A Journey Through France in War Time. Joseph G. Butler

A Journey Through France in War Time - Joseph G. Butler

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      It is intended to include all the industries of the United States concerned in French trade under the following classifications:

I. Prime Movers: (Steam, Gas and Oil Engines; Pumping Engines, Steam and Hydraulic, Turbines, Condensers, Generators and all other adjuncts.) Heavy Machinery: (Rolling Mills, Iron and Steel Products, etc.)
II. Machine-Tools, Wire, Transmission and Textile Machinery.
III. Milling Machinery: (Flour and Saw Mills; Cement, Milling, Smelting, Agricultural and Road Machinery.)
IV. Electrical Apparatus.
V. Transportation: (Locomotives, Cars, Naval Vessels, etc.)
VI. Importers: (Textile, including Laces; Dry-Goods of all kinds; Porcelains, Groceries and Wines; Toys.)
VII. Synthetic Products based on chemical processes; Chemicals, Explosives, etc.
VIII. Bankers.
IX. Factory Architects, Engineers and Contractors.


      Commissioners of broad experience in their respective lines will be chosen—men of national reputation who will lend dignity and standing to the enterprise and guarantee a result both conclusive and effective.


      With the co-operation of the French authorities an itinerary has been tentatively prepared covering the principal industrial cities and sections of France and consuming, together with ocean passages approximately 60 days. A definite program is being arranged with the cordial aid of French chambers of commerce and the great economical associations in the localities to be visited, and this work is now proceeding with the authority and full approval of the French Government. Railway and other transportation throughout France will be provided for the American Commission by the Government. The proposed visit has aroused intense interest on every side, and extensive plans have been made for the reception and instructive entertainment of the American delegation.


      One of the commissioners will be appointed to take general charge of the Commission on behalf of the American Export Association and it will be the duty of this representative to collaborate with the French authorities, appointed for this purpose, in the consummation of plans; to assume executive charge of the work of the Commission; and to organize the details necessary to the preparation of the official report to be issued for the full benefit of American industry.

      To insure absolute regularity and efficiency of progress the Commission as a body, will be subject to this Commissioner General.

      My connection as a member of the Commission came about through the suggestion made to Mr. E. M. Herr, by Mr. James A. Farrell, President of the United States Steel Corporation, Mr. E. A. S. Clarke, President of the Lackawanna Steel Company, and Mr. Willis Larimer King, Vice-president of The Jones & Laughlin Steel Company.

      I was not the first choice, however, as a number of gentlemen had been previously considered and had either declined the honor or had been eliminated from the list of candidates. The pressure upon me from numerous friends in the steel business to accept the task was persistent and continuous, and upon receipt of a telegram from Mr. Farrell, telling me, within a week of the proposed sailing of the Commission, that if I did not accept, the great iron and steel industries of the United States would be unrepresented, the matter was settled and I decided that it was due to my fellow manufacturers, many of whom had been kind to me over a long period of time and who had helped me in many ways, that I should accept the position. I notified Mr. Herr to that effect just one week prior to the date of sailing.

      [Illustration: The Author's Passport.]

      I had intended to take an active part in the political campaign pending and such a trip involved keen disappointment in this connection, as I felt that a change of the administration was necessary for the best interests of the country. I had voted for every Republican president from Lincoln to Taft and wanted very much to be somewhat instrumental in the election of Mr. Hughes.

      The McKinley Birthplace Memorial needed my attention, as well as other matters of a public nature, to say nothing about the various business enterprises in which I am still active.

      All these obligations were temporarily abandoned and hurried preparations were made for the long and, as thought by many, dangerous journey.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents


HE French Line was selected by the sponsor for the trip as being the safest route and somewhat as a compliment to the French nation. Passage was engaged for the entire party on the Lafayette, booked to sail from New York, August 26th, 1916, at 3 P. M., destination, the French Port Bordeaux.

      I reached New York Friday morning, August 25th, and immediately set about getting my passport properly vised by the French Consul. This was accomplished with less difficulty than one would imagine and the precious document finally made ready.

      A luncheon was given the Commission at the Hotel Biltmore at noon by Mr. E. M. Herr, which gave the members their first opportunity to become somewhat acquainted. Addresses were made by Mr. Herr and others connected with the launching of the enterprise. We were told to be neutral, and this was emphasized by the chairman from the day of sailing until the journey was over. I received this admonition with a decided mental reservation. It impressed me as being incongruous and entirely out of place for a delegation of Americans to plan a visit to France and not be in accord with that sorely stricken people. It occurred to me also, then and there, that if the Commission expected to accomplish its object it would be necessary to show a genuine sympathy with the Allied cause, and I acted on this theory during the entire journey. A majority of the members cherished the same sentiments, which most of them managed to conceal with more or less success.

      Arriving at the dock of the Compagne General Transatlantique, soon after noon on Saturday, August 26th, an inspection of the luggage was made. This was a tedious and thorough process, requiring the unpacking and repacking of all the contents of the trunks and valises, thereby insuring the absence of dynamite, bombs and other destructive material. Numerous devoted friends were on hand to say good bye and "bon voyage", but they were permitted only on the dock.

      Passports were carefully examined by a group of inspectors and the voyagers were permitted to go on board the waiting steamer.

      The members of the Commission were next grouped together, photographed and motion-pictured, thus beginning the publicity considered necessary for the success of the enterprise.

      The departure of the Lafayette was a stirring affair. Promptly at three o'clock P. M. the vessel moved away from her moorings, amidst the din of the band, the waving of flags, the whir of the movie machine, the blowing of whistles and the cheers of friends of the passengers.

      Soon after sailing the members of the Commission were formally introduced to each other and, strange

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