Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin

Hymns for Christian Devotion - E. H. Chapin

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      17. C. M. Presbyterian Coll.

       Table of Contents

      Prayer for special Favor.

      1Within thy house, O Lord, our God,

      In glory now appear;

      Make this a place of thine abode,

      And shed thy blessings here.

      2When we thy mercy-seat surround,

      Thy Spirit, Lord, impart;

      And let thy gospel's joyful sound

      With power reach every heart.

      3Here let the blind their sight obtain;

      Here give the mourners rest;

      Let Jesus here triumphant reign,

      Enthroned in every breast.

      4Here let the voice of sacred joy

      And humble prayer arise,

      Till higher strains our tongues employ

      In realms beyond the skies.

      18. C. M. Watts.

       Table of Contents

      Daily and nightly Devotion.

      1Ye that obey the immortal King,

      Attend his holy place;

      Bow to the glories of his name,

      And sing his wondrous grace.

      2Lift up your hands by morning light,

      And raise your thanks on high;

      Send your admiring thoughts, by night,

      Above the starry sky.

      3The God of Zion cheer your hearts

      With rays of quickening grace:

      'Tis he that spreads the heavens abroad,

      Whose presence fills the place.

      19. S. M. Montgomery.

       Table of Contents

      The Delight of Worship.

      1Glad was my heart to hear

      My old companions say

      Come, in the house of God appear,

      For 'tis a holy day.

      2Our willing feet shall stand

      Within thy temple-door;

      While young and old in many a band

      Shall throng the sacred floor.

      3Within these walls be peace

      And harmony be found:

      Zion, in all thy palaces,

      Prosperity abound!

      4For friends and brethren dear,

      Our prayer shall never cease

      Oft as they meet for worship here,

      God send his people peace!

      20. S. M. E. Taylor.

       Table of Contents

      Call to the House of Prayer.

      1Come to the house of prayer,

      O ye afflicted, come:

      The God of peace shall meet you there--

      He makes that house his home.

      2Come to the house of praise,

      Ye who are happy now;

      In sweet accord your voices raise,

      In kindred homage bow.

      3Ye aged, hither come,

      For ye have felt his love:

      Soon shall your trembling tongues be dumb,

      Your lips forget to move.

      4Ye young, before his throne,

      Come, bow; your voices raise;

      Let not your hearts his praise disown

      Who gives the power to praise.

      5Thou, whose benignant eye

      In mercy looks on all--

      Who see'st the tear of misery,

      And hear'st the mourner's call--

      6Up to thy dwelling-place

      Bear our frail spirits on,

      Till they outstrip time's tardy pace,

      And heaven on earth be won.

      21. H. M. Watts.

       Table of Contents

      Delight in Public Worship.

      1Lord of the worlds above,

      How pleasant and how fair

      The dwellings of thy love,

      Thine earthly temples, are!

      To thine abode my heart aspires,

      With warm desires to see my God.

      2O happy souls that pray

      Where God appoints to hear!

      O happy men that pay

      Their constant service there!

      They praise thee still; and happy they

      Who love the way to Zion's hill.

      3They go from strength to strength,

      Throughout these mortal years,

      Till each arrives at length,

      Till each in heaven appears:

      O glorious seat, when God, our King,

      Shall thither bring our willing feet!

      22. 7s. Hammond.

       Table of Contents

      A Blessing humbly requested.

      1Lord, we come before thee now;

      At thy feet we humbly bow;

      O, do not our suit disdain;

      Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain?

      2In thine own appointed way,

      Now we seek thee; here we stay;

      Lord, from hence we would not go,

      Till a blessing thou bestow.

      3Comfort those who weep and mourn;

      Let the time of joy return;

      Those that are cast down, lift

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