Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin

Hymns for Christian Devotion - E. H. Chapin

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dying sinners pray to live,

      Hear thou in heaven, thy dwelling-place,

      And, when thou hearest, O forgive!

      2Here, when thy messengers proclaim

      The blessed Gospel of thy Son,

      Still, by the power of his great name,

      Be mighty signs and wonders done.

      3But will indeed Jehovah deign

      Here to abide, no transient guest?

      Here will the world's Redeemer reign,

      And here the Holy Spirit rest?

      4That glory never hence depart!

      Yet choose not, Lord, this house alone;

      Thy kingdom come to every heart,

      In every bosom fix thy throne.

      36. 7s. M. 6l. J. Newton.

       Table of Contents

      A Prayer for Lord's Day.

      1Safely through another week

      Thou hast brought us on our way;

      Let us now thy blessing seek,

      Waiting in thy courts to-day:

      Day, of all the week the best--

      Emblem of eternal rest.

      2Mercies multiplied each hour

      Through the week our praise demand:

      Guarded by almighty power,

      Fed and guided by thy hand,

      May we not forgetful be,

      Nor ungrateful, Lord, to thee.

      3While we seek supplies of grace

      Through the dear Redeemer's name,

      Show thy reconciling face,

      Take away our sin and shame.

      From our worldly cares set free,

      May we rest this day in thee.

      4May the gospel's joyful sound

      Conquer sinners, comfort saints;

      Make the fruits of grace abound;

      Bring relief from all complaints.

      Thus let all our sabbaths prove,

      Till we join the church above.

      37. L. M. Bowring.

       Table of Contents

      Evening Worship.

      1How shall we praise thee, Lord of light!

      How shall we all thy love declare!

      The earth is veiled in shades of night,

      But heaven is open to our prayer,--

      That heaven so bright with stars and suns--

      That glorious heaven which has no bound,

      Where the full tide of being runs,

      And life and beauty glow around.

      2We would adore thee, God sublime!

      Whose power and wisdom, love and grace,

      Are greater than the round of time,

      And wider than the bounds of space,

      O how shall thought expression find,

      All lost in thine immensity!

      How shall we seek thee, glorious Mind,

      Amid thy dread infinity!

      3But thou art present with us here,

      As in thy glittering, high domain;

      And grateful hearts and humble fear

      Can never seek thy face in vain.

      Help us to praise thee, Lord of light!

      Help us thy boundless love declare;

      And, here within thy courts to-night,

      Aid us, and hearken to our prayer.

      38. C. M. Mrs. Barbauld.

       Table of Contents

      The Sabbath of the Soul.

      1O Father! though the anxious fear

      May cloud to-morrow's way,

      No fear nor doubt shall enter here,--

      All shall be thine to-day.

      2We will not bring divided hearts

      To worship at thy shrine;

      But each unworthy thought departs,

      And leaves this temple thine.

      3Then sleep to-day, tormenting cares,

      Of earth and folly born;

      Ye shall not dim the light that streams

      From this celestial morn.

      4To-morrow will be time enough

      To feel your harsh control;

      Ye shall not violate this day,

      The Sabbath of the soul.

      39. 7s. M. Bowring.

       Table of Contents

      Lowly Praise.

      1Lord, in heaven, thy dwelling-place,

      Hear the praises of our race,

      And, while hearing, let thy grace

      Dews of sweet forgiveness pour;

      While we know, benignant King,

      That the praises which we bring

      Are a worthless offering

      Till thy blessing makes it more.

      2More of truth, and more of might,

      More of love, and more of light,

      More of reason, and of right,

      From thy pardoning grace be given!

      It can make the humblest song

      Sweet, acceptable, and strong,

      As the strains the angels' throng

      Pour around the throne of heaven.

      40. L. M. M. W. Hale.

       Table of Contents

      The Day of Rest.

      1This day let grateful praise ascend

      To thee, our Father, and our Friend,

      Thee, Author of this holy light,

      Thee, throned in boundless power and might.


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