An Account of the Late Improvements in Galvanism. Giovanni Aldini

An Account of the Late Improvements in Galvanism - Giovanni Aldini

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on my return to Italy. Some philosophers, indeed, had conceived the idea of producing contractions in a frog without metals; and ingenious methods proposed by my uncle Galvani induced me to pay attention to the subject, in order that I might attain to greater simplicity. He made me sensible of the importance of the experiment, and therefore I was long ago inspired with a desire of discovering that interesting process. It will be seen in the Opuscoli of Milan, that I shewed publicly, to the Institute of Bologna, contractions in a frog without the aid of metals, so far back as the year 1794. The experiment, as described in a memoir addressed to M. Amorotti, is as follows: “I immersed a prepared frog in a strong solution of muriate of soda. I then took it from the solution, and, holding one extremity of it in my hand, I suffered the other to hang freely down. While in this situation, I raised up the nerves with a small glass rod, in such a manner that they did not touch the muscles. I then suddenly removed the glass rod, and every time that the spinal marrow and nerves touched the muscular parts, contractions were excited. Any idea of a stimulus arising either from the action of the salt, or from the impulse produced by the fall of the nerves, may be easily removed. Nothing will be necessary but to apply the same nerves to the muscles of another prepared frog, not in a Galvanic circle; for, in this case, neither the salt, nor the impulse even if more violent, will produce muscular motion.


      The Commissioners of the French National Institute remarked, that, in order to give the greatest precision possible to these experiments, it would be necessary to insulate entirely the nervous and muscular systems. For this purpose, I applied these parts to each other by means of glass rods, and each time they were brought into contact I obtained muscular contractions. The case was the same when an animal arc was applied to two insulated frogs: contractions were produced in them both. The apparatus employed for this purpose may be seen in Plate I. fig. 5 and 6.


      Having prepared a frog according to the usual method, I cut one of its crural nerves in such a manner that the trunk was united to the spinal marrow by means of the other nerve, which remained uncut, and also by a blood-vessel contiguous and parallel to the cut nerve. I then repeated the above experiment; and, though only one nerve was in contact with the muscles, I obtained the same results.


      A ligature was placed loosely around the middle of the crural nerves, and one of these nerves at the ligature applied to the corresponding muscles: strong contractions ensued; which, however, did not take place, when the ligature was drawn tight, at the insertion of the nerves into the muscles of the thigh.

      The heterogeneity of metals contributes, in a great degree, to excite muscular contractions with more facility, but is not absolutely necessary to their production.

      This proposition I could demonstrate in a direct manner, by means of experiments, which I published formerly, on the contractions excited by very pure mercury, and which were repeated, in different ways, by the celebrated Humboldt. I am, however, happy to have an opportunity of examining the influence of arming with heterogeneous substances; and I shall endeavour to prove that it cannot, of itself, produce the effect of muscular contractions.


      If several prepared frogs, ten or more for example, be placed on a table (Plate I. fig. 7.), and arranged parallel to each other, in such a manner that the whole system of the nerves shall be at one end, and that of the muscles at the other—on applying two armatures and a metallic arc to the first of these frogs, muscular convulsions will be immediately excited, not only in the first frog, but in all the rest.


      If the experiment be repeated with the frogs arranged in such a manner that the spinal marrow and muscles are not each at one end (Plate I. fig. 8.), but disposed alternately so that the spinal marrow of one touches sometimes the muscles of another, or vice versa, convulsions will then be produced only in some of the frogs, and not in the whole series. This experiment proves that the effect does not, in any manner, depend on the action of metals; because metallic electricity in the first experiment ought to exercise an action only on the first frog, and not on the rest; and, in the second, ought to cause them all to move together, or to leave them motionless.

      I shall now proceed to those experiments which appear to be best calculated to support the opinion of the great analogy between electricity and Galvanism.

      The Leyden flask, the Voltaic pile, and animal substances, have the faculty of absorbing principles from the atmospheric air in an insulated plenum.


      By means of a metallic point, I electrified the interior side of a glass jar, which I inverted and placed on a plate of metal, so as to form an insulated plenum. In a little time, I saw the water rise in the glass several lines; and I then flattered myself with the hopes of obtaining some remarkable effects by another method.


      I provided for this experiment a Leyden flask, seven inches in height and about three in diameter, coated in the usual manner with tin foil: the exterior end of the wire terminated in a sharp point, so that the electric fluid which escaped from it could easily combine with the principles of the atmospheric air, with which it had a greater affinity. I then electrified the jar, and covered it with a glass receiver of such a size that its electricity could not be weakened by the sides of the latter. I thus formed an insulated plenum, and at the end of half an hour I saw the water ascend in the receiver in a very sensible manner.


      Having made the wire to terminate, not in a point, but in a metallic knob, as usual, I again charged the jar, and having placed it under a common receiver, at the end of about half an hour I found that the elevation of the water was much greater. To remove every suspicion that this might arise from the water employed in the preceding experiment, to insulate the plenum, I substituted mercury in its stead; and though the elevations were less, they were, however, analogous to those which had been observed a little before with water. By repeating this experiment with a similar jar, not electrified, one may be easily convinced, that the elevation of the water in the bell ought not to be ascribed to a difference in the temperature of the air within it.


      I placed under a bell-glass, forming an insulated plenum, a pile consisting of fifty plates of silver and zinc. Next morning I observed that the water had risen some inches, indicating that a great absorption of air had taken place. Having then introduced a taper into the receiver, it was immediately extinguished. The pile, without being arranged anew, was placed under the same receiver; and on forming an insulated plenum, I observed, after twenty-four hours had elapsed, a sensible absorption of air. A taper was then introduced, and I obtained the same result. I replaced the pile under the receiver, and found, on the third and following days, that the pile retained its moisture, so that till the tenth day it gave analogous results. I repeated the same experiment with oxygen gas, and found, six days after, that the water in the bell had risen a foot.


      The same results may be obtained without employing large piles and large receivers. In general, it will be sufficient to arrange, in alternate strata, some plates of heterogeneous metals. If two plates of copper and zinc be placed under a bell an inch and a half in diameter, and three inches in height, and if an insulated plenum be then formed, two days after the water will have risen about half an inch. Having repeated the experiment with different metals, I found that a greater or less absorption of air had taken place, according to the difference of their nature and combination. This inspired me with the idea of making a series of experiments with different metals; and I hope to be able, at some future period, to form a table of the different heights of the fluid, which may serve to determine how far they are respectively susceptible of oxidation. However, to ascertain the oxidation of metals with precision, pieces of coin mixed with alloy ought not to be employed. Pure metals, formed into small piles, must be subjected to observation, and ought to be placed under equal bells, at the same temperature

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