The Grammar of English Grammars. Goold Brown

The Grammar of English Grammars - Goold Brown

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      "From his fond parent's eye a tear-drop fell."—Snelling's Gift for Scribblers, p. 43.

      [FORMULE—Not proper, because the word tear-drop, which has never any other than a full accent on the first syllable, is here compounded with the hyphen. But, according to Rule 6th, "When a compound has but one accented syllable in pronunciation, and the parts are such as admit of a complete coalescence, no hyphen should be inserted between them." Therefore, teardrop should be made a close compound.]

      "How great, poor jack-daw, would thy sufferings be!"—Ib., p. 29. "Placed like a scare-crow in a field of corn."—Ib., p. 39. "Soup for the alms-house at a cent a quart."—Ib., p. 23. "Up into the watch-tower get, and see all things despoiled of fallacies."—DONNE: Johnson's Dict., w. Lattice. "In the day-time she sitteth in a watchtower, and flieth most by night."—BACON: ib., w. Watchtower. "In the daytime Fame sitteth in a watch-tower, and flieth most by night."—ID.: ib., w. Daytime. "The moral is the first business of the poet, as being the ground-work of his instruction."—DRYDEN: ib., w. Moral. "Madam's own hand the mouse-trap baited."—PRIOR: ib., w. Mouse-trap. "By the sinking of the air-shaft the air hath liberty to circulate."—RAY: ib., w. Airshaft. "The multiform and amazing operations of the air-pump and the loadstone."—WATTS: ib., w. Multiform. "Many of the fire-arms are named from animals."—Ib., w. Musket. "You might have trussed him and all his apparel into an eel-skin."—SHAK.: ib., w. Truss. "They may serve as land-marks to shew what lies in the direct way of truth."—LOCKE: ib., w. Landmark. "A pack-horse is driven constantly in a narrow lane and dirty road."—Id. ib., w. Lane. "A mill-horse, still bound to go in one circle."—SIDNEY: ib., w. Mill-horse. "Of singing birds they have linnets, goldfinches, ruddocks, Canary-birds, black-birds, thrushes, and divers others."—CAREW: ib., w. Goldfinch. "Of singing birds, they have linnets, gold-finches, blackbirds, thrushes, and divers others."—ID.: ib., w. Blackbird. "Of singing birds, they have linnets, gold-finches, ruddocks, canary birds, blackbirds, thrushes, and divers other."—ID.: ib., w. Canary bird. "Cartrage, or Cartridge, a case of paper or parchment filled with gun-powder."—Johnson's Dict., 4to.

      "Deep night, dark night, the silent of the night,

       The time of night when Troy was set on fire,

       The tune when screech-owls cry, and ban-dogs howl."

       SHAKSPEARE: ib., w. Silent.

      "The time when screech-owls cry, and bandogs howl."

       IDEM.: ib., w. Bandog.



      "They that live in glass-houses, should not throw stones."—Old Adage. "If a man profess Christianity in any manner or form soever."—Watts, p. 5. "For Cassius is a weary of the world."—SHAKSPEARE: in Kirkham's Elocution, p. 67. "By the coming together of more, the chains were fastened on."—Walker's Particles, p. 223. "Unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month."—Jer., i, 3. "And the goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad."—Numbers, xxxiv, 8. "And the goings out of it shall be at Hazar-enan."—Ib., ver. 9. "For the taking place of effects, in a certain particular series."—Dr. West, on Agency, p. 39. "The letting go of which was the occasion of all that corruption."—Dr. J. Owen. "A falling off at the end always hurts greatly."—Blair's Lect., p. 126. "A falling off at the end is always injurious."—Jamieson's Rhetoric, p. 127. "As all holdings forth were courteously supposed to be trains of reasoning."—Dr. Murray's Hist. of Europ. Lang., Vol. i, p. 333. "Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."—Micah, v, 2. "Some times the adjective becomes a substantive."—Bradley's Gram., p. 104. "It is very plain, I consider man as visited a new."—Barclay's Works, Vol. iii, p. 331. "Nor do I any where say, as he falsely insinuates."—Ib., p. 331. "Every where, any where, some where, no where."—Alex. Murray's Gram., p. 55. "The world hurries off a pace, and time is like a rapid river."—Collier's Antoninus, p. 58. "But to now model the paradoxes of ancient skepticism."—Brown's Estimate, Vol. i, p. 102. "The south east winds from the ocean invariably produce rain."—Webster's Essays, p. 369. "North west winds from the high lands produce cold clear weather."—Ib. "The greatest part of such tables would be of little use to English men."—Priestley's Gram., p. 155. "The ground floor of the east wing of Mulberry street meeting house was filled."—The Friend, vii, 232. "Prince Rupert's Drop. This singular production is made at the glass houses."—Red Book, p. 131.

      "The lights and shades, whose well accorded strife

       Gives all the strength and colour of our life."

      —Murray's Gram., p. 54; Fisk's, 65.


      "In the twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah did Zimri reign seven days in Tirzah."—1 Kings, xvi, 15. "In the thirty and first year of Asa king of Judah, began Omri to reign over Israel."—Ib., xvi, 23. "He cannot so deceive himself as to fancy that he is able to do a rule of three sum."—Foreign Quarterly Review. "The best cod are those known under the name of Isle of Shoals dun fish."—Balbi's Geog., p. 26. "The soldiers, with down cast eyes, seemed to beg for mercy."—Goldsmith's Greece, Vol. ii, p. 142. "His head was covered with a coarse worn out piece of cloth."—Ib., p. 124. "Though they had lately received a reinforcement of a thousand heavy armed Spartans."—Ib., p. 38. "But he laid them by unopened; and, with a smile, said, 'Business to morrow.'"—Ib., p. 7. "Chester monthly meeting is held at Moore's town, the third day following the second second day."—The Friend, Vol. vii, p. 124. "Eggharbour monthly meeting is held the first second day."—Ib., p. 124. "Little Egg Harbour Monthly Meeting is held at Tuckerton on the second fifth day in each month."—Ib., p. 231. "At three o'clock, on first day morning the 24th of eleventh month, 1834," &c.—Ib., p. 64. "In less than one-fourth part of the time usually devoted."—Kirkham's Gram., p. 4. "The pupil will not have occasion to use it one-tenth part as much."—Ib., p. 11. "The painter dips his paint brush in paint, to paint the carriage."—Ib., p. 28. "In an ancient English version of the New-Testament."—Ib., p. 74. "The little boy was bare headed."—Red Book, p. 36. "The man, being a little short sighted, did not immediately know him."—Ib., p. 40. "Picture frames are gilt with gold."—Ib., p. 44. "The park keeper killed one of the deer."—Ib., p. 44. "The fox was killed near the brick kiln."—Ib., p. 46. "Here comes Esther, with her milk pail."—Ib., p. 50. "The cabinet maker would not tell us."—Ib., p. 60. "A fine thorn hedge extended along the edge of the hill."—Ib., p. 65. "If their private interests should be ever so little affected."—Ib., p. 73. "Unios are fresh water shells, vulgarly called fresh water clams."—Ib., p. 102.

      "Did not each poet mourn his luckless doom,

       Jostled by pedants out of elbow room."—Lloyd, p. 163.


      "The captive hovers a-while upon the sad remains."—PRIOR: in Johnson's Dict., w. Hover. "Constantia saw that the hand writing agreed with the contents of the letter."—ADDISON: ib., w. Hand. "They have put me in a silk night-gown, and a gaudy fool's cap."—ID.: ib., w. Nightgown. "Have you no more manners than to rail at Hocus, that has saved that clod-pated, numskull'd ninnyhammer of yours from ruin, and all his family?"—ARBUTHNOT: ib., w. Ninnyhammer. "A noble, that is, six, shillings and eightpence, is, and usually hath been paid."—BACON: ib., w. Noble. "The king of birds thick feather'd and with full-summed wings, fastened his talons east and west."—HOWELL: ib., w. Full-summed. "To morrow. This is an idiom of the same kind, supposing morrow to mean originally morning: as, to night, to day."—Johnson's Dict., 4to. "To-day goes away and to-morrow comes."—Id., ib., w. Go, No. 70. "Young children, who are try'd

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