A Companion to Chomsky. Группа авторов
alt="w w Superscript upper R"/> notation obscures the way that the CFG in (7) actually works. Importantly, this CFG generates abaaba not by combining the prefix aba with the suffix aba, but rather, by combining the infix baab with the surroundings a__a, using the first rule shown in (7). An infix‐based analysis of
5.5 Beyond Context‐Free Grammars
From the very outset there were doubts about about whether CFGs could form the basis of a theory of natural language syntax. Chomsky (1956, Section 4) argued that even if the generative capacity of CFGs (unlike FSGs) turned out to be sufficient for English (a question he left open), the resulting grammars would be unreasonably complex.16 Relatedly, one motivation for considering Type 1 rules in the first place was the recognition that, in practice, linguists found uses for contextual restrictions on rewrite rules, for example to state selectional restrictions (Chomsky, 1959, p. 148; Chomsky and Miller, 1963, p. 295; Chomsky, 1963, p. 363).
Furthermore, it has more recently been discovered that CFGs might be insufficient, even on the straightforward basis of generative capacity, to describe some natural languages. The best‐known case is a construction in Swiss‐German (Shieber, 1985) that exhibits crossing dependencies of the sort exhibited by
But despite these reasons for looking beyond CFGs, Type 1 or context‐sensitive grammars (CSGs) have not proven to be a particularly useful tool for linguistics; they have turned out to be “too close” to unrestricted rewriting grammars. While CSGs can generate the crossing‐dependency patterns of
Chomsky's discussion of the undesirable properties of CSGs focuses on their ability to, in effect, reorder constituents. For example, a permuting rule “CD
1 (8)S NP PredNP JohnPred Aux VPred comesAux willV comeNP Aux X AuxX Aux X NPX NP Aux NP
1 (9)
2 (10)
The fact that each step of the derivation in (10) rewrites only a single nonterminal symbol ensures that we can construct a tree structure that indicates which parts of the eventual string were derived from which nonterminal symbols.18 (This would not be possible for a derivation that implemented the reordering directly with the rule “NP Aux
In the light of more recent developments, the difficulties raised by the issue of reordering can be seen as stemming from the tight connection between intersubstitutability (in the sense that can be captured in rewriting systems of the sort Chomsky was exploring) and linear contiguity. Only linearly contiguous strings of symbols have the chance to be placed in an equivalence class. While familiar, there is nothing necessary about this connection: a sub‐part of a string might belong to a class of intersubstitutable subexpressions without being contiguous. In this case, the relevant sub‐parts will not themselves be strings, but will be tuples of strings. To illustrate, it suffices to consider tuples of size two, i.e. pairs of strings that are co‐dependent, and together constitute an expression belonging to a meaningful grammatical category, but need not be pronounced together. For example:
1 (11)The pair (will, come) and the pair (must, leave) are intersubstitutable, in the sense that we can replace the former with the latter in will the students come to produce must the students leave. (As well as in John will come to produce John must leave.)The pair (John, to be tall) and the pair (the girl, to win) are intersubstitutable, in the sense that we can replace