A Companion to Chomsky. Группа авторов

A Companion to Chomsky - Группа авторов

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alt="w w Superscript upper R"/> notation obscures the way that the CFG in (7) actually works. Importantly, this CFG generates abaaba not by combining the prefix aba with the suffix aba, but rather, by combining the infix baab with the surroundings a__a, using the first rule shown in (7). An infix‐based analysis of upper L Subscript repeat, however, is no help.

      Furthermore, it has more recently been discovered that CFGs might be insufficient, even on the straightforward basis of generative capacity, to describe some natural languages. The best‐known case is a construction in Swiss‐German (Shieber, 1985) that exhibits crossing dependencies of the sort exhibited by upper L Subscript repeat in (6); these contrast with the nested dependencies exhibited by upper L Subscript pal, which are neatly handled by CFGs. See e.g. Pullum (1986), Partee et al. (1990, pp. 503–505), Frank (2004), Kallmeyer (2010, pp. 17–20) and Jäger and Rogers (2012) for useful discussion; ideas closely related to the crucial point about Swiss‐German can be traced back to Huybregts (1976, 1984) and Bresnan et al. (1982).

      Chomsky's discussion of the undesirable properties of CSGs focuses on their ability to, in effect, reorder constituents. For example, a permuting rule “CD right-arrow DC,” which does not itself satisfy Restriction 1 (recall that the Type 0 grammar in Figure 5.1 contains rules like this), can be mimicked by a sequence of Type 1 rules “CD right-arrow XD right-arrow XC right-arrow DC” (Chomsky, 1959, p. 148; Chomsky, 1963, p. 365). Chomsky considers using this kind of reordering to derive a question form such as will John come in a way that relates it to its corresponding declarative John will come. The CSG in (8) shows how this would work. The first group of rules shown in (8) generates the declaratives John will come and John comes as shown in (9); these are all context‐free rules, and notice that they correctly capture the intersubstitutability of will come with comes, via the nonterminal Pred. The second group of rules in (8) serves to turn “NP Aux” into “Aux NP”; in particular, the derivation in (10) uses them to derive “Aux NP come,” and then eventually will John come, from the (canonically ordered, intuitively) “NP Aux come.”

      1 (8)S NP PredNP JohnPred Aux VPred comesAux willV comeNP Aux X AuxX Aux X NPX NP Aux NP

      1 (9)

      2 (10)

      1 (11)The pair (will, come) and the pair (must, leave) are intersubstitutable, in the sense that we can replace the former with the latter in will the students come to produce must the students leave. (As well as in John will come to produce John must leave.)The pair (John, to be tall) and the pair (the girl, to win) are intersubstitutable, in the sense that we can replace

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