Life on a Mediaeval Barony. William Stearns Davis

Life on a Mediaeval Barony - William Stearns Davis

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A Hunter " 63 The Stag Hunt " 66 Coiffure of a Noblewoman " 71 Cradle " 81 A King in the Twelfth Century Wearing Pellison " 90 Wreath Made of Metal Flowers Sewed on Braid " 91 Felt Shoe " 93 Winter Costume in the Twelfth Century " 94 Headdress of a Man " 95 Costume of a Nobleman " 96 Coiffure of a Woman " 97 A Royal Marriage in the Thirteenth Century " 99 Cooks " 114 Pork Butchers (Bourges) " 115 Servants Bringing the Food to the Table " 123 Young Girls of the Nobility Serving at the Table " 126 A Feast of Ceremony in the Twelfth Century Facing p. 128 Small Portable Organ of the Thirteenth Century Page 132 Acrobats Page 134 Dancer of the Twelfth Century " 137 Thirteenth-century Harp " 139 Listening to a Trouvère in a Château of the Thirteenth Century Facing p. 140 Banner of the Thirteenth Century Page 147 The Coat of Arms of the Dukes of Bretagne (Thirteenth Century) " 148 Seal of the Duke Jean of Bretagne (Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries) " 149 Homage in the Twelfth Century Facing p. 156 Costume of a Nobleman (Thirteenth Century) Page 177 Gothic Writing " 179 A Teacher Holding a Ferule in His Hand " 180 Maneuvering with a Lance in the Thirteenth Century " 185 A Knight at the End of the Thirteenth Century " 190 German Helmets of the Thirteenth Century " 192 A Thirteenth-century Shield " 193 Thirteenth-century Swords " 194 Horse Trappings " 196 A Knight of the Thirteenth Century " 198 A Thirteenth-century Knight " 199 A Thirteenth-century Knight " 200 A Beggar " 201 A Tournament in the Twelfth Century Facing p. 214 Knightly Combat on Foot Page 219 A Combat in the Twelfth Century " 221 A Catapult "
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