Multivalued Maps And Differential Inclusions: Elements Of Theory And Applications. Valeri Obukhovskii

Multivalued Maps And Differential Inclusions: Elements Of Theory And Applications - Valeri Obukhovskii

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× Z) is closed.

      Proof. Consider nets {xα} ⊂ X, {υα} ⊂ Y × Z such that xαx, υα ∈ (F0 × F1)(xα), υαυ. Then υα = yα × zα, yαF0(F1(xa). from the definition of the topology in Y × Z, the convergence υαυ = (y, z) implies the convergences yαy and zαz. From the closedness of the multimaps F0 and F1 it follows that yF0(x), zF1(x) (Theorem 1.2.24(c)) but it means that υ ∈ (F0 × F1)(x) concluding the proof.


      To consider the upper semicontinuity of the Cartesian product of multimaps we need the compactness of their values.

      Proof. The Tychonoff theorem (see Chapter 0) implies that the multimap F0 × F1 has compact values. For an arbitrary point xX, let G ⊃ (F0 × F1)(x) be an open subset of Y × Z. From the definition of the product topology in Y × Z it follows that for every (y, z)(F0 × F1)(x) there exist open sets G0(y, z) ⊂ Y and G1(y, z) ⊂ Z such that (y, z) ∈ G0(y, z) × G1(y, z) ⊂ G. For each yF0(x) consider the cover figure of the set F1(x). Since the set F1(x) is compact we can select a finite subcover figure. The set figure is a neighborhood of y in Y and the set figure is a neighborhood of F1(x) in Z and moreover (V(Y) × Wy) ⊂ G. The sets V(Y), yF0(x) form an open cover of the compact set F0(x). Choose a finite subcover figure and set figure and figure. Then V is a neighborhood of F0(x) in Y whereas W is a neighborhood of F1(x) in Z and V × WG.

      Then from Lemma 1.2.12(a) and the upper semicontinuity of the multimaps F0 and F1 it follows that there exists a neighborhood U(x) of x such that (F0 × F1)(U(x)) ⊂ V × WG proving the upper semicontinuity of F0 × F1.


      Let X be a topological space, Y a linear topological space.

      Definition 1.3.18. Let F0, F1 : XP(Y) be multimaps. The multimap F0 + F1 : XP(Y) defined as


      is called the sum of the multimaps F0 and F1.

      Theorem 1.3.19. If multimaps F0, F1 : XP(Y) are lower semicontinuous then their sum F0 + F1 : XP(Y) is lower semicontinuous.

      Proof. The multimap F0 × F1 : XP(Y × Y) is l.s.c. by Theorem 1.3.15. The single-valued map f : Y × YY,


      is continuous. We have


      and conclusion follows from Theorem 1.3.11.


      Similar application of Theorems 1.3.17 and 1.3.11 yields the following result.

      Theorem 1.3.20. If multimaps F0, F1 : XK(Y) are upper semicontinuous then their sum F0 + F1 : XK(Y) is upper semicontinuous.

      Remark 1.3.21. Notice that the assumption of compactness of the values of the multimaps F0 and F1 is essential. In fact, it was mentioned already that the multimap F in Example 1.1.8 is not u.s.c. But it may be represented as the sum of the identity map F0(x) = {x} and the constant multimap F1(x) = {(z1, z2) | (z1, z2) ∈

2, z1z2 = 1, z1 > 0, z2 > 0}.

      Definition 1.3.22. Let F : XP(Y) be a multimap, f : X

a function. The multimap f · F : XP(Y),


      is called the product of f and F.

      Theorem 1.3.23. If a multimap F : XP(Y) is lower semicontinuous and a function f : X

is continuous then the product f · F : XP(Y) is lower semicontinuous.

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