights, breaking that darkness impetuously and making the sight even more spectral.

      I had brought a pair of binoculars; it was an indispensable and very useful tool: being a journalist sometimes led you behaving like a stalker.

      I lifted them looking through.

      The complete absence of light around made difficult distinguishing the shapes. I could see three enlightened windows. Beyond the walls, the house was surrounded by a vast garden.

      It was like being in another world.

      That old manor was hidden and protected.

      I lowered the binoculars and I tried moving the gate. Obviously, it was closed.

      «What the hell are you doing?» broke down Josh grabbing my shoulders.

      I turned to him biting my lip.

      «I want to get in, I need to get closer.»

      «But what's in your head, Reb? Let's get away immediately», he protested.

      I looked at the walls that were mingling with the vegetation, they were not so tall, the gate was way taller. I could have climbed and then get down on the other side, helping myself with some branches.

      «I can overtake the walls, I'll be careful», I said studying the environment that was around me.

      I approached a tree with a thick and wrinkled trunk. If I managed to reach the first branch, then the game would have been easy. I tried to jump and grab it, but I failed.

      My best friend reached me with a burst and he took me from an arm.

      «Stop it Reb! This is not a good idea. Let's go», he went on worried.

      «Help me reaching that point over there. I won't do anything reckless, I promise», I told him with candy eyes.

      He pursed his lips hesitating for a long while, but finally agreed. He intertwined his fingers and crouched enough to lift me. I leaned on his shoulders and settled a foot on his hands. With strength he gave me a good swing by which I could reach the branch. I lifted myself up being careful with every movement. From there I continued on a higher level until I reached the walls. They were so massive that once I stood up, I was really not afraid of falling.

      I swallowed while starring at the house.

      What secrets are hidden in there?

      My stomach tightened with a slight anguish. But I couldn’t walk away, I had no intention.

      I got down on the other side, looking carefully where to put my feet, I had to jump a few meters before touching the ground. Getting back would have been more difficult, I should've found a different way.

      «Are you ok?» Josh was in front of the gate, as worried as I had never seen him.

      «Yes, everything is fine. It won't take me too long, I just look around », I reassured him smiling.

      I saw him bringing his hands to his head, but I didn't pay this any more attention.

      Slowly I headed towards the huge gothic building.

      The dirt road was pursuing inside the garden, a big fountain was standing half way with a circular tub. In the middle a squared column was rising, it was all carved, culminating with four gargoyles on each side. It was all empty, as water hadn't been there for ages.

      Some luxury cars were parked all around the sculpture. I could count three, looking all the same. I went on.

      When I reached the mansion, I tried to stay away from the few enlightened windows. Once more I turned on the smartphone's torch, hoping to find some interesting details.

      All was quiet, the wind whispered gently weaving the manicured grass that I was stepping on.

      I put my hand on a wall. The contact with that cold stone made me shiver deep down my spine.

      What if those stories were true?

      I closed my eyes repressing that thought. I didn't believe those foolish things. I was just been influenced by the situation.

      A rustle on my back made my hair stand on end. The breathing became more intense and my heart almost exploded in my chest.

      «Brave of you... Rebecca.»

      I whirled around, ending starring inside two big, strangely bright eyes. They were different one from the other, the first of a delicate light blue, the other violet.

      I bit my lower lip while panic took away all my rational way of thinking.

      Those eyes were familiar, I had always found them attractive, but creepy in a same way.

      «We were together in high school, remember?»

      «Yes, of course, Sebastian», I answered gaining back a bit of my lucidity.

      I had to find an excuse, something to justify my presence in his property. I should have listened to Josh. Thirsty or not, I came in their home with no permission: that was housebreaking.

      Damn! I am always so impulsive

      Sebastian settled his raven tuft that was on his eyes and looked at me passing the tongue on his fleshy lips.

      I felt paralyzed.

      «What is the reason for your visit, Rebecca? We don’t usually have guests, let alone late at night», he said, shortening the distance in between us.

      I swallowed the lump out in my throat and I felt overwhelmed by its intense and wild scent. He had a hoarse voice, deep and vibrant. I didn't remember it like that, maybe I hadn't even heard him speaking at all.

      He was always on his own at school, kept away from everyone, nobody got closed to him, it was like he didn't exist.

      I thought that was sad, but it didn't seem to bother him.

      But right now, the one in front of me was no more a kid, he was a man, the heir of the Winterbournes.

      I shook my head repeatedly and I squeezed my lips. I felt terribly embarrassed and caught in a foul.

      «My dog ran away. I am afraid she walked down your property, I wanted to take her back», I replied in a faint voice.

      What a terrible excuse is that?

      I scolded myself. I was never good in improvising and I had nothing better to say.

      «I don't remember you had a dog, Rebecca», he pressed me.

      The way he pronounced my name was giving me chills, nobody called me like that. I was Reb to everyone and hearing my name that way was shaking me, giving me strange feelings.

      «Well, it is Hanna's dog : Beck's», I corrected.

      How could he know?

      At least, my best friend's border collie existed for real. And it was also very lively. A bitter smile animated his face.

      «I see, and are you often taking Beck's around here in the middle of the night?»

      I wanted to leave, getting rid of him and his arrogance as soon as possible. He was making me uncomfortable.

      «I suffer from insomnia and such a badly idea came to my mind. That's it» I hissed a little more firmly. Even if his presence was making me feel dizzy, he wouldn't have succeeded in putting me in trouble.

      «Interesting, Rebecca.»


      His words were flowing so slowly and the sound of his voice was almost hypnotic. I didn't want to be overwhelmed by him.

      He watched me carefully, I almost felt stripped under his gaze. He paused on the binoculars. I feared one of those questions to whom is hard giving an explanation.

      «I should leave now,

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