A Manual of Ancient History. M. E. Thalheimer

A Manual of Ancient History - M. E. Thalheimer

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marks of idolatry, rebuilt the Temple, discovered the Book of the Law, and renewed the celebration of the Passover. The Scythians invaded Palestine. Josiah was slain in the battle of Megiddo, and his sons became vassals of Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar subdued both Egypt and Palestine, captured Jerusalem, and transported two successive kings and the mass of the people to Babylon.


       Book I.—Part I.

1. What are the sources of historical information? §§ 1–4.
2. Describe the character and movements of the three families of the sons of Noah. 5, 6.
3. Into what periods may history be divided? 7, 8.
4. Name six primeval monarchies in Western Asia.
5. What were the distinguishing features of the Chaldæan Monarchy? 26.
6. Name the principal Assyrian kings of the Second Period. 29–31.
7. Who was Semiramis? 30.
8. Describe the founder of the Lower Assyrian Empire. 32.
9. What memorials exist of Sargon? 32.
Describe the career of Sennacherib. 33.
11. What was the condition of Assyria under Asshur-bani-pal? 34.
12. What under his son? 35.
13. What was the early history of Media? 37, 38.
14. What of Phraortes? 39.
15. Describe the reign of Cyaxares. 40, 41.
16. The character of the Babylonians. 43, 44.
17. The career of Merodach-baladan. 45.
18. The empire of Nabopolassar. 46.
19. The conquests and reverses of the greatest Babylonian monarch. 47–52.
20. The decline and fall of Babylon. 53, 54.
21. Relate the whole history of Lydia. 58, 59.
22. Describe the Phœnician cities and their commerce. 61–64.
23. To what four kingdoms were they successively subject? 66–68.
24. Describe the religion of the Phœnicians. 69, 70.
25. What were the divisions of Syria Proper? 71, 72.
26. Describe the rise of the Jewish nation. 73, 74.
27. Their conquest of Palestine. 76, 77.
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