SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES. Christianne Van Keuren

SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren

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can’t speak truthfully of what I cannot attest to.” But in his heart Tobias knew the fool was besotted with her, as well as her skills.

      “I’m not really sure I want to help him. The more I hear, the more I don’t like.”

      “That, my dear, is the smartest thing I’ve heard since last night from your Major, but you keep that, your family and our conversation buried as deep as possible. I intend to.”

      “My plan is to get back to my family.”

      “And I promised your husband that I will help you accomplish that if it costs me my dying breath.”


      Tobias cut her off with a wave of his hand indicating that the conversation was over. As he turned his attention to the trail in front of them. Mattea took his queue and did the same.

      Chapter Nine

      NALAS must have sensed that Tobias and Mattea were on their way back as his mood lightened slightly, but definitely not focused on what he needed to do. He wanted to be out by the top stone garrett on the front side of the mountain watching for Tobias’ arrival.

      It was the unfortunate duty of a young soldier to come to the sentry post to remind him of a meeting with his high command. They had been waiting for over an hour. He could have cared less, but still gave the young man extra guard duty for interrupting him.

      His mood and actions were not missed by many and intentionally ignored by all except the Wargi sorcerer. He growled to himself as his suspicions seemed about to be confirmed for the real reason why Nalas’ manservant had been sent off on a mission. He knew he wasn’t just being sent to deliver those horses. He also was awaiting Tobias’ return. His wait would be longer as Tobias had already planned on coming in an old, seldom used footpath after stashing the saddles and turning the horses loose. They would avoid the main tunnels. Tobias wanted to avoid the Wargi at all costs upon their return. He knew he couldn’t keep the monster away from Mattea forever, but the longer he could the better. His fears were well warranted, but she was more than capable of taking care of herself; even against the Wargi.

      Once inside he would take her to the female quarters so she could stash her gear amongst the others. Troops had been dispatched so he knew there were beds. Tobias was going to try and sneak up the back way, but Mattea had a better suggestion.

      “We’ll go by the main corridors, because the Wargi will be looking for us in the back hallways.”

      Tobias thought a moment before answering. “That is a splendid plan. Blend in. He won’t be expecting that. No one will question a ranking soldier in the hallways.”

      “No. And he’ll expect us to sneak in the back way, through the lesser used tunnels.” She paused before adding. “Your main purpose in teaching was to teach us to think for ourselves.” She looked at him and smiled. “I think you did a good job.”

      Tobias smiled back appreciatively. In short order Tobias brought them around to the old opening and dismounted. Tobias began pulling the saddle and bridle off the horse, stashing it before slapping him on the rump sending him on his way. Mattea did the same. They both slipped into the dark tunnel and Tobias led her up to the female barracks. Here they would part company, but not before Tobias gave her some instructions.

      “There will be fortress over-tunics on a large rack. Get one and put it over your clothing. I’ll be back in half an hour…less if I’m able. I’ll knock once then twice that I’m back. Talk to no one unless it’s to pass on pleasantries.”

      “And if they ask where I’m from?”

      “From an outlying village. That’s not a lie you’ll have to remember later.”

      Mattea just nodded and slipped into the door, closing it behind her. It didn’t take long to find an empty bunk and footlocker for her things.

      Tobias in the meantime headed for his own chambers, this time taking the back way as his station demanded. No one paid attention to him. He dumped his gear and went to find Nalas. If he was true to form, Nalas would be in the conference room with his commanders, but since his obsession with Mattea, he was never really sure anymore.

      Today he got lucky, Nalas was where he should be. Tobias stood in the doorway waiting for the guard to inform Nalas he was back. Nalas had his back to the door and Tobias saw the peevish look on his face as he turned around for being interrupted and disrupting the council. The guard looked in Tobias’ direction. Following the direction of his gaze it took him a split second to register who it was. He turned so quickly on his heel that he banged into the guard almost knocking him to the floor in his haste. He started across the room quickly before he stopped, drew a large breath concerted effort to slow himself down and try not to appear too eager. With barely controlled movements he walked the remaining distance to Tobias.

      “Did you return with what I requested?”

      “Yes, Lord Nalas.”

      “Where?” Nalas spat out louder than he wanted as heads turned in their direction.

      Nalas cleared his throat as he tried to gain control of his emotions and spoke, his voice more subdued. “Where?” His face expectant.

      Tobias held up his hand, pointing at the table full of generals as he spoke in a hushed whisper. “Waiting for me to retrieve it.”

      Nalas’ eyes darted back at the table. “Bring…bring it to my chambers.”

      Tobias fidgeted a moment annoying Nalas.

      “What?” Again, raising his voice. A couple of the guards started in his direction, Nalas waved them off before lowering his voice to a harsh whisper. “What?”

      “Might I suggest your training field…” Tobias paused. “I don’t think she’ll go to your chambers willingly.” Tobias knew she wouldn’t go willingly at all; in fact; he was pretty sure she would kill anyone who got in her way of leaving.

      “Why would you say that?”

      “She only came because I told her you respect her skills and wished her to be on your private guard.”

      Nalas stared at him for a moment. A look crossed his face as if he just caught Tobias in a lie or secret.

      “I didn’t give you any other impression as to my motives did I?” His voice an angry sputter.

      Tobias was quick on his feet with his answer. “No Lord Nalas you did not. Apologies if I gave you any other impression M’Lord.”

      Nalas glowered, but knew better than to continue on the track the conversation was going or he would attract unwanted attention for any further outbursts. Tobias suddenly became very ignorant and gave him an out by smoothly changing the direction of the conversation for him. He spoke out loud for those that were straining to overhear them.

      “Very good M’Lord. I will do as directed and show the new instructor to the training fields. We will wait for your arrival and further commands.”

      “Yes…yes I will finish up here and be there within the hour.”

      “As you wish M’Lord.” Tobias backed out bowing as Nalas turned back to his generals. Tobias made a beeline for the female barracks. It didn’t take him long as he had learned long ago the shortest side tunnels about the fortress and the longer he could avoid the Wargi the better he liked it.

      Using the signal knock, he rapped on the door. Wary as always she only opened the door a crack, she slid to the wall side of the door frame so no one could swing the door open with force and knock her backwards or pin her behind it. Seeing it was just Tobias she eased the door open a little further.

      Tobias spoke softly, “Get your weaponry. We must go to the training fields.”

      A nod and she disappeared only to reappear quickly with the necessary gear. They slipped silently along the darkened corridors to quickly step on the sandy grounds. An all too familiar crunch

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