Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin

Hymns for Christian Devotion - E. H. Chapin

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27Great Source of life and light, 1001Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, 467Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, 769Hail! all hail the joyful morn, 208Hail, great Creator, wise and good, 172Hail, love divine, joys ever new, 774Hail, source of light, of life, and love, 167Hail, sweetest, dearest tie that binds, 731Hail to the Lord's anointed, 288Hail to the Sabbath day, 42Happy is he that fears the Lord, 775Happy soul, that, safe from harm, 478Happy the heart where graces reign, 383Happy the man whose cautious steps, 402Happy the meek, whose, gentle breast, 349Hark, a voice divides the sky, 548Hark! hark! with harps of gold, 203Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes, 212Hark, the song of jubilee, 305Hark, the voice of choral song, 792Hark! what celestial notes, 207Hark! what mean those holy voices, 201Hear what a Saviour's voice, 279Hear what God the Lord hath spoken, 978Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims, 547Heaven is here, its hymns of gladness, 419Heaven is the land where troubles cease, 555He dies! the Friend of sinners dies, 234He knelt, the Saviour knelt and prayed, 226Help us, O Lord, thy yoke to wear, 783Help us to help each other, Lord, 915Herald of the Lord's salvation, 712Here, gracious God, do thou, 68Here in the broken bread, 682Here in thy temple, Lord, we meet, 869He that goeth forth with weeping, 771He who walks in virtue's way, 412High in the heavens, Eternal God, 125High in yonder realms of light, 562Holy and reverend is the name, 29Holy as thou, O Lord, is none, 136Holy, holy, holy Lord, 150Hosanna! Lord, thine angels cry, 64How are thy servants blest, O Lord, 995How beautiful the sight, 391How blest amid all blessing, 784How blest is he who fears the Lord, 765How blest is he who ne'er consents, 409How blest the sacred tie that binds, 397How blest thy creature is, O God, 258How did my heart rejoice to hear, 57How glad the tone when summer's sun, 864How good and pleasant is the sight, 902How gracious the promise, how soothing the word, 282How happy is he born or taught, 403How honored is the place, 654How lovely are thy dwellings fair, 53How lovely are thy dwellings, Lord, 914How pleasant, how divinely fair, 66How pleased and blest was I, 14How pleasing, Lord, to see, 928How precious are thy thoughts of peace, 110How precious is the book divine, 189How rich thy favors, God of grace, 445How rich thy gifts, Almighty King, 885How shall I praise th' Eternal God, 117How shall the young secure their hearts, 744How shall we praise thee, Lord of light, 37How sweetly flowed the Gospel's sound, 217How sweet to bless the Lord, 30How sweet the melting lay, 919How sweet the name of Jesus sounds, 436How sweet upon this sacred day, 9How swift the torrent rolls, 528How various and how new, 556How welcome to the soul when pressed, 49If human kindness meets return, 691If listening as I listen still, 465If solid happiness we prize, 625I hear the voice of woe, 823I'll bless Jehovah's glorious name, 13I looked upon the righteous man, 577I love to steal awhile away, 424I love thy church, O God, 657I may not scorn the meanest thing, 820Imposture shrinks from light, 400In all my vast concerns with thee, 106In darkness as in light, 129Indulgent God, whose bounteous care, 947In duties and in sufferings too, 249In God's eternity, 294In pleasant lands have fallen the lines, 840I praised the earth in beauty seen, 182Interval of grateful shade, 919In the broad fields of heaven, 585In the cross of Christ I glory, 649In the glad morn of life, when youth, 746In the morning sow thy seed, 1003In the soft season of thy youth, 742In thy courts let peace be found, 969In trouble and in grief, O God, 630I sing the mighty power of God, 119Isles of the south, awake, 321Israel's Shepherd, guide me, feed me, 84Is there a lone and dreary hour, 120Is there ambition in my heart, 354Is this a fast for me, 871It is the one true light, 197I want a principle within, 449I want a sober mind, 416I want the spirit of power within, 431Jehovah God! thy gracious power, 138Jerusalem, my glorious home, 558Jesus, and shall it ever be, 504Jesus, delightful, charming name, 245Jesus demands this heart of mine, 329Jesus his empire shall extend, 286Jesus, I love thy charming name, 512Jesus invites his friends, 692Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, 284Jesus, the friend of man, 685Jesus, thou source of calm repose, 244Jesus, what precept is like thine, 815John was the Prophet of the Lord, 214Join, all ye servants of the Lord, 187Joined in a union, firm and strong, 727Join every tongue to praise the Lord, 883Joy to the earth! the Prince of Peace, 809Joy to the world! the Lord is come, 213Kind Lord, before thy face, 90Kindred in Christ, for his dear sake, 909King of the world! I worship thee, 961Know, my soul, thy full salvation, 1000Lamp of our feet, whose hallowed beam, 194Lay her gently in the dust, 587Lead us with thy gentle sway, 516Let all the earth their voices raise, 295Let all the heathen writers join, 193Let children hear the mighty deeds, 839Let deepest silence all around, 464

      Let every mortal ear attend, 257Let monumental pillars rise, 990Let not the wise their wisdom boast, 650Let others boast how strong they be, 524Let party names no more, 396Let Pharisees of high esteem, 776Let plenteous grace descend on those, 673"Let there be light," when from on high, 975Let the whole race of creatures lie, 145Let us join as God commands, 905Let us with a gladsome mind, 153Let Zion's watchmen all awake, 719Life is a span, a fleeting hour, 584Lift aloud the voice of praise, 713Lift your glad voices in triumph on high, 552Light of life, seraphic fire, 484Like Israel's hosts to exile driven, 838Like morning, when her early breeze, 426Like shadows gliding o'er the plain, 532Lo, God is here, let us adore, 54Long as the darkening cloud abode, 302Long be our Father's temple ours, 970Lord, before thy presence come, 28Lord, bring me to resign, 462Lord, deliver, thou canst save, 802Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, 98Lord, from whom all blessings flow, 407Lord, have mercy when we pray, 323Lord, how delightful 'tis to see, 95Lord, I believe, thy power I own, 468Lord, I have made thy word my choice, 195Lord, in heaven thy dwelling place, 39Lord, in thy garden agony, 480Lord Jesus, come, for here, 819Lord, lead the way the Saviour went, 778Lord, must we die, O let us die, 539Lord, my times are in thy hand, 611Lord, now we part in thy blest name, 93Lord of the worlds above, 21Lord of glory, King of power, 953Lord of heaven, and earth, and ocean, 880Lord of my life, O may thy praise, 940Lord of the sea, thy potent sway, 828Lord of the wide extended main, 825Lord of the worlds below, 867Lord, in thy Zion's wall, 714Lord, send thy word and let it run, 808Lord, subdue our selfish will, 392Lord, teach a little child to pray, 762Lord, that I may learn of thee, 505Lord, thou art good, all nature shows, 130Lord, thou didst arise and say, 824Lord, thou hast searched and seen me through, 109Lord, we adore thy wondrous grace, 661Lord, we come before thee now, 22Lord, we believe a rest remains, 479Lord, we have wandered from thy way, 328Lord, when thou saidst "so let it be," 176Lord, when thy people seek thy face, 35Lord, while for all mankind we pray, 837Lord, who's the happy man that may, 347Lo, the day of rest declineth, 91Lo, the lilies of the field, 179Lo! the prisoner is released, 601Loud, raise the notes of joy, 847Lo, what a glorious sight appears, 301Lo, what an entertaining sight, 918Love divine, all love excelling, 15Mark, how the swift-winged minutes fly, 900Mark the soft falling snow, 293Mere human power shall fast decay, 405Messiah Lord! who wont to dwell, 222Mid homes and shrines forsaken, 797Mighty One, before whose face, 724Millions of souls in glory now, 688Millions within thy courts have been, 99Mistaken souls that dream of heaven, 389Morning breaks upon the tomb, 236My country, 'tis of thee, 836My dear Redeemer and my Lord, 238My Father, cheering name, 102My Father, grant thy presence nigh, 610My Father, when around me spread, 529My God, accept my early vows, 65My God, how endless is thy love 941My God, I now from sleep awake, 956My God, I thank thee, may no thought, 621My God, my King, thy various praise, 158My God, permit me not to be, 433My God, permit my tongue, 492My God, the covenant of thy love, 486My God, thy service well demands, 932My helper, God, I bless his name, 889My Maker and my King, 124My Shepherd is the Lord on high, 648My soul before thee prostrate lies, 331My soul, be on thy guard, 343My soul, how lovely is the place, 31Mysterious are the ways of God, 631No change of times shall ever shock, 624No loud avenging voice, 204Not different food, nor different dress, 399Not for the pious dead we weep, 568Not for the prophet tongue of fire, 718Not for the summer's hour alone, 985Not in the church-yard shall he sleep, 834Not with terror do we meet, 679Not with the flashing steel, 807No warlike sounds awoke the night, 810No war nor battle's sound, 806Now, gracious Lord, thine arm reveal, 892Now is the day of grace, 265Now let our prayers ascend to thee, 870Now, Lord, the heavenly seed is sown, 87Now pray we for our country, 850Now the shades of night are gone, 938Now to the Lord a noble song, 260O bow thine ear, Eternal One, 698O cease, my wandering soul, 474O come, and let th' assembly all, 906O come, loud anthems let us sing, 5O could we speak the matchless worth, 240O'er mountain tops the mount of God, 811O'er the dark wave of Galilee, 219O Father, draw us after thee, 612O Father, though the anxious fear, 38O for a closer walk with God, 460O for a faith that will not shrink, 377O for a heart to praise my God, 472O for a prophet's fire, 689O for a shout of sacred joy, 237O for the death of those, 604O God, by whom the seed is given, 86O God, my Father, and my King, 384O God, my helper, ever near, 891O God, my strength, my hope, 425O God of Freedom, hear us pray, 799O God of love, with cheering

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