A Companion to Chomsky. Группа авторов

A Companion to Chomsky - Группа авторов

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answer is that while a FSG is limited to classifying strings according to their role as prefixes (i.e. according to what can come after them), a CFG is able to classify strings according to their role as infixes (i.e. according to what can come around them). The CFG in (2) does not work by specifying what can come after aa, and what can come after aaa, etc.; as we have seen, any finite device that adopts this strategy is doomed. Instead, this grammar works by specifying what can appear around certain strings, and the crucial point is that what can appear around, say, aabb, is the same as what can appear around aaabbb – so while the pattern sans-serif-italic a Superscript n Baseline sans-serif-italic b Superscript n does not create any interesting equivalences between prefixes, it does create interesting equivalences between infixes. The grammar in (2) takes advantage of this by making a two‐way distinction between (i) strings of the form sans-serif-italic a Superscript i Baseline sans-serif-italic b Superscript i, which can be combined with any surroundings of the form sans-serif-italic a Superscript j Baseline bar bar sans-serif-italic b Superscript j, and (ii) all other strings. It uses the nonterminal symbol S as a book‐keeping symbol to identify strings belonging to the first class, just as FSGs use states.

      To see these concepts in a more familiar form, consider the CFG in (4). A few example derivations are illustrated with tree diagrams in (5). The stringset that this grammar generates also cannot be generated by any FSG: among strings of the form sans-serif-italic d o g s Superscript asterisk Baseline sans-serif-italic c h a s e Superscript asterisk Baseline sans-serif-italic s l e e p, only those where there is exactly one occurrence of chase for each occurrence of dogs after the first one will be generated (i.e. those of the form sans-serif-italic d o g s sans-serif-italic d o g s Superscript n Baseline sans-serif-italic c h a s e Superscript n Baseline sans-serif-italic s l e e p), so there are unboundedly many nonequivalent prefixes of the form sans-serif-italic d o g s Superscript i. The early rejection of FSGs as models of natural language was based on the claim that a grammar of English would need to generate patterns of essentially this sort (Chomsky, 1956, §2.3).

      1 (4) start symbol: SSNP VPNdogsNPNAchasedNPA NAbigNPN RCVchasedRCNP VVchaseVPV NPVPsleep

      1 (5)

Inside set Example strings from the corresponding equivalence class
StartSet normal upper S EndSet dogs sleep
dogs dogs chase sleep
chased dogs chase dogs
dogs chased dogs
left-brace NP right-brace dogs
big dogs
dogs dogs chase
dogs dogs dogs chase chase
left-brace VP right-brace sleep
chase dogs
chased dogs dogs chase
chased big dogs
left-brace RC right-brace dogs chase
dogs chased
big dogs chased
StartSet normal upper N EndSet dogs
StartSet normal upper A EndSet big
StartSet normal upper V EndSet
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