Harry Harrison - Weltenbummler und Witzbold. Hardy Kettlitz

Harry Harrison - Weltenbummler und Witzbold - Hardy Kettlitz

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»The Finest Hunter in the World«

       »The Pad: a Story of the Day After Tomorrow«

       »American Dead«

       »Brave Newer World«


       »The Defensive Bomber«

       »The Mothballed Spaceship«

       »An Honest Day’s Work«

       »Space Rats of the CCC«

       »Speed of the Cheetah, Roar of the Lion«

       »Run from the Fire«

       »The Greening of the Green«

       The Best of Harry Harrison

       7. – Die Achtzigerjahre

       7.1 – Zu den Sternen




       To the Stars

       7.2 – Als die Erde besetzt wurde

       Invasion: Earth

       7.3 – Neues von Stahlratte

       The Stainless Steel Rat for President

       You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat: An Interactive Game Book

       A Stainless Steel Rat is Born

       The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted

       »The Return of the Stainless Steel Rat«

       »The Fourth Law of Robotics«

       7.4 – Im Süden nichts Neues

       Rebel in Time

       7.5 – Die Eden-Trilogie

       West of Eden

       Winter in Eden

       Return to Eden

       7.6 – Weitere Romane

       The QE2 is Missing

       The Jupiter Plague

       7.7 – Erzählungen

       »The Day After the End of the World«

       »A Fragment of Manuscript«

       »The Year 2000 in Birmingham«

       »A Cautionary Story of the EEC«

       »After the Storm«

       »The View from the Top of the Tower«

       »Ni Venos, Doktoro Zamenhof, Ni Venos!«

       »The Curse of the Unborn Living Dead«

       »Luncheon in Budapest«

       »Samson in the Temple of Science«

       8. – Die Neunzigerjahre

       8.1 – Bill als Serie

       Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Robot Slaves

       Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Bottled Brains

       Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Tasteless Pleasure

       Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Ten Thousand Bars

       Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Zombie Vampires

       Bill, the Galactic Hero: the Final Incoherent Adventure

       8.2 – Die Turing-Option

       The Turing Option

       8.3 – Hammer und Kreuz

       The Hammer and the Cross

       One King’s Way

       King and Emperor

       Warriors of the Way

       8.4 – Stahlratte

       »The Golden Years of the Stainless Steel Rat«

       Stainless Steel Visions

       The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues

       The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell

       The Stainless Steel Rat Joins the Circus

       The Stainless Steel Rat Returns

       8.5 – Erzählungen

       »Dawn of the Endless Night«

       »Bill, the Galactic Hero’s Happy Holiday«

       Galactic Dreams

       »A Dog and His Boy«

       »The Road to the Year 3000«

       8.6 – Neue Todeswelten

       9. – Die letzten Werke

       9.1 – Stars and Stripes

       Stars and Stripes Forever!

       Stars and Stripes in Peril

       Stars and Stripes Triumphant

       9.2 – Die Werkschau

       50 in 50

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