Multivalued Maps And Differential Inclusions: Elements Of Theory And Applications. Valeri Obukhovskii

Multivalued Maps And Differential Inclusions: Elements Of Theory And Applications - Valeri Obukhovskii

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1.1.6. Define the multimap

      The graph of the multimap F is shown in the Fig. 5.

      Fig. 5

assuming F(x) = [e−x, 1] (Fig. 6):

      Fig. 6

2) assuming for x = (x1, x2) ∈

      The multimap F (but not the graph ΓF!) is shown in the Fig. 7.

      Fig. 7

a function. Let for a certain number r
for every xX there exists yY such that f(x, y) ≤ r. Then the following multimap Fr : XP(Y) can be defined: Fr(x) = {y|yY, f(x, y) ≤ r}.

       Example 1.1.12. Generalized dynamical systems.

      a) A multivalued translation operator.

      Let a set X be the space of states of a certain dynamical system such that being at the initial moment in the state xX this system may move further along various trajectories. For example, such situation holds if the behavior of the system is governed by a differential equation which does not satisfy the uniqueness of a solution condition or contains a control parameter. A generalized dynamical system is defined if its reachable sets Q(x, t) ⊂ X are given, i.e., the sets of all states into which system can shift in the time t ≥ 0 from the state xX are indicated. The multimap Q : X ×

+P(X) arising in such a manner is called the translation multioperator along the trajectories of the system. Notice that usually the translation multioperator satisfies the natural conditions:

      1)Q(x, 0) = {x};

      2)Q(x, t1 + t2) = Q(Q(x, t1), t2) for all xX;


      b) Multivalued fields of directions.

      Consider an important way of setting of a generalized dynamical system. Let

n be the state space of a system and for every state xRn the set F(x) ⊂ Rn of velocities with which the system can leave x be given. The multimap F :
n) which is defined in such a manner is called the multivalued field (multifield) of directions. A function x : Δ →
n, where Δ ⊂
is a certain interval is called an integral curve of the multifield F if at every (or almost every) point t ∈ Δ it has the derivative x′(t) and

      for all (or almost all) t ∈ Δ. Such a relation is called a differential inclusion and the integral curve x is its solution.

      A sulution x : Δ →

n is the trajectory of a given multifield of velocities. The collection Q(x, t) of points of such trajectories at the moment t emanating from a given point x
n defines the translation multioperator Q along the trajectories of the multifield F.

      Suppose, for example, that considered generalized dynamical system is a control system whose dynamics is governed by a differential equation

      where f :

n ×
n is a map, u(t) ∈
m a control parameter. The feedback in this system is described by a multimap U :
m) which defines for every given state x
n a set of admissible controls U(x). Then the multifield
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