Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin

Hymns for Christian Devotion - E. H. Chapin

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praise that to his name belongs.

      3O, let us to his courts repair,

      And bow with adoration there;

      With joy and fear devoutly all

      Before the Lord, our Maker, fall!

      6. L. M. Watts.

       Table of Contents

      "How amiable are thy Tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts."

      1Great God! attend, while Zion sings

      The joy that from thy presence springs;

      To spend one day with thee, on earth,

      Exceeds a thousand days of mirth.

      2Might I enjoy the meanest place

      Within thy house, O God of grace,

      Not tents of ease, nor thrones of power,

      Should tempt my feet to leave thy door.

      3God is our Sun--he makes our day;

      God is our shield--he guards our way;

      All needful grace he will bestow,

      And crown that grace with glory too.

      4O God! our king, whose sovereign sway

      The glorious hosts of heaven obey,

      Thy willing servants may we be,

      For blest are they who trust in thee.

      7. C. M. Edmeston.

       Table of Contents

      The Lord's Day.

      1When the worn spirit wants repose,

      And sighs her God to seek,

      How sweet to hail the evening's close

      That ends the weary week!

      2How sweet to hail the early dawn

      That opens on the sight,

      When first that soul-reviving morn

      Beams its new rays of light!

      3Blest day! thine hours too soon will cease

      Yet, while they gently roll,

      Breathe, Heavenly Spirit, source of peace,

      A sabbath o'er my soul!

      8. C. M. Codman's Coll.

       Table of Contents

      The Blessing of the Sabbath.

      1Blest day of God! most calm, most bright,

      The first and best of days;

      The laborer's rest, the saint's delight,

      The day of prayer and praise.

      2My Saviour's face made thee to shine;

      His rising thee did raise;

      And made thee heavenly and divine

      Beyond all other days.

      3The first fruits oft a blessing prove

      To all the sheaves behind;

      And they who do the Sabbath love,

      A happy week will find.

      4This day I must to God appear;

      For, Lord, the day is thine;

      Help me to spend it in thy fear,

      And thus to make it mine.

      9. C. M. Mrs. Follen.

       Table of Contents

      Love of Sabbath Service.

      1How sweet, upon this sacred day,

      The best of all the seven,

      To cast our earthly thoughts away,

      And think of God and heaven!

      2How sweet to be allowed to pray

      Our sins may be forgiven!

      With filial confidence to say,

      "Father, who art in heaven!"

      3How sweet the words of peace to hear

      From him to whom 'tis given

      To wake the penitential tear,

      And lead the way to heaven!

      4And if, to make our sins depart,

      In vain the will has striven,

      He who regards the inmost heart

      Will send his grace from heaven.

      10. L. M. 6l. Mrs. Steele.

       Table of Contents

      A Prayer for Lord's Day.

      1Great God, this sacred day of thine

      Demands our souls' collected powers.

      May we employ in work divine

      These solemn, these devoted hours;

      O may our souls adoring own

      The grace which calls us to thy throne.

      2Hence, ye vain cares and trifles, fly;

      Where God resides appear no more;

      Omniscient God, thy piercing eye

      Can every secret thought explore:

      O may thy grace our hearts refine,

      And fix our thoughts on things divine.

      3The word of life dispensed to-day

      Invites us to a heavenly feast.

      May every ear the call obey;

      Be every heart a humble guest;

      O bid the wretched sons of need

      On soul-reviving dainties feed.

      4Thy spirit's powerful aid impart;

      O may thy word, with life divine,

      Engage the ear, and warm the heart;

      Then shall the day indeed be thine;

      Then shall our souls adoring own

      The grace which calls us to thy throne.

      11. C. M. H. Ware, Jr.

       Table of Contents

      Invoking God's Aid.

      1Father in heaven, to thee my heart

      Would lift itself in prayer;

      Drive from my soul each earthly thought

      And show thy presence there.

      2Each moment of my life renews


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