An Account of the Late Improvements in Galvanism. Giovanni Aldini

An Account of the Late Improvements in Galvanism - Giovanni Aldini

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modified by the animal organization. For my part, until their identity be proved by further researches, I shall be contented with admitting that there is a great analogy between them.

      But leaving these questions, the discussion of which might be premature, it will be better to deduce general corollaries from the series of experiments already detailed.


      It is found that there is a real attraction between certain parts of animals; and this tends to confirm the idea of a sort of atmosphere peculiar to parts of animals, as has been suggested by Humboldt. By these means it will perhaps be one day possible to explain, with less difficulty, the correspondence of some sensations in the animal machine.


      The action of Galvanism on the aëriform fluids may serve to explain its influence over the animal fluids by the oxidation of the humours, and other phænomena which hitherto have been explained only in a hypothetical manner.


      Fishes, and several amphibious animals which live under water, sometimes approach the surface on certain changes of the atmosphere. When the before-mentioned experiments on the Galvanic atmosphere are considered, we may easily explain, why those changes which take place in distant parts of the atmosphere are communicated to the element in which these animals reside.


      It has been ascertained, that water saturated with salts, and in particular with muriate of soda, contributes a great deal to increase the effects of Galvanism. It is well known also, that fishes, as compared with other animals, possess a very high degree of vitality; and hence we have reason to admire the wisdom of nature in making the sea, which is destined for the abode of fishes, to be abundantly saturated with muriate of soda.


      As Galvanism possesses great activity in chemical decompositions, it cannot remain in a state of inaction; but must necessarily produce great changes in the animal fluids and functions.


      This principle, to which some of the grand operations of nature have been entrusted, is not hypothetical; since it has been proved, that as there is a metallic arc and a metallic pile in the mineral kingdom, there is also an animal arc and an animal circle in the animal kingdom; which may one day throw great light on the progress of medicine, and be productive of considerable benefit to the human race.

       Table of Contents


      To conduct an energetic fluid to the general seat of all impressions; to distribute its influence to the different parts of the nervous and muscular systems; to continue, revive, and, if I may be allowed the expression, to command the vital powers; such are the objects of my researches, and such the advantages which I purpose to derive from the action of Galvanism.

      The discovery of the Galvanic pile by the celebrated Volta has served as a guide to enable me to obtain the most interesting results; and to these I have been conducted by numerous researches and a long series of experiments. I have examined the whole range of nature, and the grand family of animals has afforded me the means of making observations, highly interesting to physiology, on the whole œconomy of the vital powers. My experiments on this subject I shall divide into two Sections.

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