Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin

Hymns for Christian Devotion - E. H. Chapin

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reviving breast

      And these rejoicing eyes.

      2The King himself comes near,

      And feasts his saints to-day;

      Here we may sit, and see him here,

      And love, and praise, and pray.

      3One day, amid the place

      Where my dear Lord hath been,

      Is sweeter than ten thousand days

      Of folly and of sin.

      4My willing soul would stay

      In such a frame as this,

      Till called to rise and soar away

      To everlasting bliss.

      47. S. M. Watts.

       Table of Contents

      Public Worship. Ps. 95.

      1Come, sound his praise abroad,

      And hymns of glory sing:

      Jehovah is the sovereign God,

      The universal King.

      2He formed the deeps unknown;

      He gave the seas their bound;

      The watery worlds are all his own,

      And all the solid ground.

      3Come, worship at his throne;

      Come, bow before the Lord;

      We are his works, and not our own:

      He formed us by his word.

      4To-day attend his voice,

      Nor dare provoke his rod;

      Come, like the people of his choice,

      And own your gracious God.

      48. C. M. Jervis.

       Table of Contents

      Homage and Devotion.

      1With sacred joy we lift our eyes

      To those bright realms above--

      That glorious temple in the skies

      Where dwells eternal love.

      2Thee we adore, and, Lord, to thee

      Our filial duty pay;

      Thy service, unconstrained and free,

      Conducts to endless day.

      3While in thy house of prayer we kneel

      With trust and holy fear,

      Thy mercy and thy truth reveal,

      And lend a gracious ear.

      4With fervor teach our hearts to pray,

      And tune our lips to sing;

      Nor from thy presence cast away

      The sacrifice we bring.

      49. L. M. Newton.

       Table of Contents

      The Lord's Day.

      1How welcome to the soul, when pressed

      With six days' noise, and care, and toil,

      Is the returning day of rest,

      Which hides us from the world awhile!

      2How happy they, whose lot is cast

      Where Christ invites the "weary" yet;

      They find their sorrows quickly past,

      And all their burdens soon forget.

      3Though pinched with poverty at home,

      With sharp afflictions daily fed,

      It makes amends, if they can come

      To God's own house for heavenly bread.

      4We thank thee for thy day, O Lord!

      And here thy promised presence seek;

      Open thy hand with blessings stored,

      And give us manna for the week.

      50. L. M. Butcher.

       Table of Contents

      Christian Worship.

      1Father of all! where shall we find

      A temple suited to thy praise?

      To thee, the uncreated Mind,

      What earthly altar shall we raise?

      2We'll call a multitude around,

      And gladly seek the house of prayer;

      There thy salvation we have found,

      And still, O God, we'll seek it there.

      3From breast to breast the holy flame

      Shall kindle round the sacred place:

      At once we'll hymn our Father's name,

      At once we'll seek our Father's face.

      4There, heavenly Father, condescend

      To meet us with peculiar love;

      And when the hymns of earth shall end,

      We'll give thee nobler hymns above.

      51. L. M. Pope's Coll.

       Table of Contents

      The Lord's Prayer.

      1Father! adored in worlds above,

      Thy glorious name be hallowed still;

      Thy kingdom come with power and love,

      And earth, like heaven, obey thy will.

      2Lord! make our daily wants thy care;

      Forgive the sins which we forsake:

      And, as we in thy kindness share,

      Let fellow-men of ours partake.

      3Evils beset us every hour;

      Thy kind protection we implore:

      Thine is the kingdom, thine the power;

      Be thine the glory evermore!

      52. C. M. Montgomery.

       Table of Contents

      Mutual Invitation.

      1Come, let us join our souls to God

      In everlasting bands,

      And seize the blessings he bestows

      With eager hearts and hands.

      2Come, let us to his temple haste,

      And seek his favor there,


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