Mesoamerican Archaeology. Группа авторов

Mesoamerican Archaeology - Группа авторов

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and social memory and time in archaeology. She is committed to decolonizing archaeological practice through collaboration with Indigenous descendant communities. She currently directs a community-engaged household archaeology project at Tepeticpac, Tlaxcala. She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, such as American Anthropologist, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, and Ancient Mesoamerica.

      Christopher A. Pool is university research professor in anthropology at the University of Kentucky. His research interests include the origins and operation of ancient polities and economies, the archaeology of landscapes and social memory, historical ecology, geoarchaeology, archaeometry, and ceramic analysis. He pursues these interests primarily through fieldwork on the Olmec and later cultures of the southern Gulf Coast of Mexico.

      Cynthia Robin is professor of anthropology at Northwestern University. She has conducted fieldwork at Maya archaeological sites in Belize. Her research focuses on the everyday lives of ordinary people in the past and the development of sustainable lifeways.

      Nawa Sugiyama is assistant professor at the University of California, Riverside. Her research at Teotihuacan, Mexico, has covered topics pertaining to the construction of ritualized landscapes, human–animal interactions, and urban foodways.

      Saburo Sugiyama is research professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. He has conducted fieldwork at the Feathered Serpent Pyramid and the Moon and the Sun Pyramids and currently investigates Plaza of the Columns Complex in Teotihuacan. His research focuses on ancient urbanism, monuments, ritual and polity, and cognitive archaeology.

1 Mesoamerica From Culture Area to Networks of Communities of Practice

      Rosemary A. Joyce

      Figure 1.1 Map of Mesoamerica.

Dates in years Period
8000–1600 BCE Archaic
1600–900 BCE Early Formative
900–400 BCE Middle Formative
400 BCE –250 CE Late Formative
250–600 CE Early Classic
600–1000 CE Late Classic
1000–1521 CE Postclassic
1521–1820 CE Colonial

      The words used to name these spans of time are significant; they demonstrate that this chronological framework comes from a particular theoretical perspective, one associated with the idea of cultural evolution. From a cultural evolutionary perspective, the history of Mesoamerica is also the story of the gradual development of a cultural peak in the Classic period from its initial roots and of a decline after that peak. Each span of time had a particular character and a characteristic level of development. In the Archaic, people lived as mobile hunter-gatherers. The Formative (or Preclassic) was initiated by the advent of the first settled villages of farmers. While some Formative villages had leaders in ritual, war, and other activities, these forms of leadership were not codified into permanent, inherited statuses. With the Classic period, fully developed forms of permanent status, and extreme divisions among people, were realized in cities. The Classic cities collapsed, and in the Postclassic new urban societies emerged that were less impressive, smaller, more secular, or otherwise disadvantageously compared with their Classic predecessors.

      These broad time spans, in other words, were not simply periods of abstract time, but rather stages of cultural development. Stages are diagnosed by specific features, like agriculture, pottery, settled villages, hereditary status, and cities. These can be developed at various dates by different peoples. As a result, despite using the same broad categories, researchers working in different sites assigned slightly different dates to each stage. The beginning of the Classic period in the Basin of Mexico was correlated with the maximum development of the great city of Teotihuacan. In the Maya area, it was tied to the first use of writing and calendars on public monuments.

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