SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES. Christianne Van Keuren

SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren

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in an angry cloud. A fiery mass of biting stinging burns on her face and hands. She cursed under her breath as she would be unable to hide the burn marks without some salve and her ability to transform her image. She couldn’t hide wounds in her leathery hide no matter what face she put forth. Ventina had almost entered the smithy, but Vitaria’s growl and the fact that she didn’t want to tear her clothing deterred her from entering. The tiny burns changed her plans for the night as she had been heading for the tavern to find Billy, but now she would have to put her plans on hold. It was an annoying setback, but if Billy saw Vanessa with the burns now and then saw Ventina as her human form with the same burn marks. Scurrying back home, she quickly undressed as she checked her dress for any scorch marks. Seeing none she hung it back up and relaxed to her true form. She busied herself with making a salve to smear on the burns.

      The town had been very busy of late and that was one of the reasons she had passed by the smithy, but Master Peter like the rest of the town had been very careful at concealing all traces of what they were doing. Master Peter had made sure that he put all the weaponry away and anything associated with it. What he left out were the normal things, horseshoes, trace chains for wagons and farming equipment, things he was actually working on in between. None trusted Ventina as they also noted her increased activity at night.

      Ventina went over to where a pot hung over an open fire in the fireplace. Using the pot hook she pulled it towards her and gave it a stir. She took a quick taste. It was ready.

      “Might as well eat.” She said to herself. “A nice big bowl of Harry stew will just hit the spot.” She cackled at her own joke as she settled down to eat.

      Ventina probably wasn’t even home yet when Darius and Vitaria started back.

      “We’d better get back before something is said.” Darius said as he began putting the mail back away in its original spot.

      “Who is worried about being talked about now?” She chided him, poking his ribs for emphasis.

      “Not my reputation. I need to worry about M’Lady.” The sly smile accompanied his sideways glance back at her.

      She made a face, but smiled back as she helped put things away. They walked side by side until they got to the side street that Darius always cut through as a shortcut. He didn’t even say anything, because she must have anticipated what he was thinking. She grabbed his hand and they lightly ran to his backyard. Darius still had a hold of her hand as they walked through the yard. They were heading towards the door when Vitaria tugged on his hand making him stop. Darius looked back at her, a question in his eyes.

      “Something the matter Vitaria?” He asked

      “No…It’s…it’s just that I’ll be up very early, and I wanted to say goodbye for now. Thanks for sharing with me and being a gentleman.”

      “You’re welcome M’Lady.” He said inclining his head. A serious look replaced the smile as he added, “Contrary to how I speak sometimes, I was raised to respect a lady’s wishes and no matter how sweet; and trust me it was a sweet invitation; I won’t take advantage of a situation.”

      Vitaria put her free palm gently upon his cheek. “We will meet again my Young Lord and always know that I will have your back as I know you will have mine.”

      “On that Vitaria you can always count on me.”

      She stood up on tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the cheek before letting go of his hand and making a beeline for the back door. Darius just stood for a brief moment staring at her back, his hand going up to touch the spot she had just kissed. A tingling warm flush overwhelmed him. He wondered if this was how his father felt about his mother. The thought of coming home to her every night planted a half smile on his mug as he followed her in.

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