Lovely Vines. Tondria Leatrice

Lovely Vines - Tondria Leatrice

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said, “Just checking on what we bought and the location. Do you have all the keys with you?”

      Rocky said, “Yes! Do you own other properties? Is this your first time buying? Are you going to keep it as a gentlemen’s club?”

      Ishmael looked at his ass sideways, like, Pause, bitch.

      Ishmael said, “What’s with all the ‘you’ questions?”

      Rocky said, “Awh, man! Just wondering, because you look so young. Last potential buyer was a young man playing games.”

      Ishmael said, “Were keeping it as a club, just changing the name. Buying and selling are in my blood. Anyways, this is a nice place. We’ll meet you later on.”

      Rocky said, “How’d you hear about this place? I hadn’t even put it on the market yet.”

      Ishmael said, “My friend Jill!”

      Rocky said, “I don’t know of her. She must have heard about it from the last guy.”

      Ishmael said, “Word of mouth travels fast. I’ll call you later.”

      Rocky said, “That’s real spit. I’ll keep you posted, and nice meeting you.”

      Ishmael said, “You as well.”


      Mac said, “Hi, beautiful. What’s your name?”

      The lady said, “Hi. Do I know you? You look so familiar.”

      Mac said, “No. I’m not from around here. What’s your name?”

      The lady said, “My name is Jillian! Is this your first time coming here?”

      Mac said, “Second time. Have lunch with me, Jillian?”

      Jill said, “Sure will! You can pay as well! What brings you to this lovely city?”

      Mac said, “I’m a businessman trying to get around the block without being seen.”

      Jill said, “What’s your name, businessman?”

      Mac said, “Lil Cam! Nice meeting you, and thanks for having lunch with me. What do you do for a living, beautiful?”

      Jill said, “I’m self-employed. I try to bend my body around this pole, trying to be saw…What’s so funny, Cam?”

      Mac said, “I like that! Real creative comeback. Do you like your job?”

      Jill said, “Not really! Honestly, I don’t know what I want to do. Do you like going around blocks?”

      Mac said, “Nope! I’m starting a realtor company soon, so I can relax and be on my time. Would you like another drink?”

      Jill said, “Let’s take a shot to our ‘Not really’ and ‘Nope.’ We both look like we need a pep in our step this late morning.”

      Mac said, “What time do you need to meet up with the pole?”

      Jill said, “You’re funny! I like that…I’m off today. What about you being seen today?”

      Mac said, “You got some nice comebacks! Do you flame?”

      Jill said, “Hell yeah!”

      The flame was in the air, and they decided to hit up the mall and finish talking, which she thought came easy with him.

      Mac said, “Go try it on?”

      Jill came from behind the curtain, dancing and laughing, “What do you think?” Jill said. “You are going to make somebody a happy man,” Mac mumbled, trying not to forget why he was here.

      Jill said, “Why are you looking like that? I’ll try the other one on, then we can leave.”

      Part 2

      What Made You

      Chapter 6


      Letting It Go

      She didn’t deal with banks, nor liked the fact that other people knew your business with some shit called routing, and account numbers. Besides, she loved counting her shit, knowing she’d never finish. The thought of looking at it when she wanted to made her feel secure that she wasn’t going to be homeless and hungry again.


      Early mornings on the balcony watching the sunrise over his muscular body made her happy. I should go sit on his face, Samaya thought.

      All the breakfast dates, lunch dates on the beach, and late suppers had her nose wide open.

      They went shopping, to the movies, walks around the lake, amusement parks, on boat rides, and more.

      These were the dates she always wanted from someone and more, yet missing her money coming in every day was on her mind. He’s paying me, but I’m missing the pole, Samaya thought as he massaged her booty cheeks.

      When they spent time together, Isaiah made her laugh, tried to make her forget about the pole, and having feelings without having sex was beautiful, but she was starting to develop a fondness. She didn’t want to stop spending time with him, but the impression he gave her is something she’s never felt before from any man.

      She decided to get all the ladies together, so she sent a group text, hoping Queen would come out, knowing she didn’t fuck with too many females.

      Samaya’s text to the ladies: “Let’s meet at Moque’s Place around two pm :)”

      All the ladies had their hair wrapped in a towel getting massages from head to toe, laughing about the men at the club going from tippers to wanting them to be their wives.

      Jai said, “I like the smile and glow, girl! I haven’t seen you in the shop lately?”

      Samaya said, “Getting some alone time. Thinking about my future.”

      Jai said, “Hey now, that’s what’s up.”

      Tara said, “Why be alone and you could have a man or friend. You should have met a man in that club or somewhere.”

      Queen said, “Our motto! In one ear, out the other, when it comes to the men in that club.”

      Samaya said, “Our motto was not to give out each other’s number either, but in this case, I don’t mind anymore.”

      Queen said, “You do like him because I haven’t heard from you in a few days.”

      Tara said, “Let her bond with the man. Is it a man?”

      Samaya said, “Don’t play with me, sis! I like him, okay…”

      Jai said, “Who? What’s his name?”

      Toonie said, “Can she speak? Damn!”

      They finished their massages, then went to get a pedicure and manicures as Moque poured them some champagne. When she went to pour some for Queen, she said, “No thanks.”

      Jai said, “I hope he’s a good guy because I see you’re falling for him.”

      Tara said, “Sometimes you might need to listen and follow your heart. Not all men are bad or cheaters. If they see you half naked, of course, they want to fuck.”

      Toonie said, “Say it again, so they can hear you. She said, ‘Falling for him.’ Girl, please.”

      Queen said, “Who are they? Toonie, don’t start that shit!”

      Samaya said, “Anyways, do you remember the guy that threw all that money on me?”

      Queen said, “Yes, bitch! What? Hope you got the digits.”

      Samaya said, “Queen, you gave him my number, quit playing.”

      Jai said, “He placed the stack of money down all politely while everyone else threw theirs.”

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