Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin

Hymns for Christian Devotion - E. H. Chapin

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to thee, 588Thou faint and sick, and worn away, 971Though lost to our sight, we may not deplore thee, 758Thou God of hope, to thee we bow, 782Thou God of truth and love, 912Thou, Lord, by mortal eyes unseen, 253Thou, Lord, by strictest search hast known, 140Thou must go forth alone, my soul, 537Thou power supreme, whose mighty scheme, 635Thou whose wide extended sway, 307Thrice happy soul, who, born from heaven, 342Through all the changing scenes of life, 617Through endless years thou art the same, 127Through every age, Eternal God, 898Through sorrow's night and danger's way, 360Through the day thy love has spared us, 952Through thee we now together come, 922Thus far the Lord has led me on, 945Thus saith the first, the great command, 355Thus saith the high and lofty One, 364Thus saith the Lord who built the heavens, 252Thus shall thou love th' Almighty Lord, 341Th' uplifted eye and bended knee, 390Thy kingdom, Lord, forever stands, 132Thy life I read, my dearest Lord, 666Thy name be hallowed, evermore, 100Thy presence everlasting God, 923Thy presence, gracious God, afford, 23Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design, 148Times without number have I prayed, 332Time by moments steals away, 896

      Time! what an empty vapor 'tis, 897'Tis a point I long to know, 454'Tis by the faith of joys to come, 374'Tis done, the great transaction's done, 674'Tis finished, so the Saviour cried, 233'Tis God the spirit leads, 510'Tis good to weep and mourn for those, 804'Tis gone, that bright and orbed blaze, 948'Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow, 228'Tis my happiness below, 614To Christ, the Son, the Father spake, 322To keep the lamp alive, 427To Thee, great source of light, 156To Thee, my God and Saviour, 646To Thee, my God, my days are known, 616To Thee, my God! to thee I bring, 963'Twas God who fixed the rolling spheres, 104'Twas on that dark and doleful night, 677Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb, 546Upon the gospel's sacred page, 296Vital spark of heavenly flame, 542Wait, O my soul, thy Maker's will, 628Walk in the light, so shalt thou know, 998Watchman, tell us of the night, 200We bid thee welcome in the name, 711We bless thee for this sacred day, 55We come, O Lord, before thy throne, 835We come our Sabbath hymn to raise, 759We come to thee, O God, 818We come with joy and gladness, 755We gather in the name of God, 729We have met in peace together, 749Welcome, delightful morn, 12Welcome, sweet day of rest, 46We long to see that happy time, 310We mourn for those who toil, 570We praise thee if one rescued soul, 789Were not the sinful Mary's tears, 273Whatever dims thy sense of truth, 350What glorious tidings do I hear, 256What if the little rain should say, 750What must it be to dwell above, 511What secret hand at morning light, 937What shall we render, bounteous Lord, 785What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe, 629What though the arm of conquering death, 599What though the stream be dead, 586When Abraham, full of sacred awe, 873When, as returns this solemn day, 70When before thy throne we kneel, 1When bending o'er the brink of life, 533When brighter suns and milder skies 861When called, O Lord, to mourn the doom, 615When children give their hearts to God, 741When darkness long has veiled my mind, 337When dread misfortune's tempests rise, 983Whene'er the clouds of sorrow roll, 626When fainting in the sultry waste, 453When floating on life's troubled sea, 573When gloomy thoughts and boding fears, 623When God descends with men to dwell, 289When God revealed his gracious name, 642When grief and anguish press me down, 606When his salvation bringing, 754When human hopes and joys depart, 471When I can read my title clear, 513When Israel of the Lord beloved, 448When I survey the wondrous cross, 693When Jordan hushed his waters still, 205When, like a stranger on our sphere, 787When long the soul had slept in chains, 777When, Lord, to this our western land, 736When on her Maker's bosom, 986When overwhelmed with grief, 469When Power Divine in mortal form, 967When quiet in my house I sit, 927When shall the voice of singing, 300When the worn spirit wants repose, 7When the parting bosom bleeds, 829When the vale of death appears, 538When true religion gains a place, 411When verdure clothes the fertile vale, 860When vexing thoughts within me rise, 608When wakened by thy voice of power, 423Where'er my gospel is proclaimed, 996Where'er the Lord shall build my house, 926Where shall the child of sorrow find, 972Where shall we go to seek and find, 704While here as wandering sheep we stray, 453While now upon this Sabbath eve, 97While some in folly's pleasures roll, 432While sounds of war are heard around, 875While thee I seek, Protecting Power, 422While through this changing world we roam, 517While thus thy throne of grace we seek, 67While yet the youthful spirit bears, 743While with ceaseless course the sun, 888Who is my neighbor? he whom thou, 779Who shall a temple build for him, 700Who shall towards thy chosen seat, 346Why do we mourn departed friends, 574Why on the bending willows hung, 977Why should we start and fear to die, 534Why weep for those, frail child of woe, 571Wide as his vast dominion lies, 163With grateful hearts, with joyful tongues, 848Within thy house, O Lord, our God, 17With sacred joy we lift our eyes 48With songs and honors sounding loud, 853With stately towers and bulwarks strong, 655With thy pure dews and rains, 798Would you behold the works of God, 826Ye boundless realms of joy, 160Ye Christian heralds, go proclaim, 737Ye followers of the Prince of peace, 684Ye realms below the skies, 171Ye servants of the Lord, 358Ye sons of earth, arise, 278Ye subjects of the Lord, proclaim, 314Yes, we trust the day is breaking, 299Ye that obey th' immortal King, 18Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears, 643Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor, 266Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame, 401

       Table of Contents

      The figures designate the hymns.

      Adoration, 150.Adversity, rejoicing in, 629.Affection, family, 928.Affliction, God merciful in, 631.Angels, song of, 201.Ark of safety, 474.Aspiration, devout, 78, 434, 475, 484, 486, 492, 493, 497, 498, 500, 509.Autumn, hymn for, 865.


      Baptism, 671–674.infant, 670.Beatitudes, 344.Benevolence, active, 1003.


      Charity, 767, 777.blessedness of, 781.in Judgment, 398, 399.Charitable occasions, 778–780, 782–785.Child's prayer, 762, 763.Christ, all in all, 244.announced by John, 214.his ascension, 237.at the pool of Bethesda, 221.his baptism, 215.his birth, 202, 211.at Canaan, 222.his new commandment, 225.his coming in power, 819.the corner-stone, 254.his spiritual coronation, 246.on the cross, 248.his crucifixion, 231–233.death and resurrection, 234–236.desired, 435.his example, 238, 239, 357.example in forgiving, 251.his excellency, 240, 504.foretold, 198–200.at sea of Galilee, 220.glorying in, 650.God's image, 253.God's servant, 252.in Gethsemane, 226–230, 480.the hiding-place, 255.imitated, 249.Jerusalem, his entry into, 224.his going to Jerusalem, 223.our leader, 250.light of the world, 216.his love, 242.his love to enemies, 386.his miracles, 218.his mission, 212.his power over evil, 824.his poverty, 219.his preaching, 217.his preciousness, 436, 512.the resting-place, 245.his submissiveness, 241.his triumph, 305.his triumph desired, 320.the universal king, 287, 297.Christianity, triumphant, 291, 296, 309Christian armor, 361.blessedness, 414, 415, 478.burial of, 576, 591.conflict, rest, and hope, 360.death, view of, 534, 537.devotedness of, 341, 342.dying, to his soul, 542.effort, encouragement to, 822.fellowship, 658, 659, 862, 863.graces, 388.happiness, 411.life, 340.life, desire for, 339.life, excellence of, 405, 406.philanthropists, 768, 770–773.race, 368, 370.resolution, 443.rest, 479.warfare, 367, 369.warrior, 362.Church, an ancient, 970.attachment to, 657.exulting in God's government, 914.glory of, 308, 319, 653, 656.Jewish and Christian, 655.membership, 660, 661, 664.safety of, 654.Communion, 675–695.Conference meeting, hymns for, 909, 910.Confidence in God, 469, 507, 622, 636, 967.Conscience, a peaceful, 432.Consecration, 466.Contentment, 625.holy, 611.Conventions, and associations, 725–731.Corner-stone of church laid, 696.Country, prayer for our, 837, 849, 850.virtuous love of, 845.Creation, beauties of, 173.Criminal reform, 814–819.Cross, attraction of, 247.of Christ, 649.soldier of, 992.view of, 693.welcome, 614.


      Dead, farewell to, 567, 578, 600.the righteous, 547–549, 569.Death, entrance to immortality, 540.of an aged Christian, 593.of a child, 584, 588.of a Christian in his prime, 592.of an infant, 582, 583.of a minister, 596–599.meditation on, 541.of parents, 595.of a public man, 1004.of the righteous, 543, 544, 557, 594, 601, 604.of a young girl, 586, 580.of the young, 589.universal warning of, 531.Dedication of children, 665, 669.of churches, 697–706.Dependence on God, 427.Devotion, daily and nightly, 18.habitual, 422.Doxologies, 1006–1008.



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