«Порог толерантности». Идеология и практика нового расизма. Виктор Шнирельман

«Порог толерантности». Идеология и практика нового расизма - Виктор Шнирельман

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      Miles R. Racism. P. 75.


      Williams B. A class act: anthropology and the race to nation across ethnic terrain // Annual review of anthropology. 1989. Vol. 18. P. 431. Советский социолог А. Шийк описал этот процесс еще в 1930 г. См.: Шийк А. Расовая проблема и марксизм. С. 319–320.


      Goldberg D. Th. The semantics of race. P. 561; Dominguez V. R. A taste for «the Other» // Current Anthropology. 1994. Vol. 35. № 4. P. 334; Bas-hi V. Racial categories matter because racial hierarchies matter: a commentary // Ethnic and Racial Studies. 1998. Vol. 21. № 5. P. 963; Wodak R., Reisigl M. Discourse and racism: European perspectives // Annual Review of Anthropology. 1999. Vol. 28. P. 180; Lentin A. Racism and anti-racism in Europe. London: Pluto Press, 2004. P. 28–29; Murji K., Solomos J. (eds.). Racialization: studies in theory and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005; Rattansi A. Racism. P. 107. О проблематичности этого термина см.: Barot R., Bird J. Racialization.


      Silverstein P. A. Immigrant racialization and the new savage slot: race, migration, and immigration in the New Europe // Annual Review of Anthropology. 2005. Vol. 34. P. 364.


      Wieviorka M. The arena of racism. London: Sage, 1995. P. 33.


      Jacobson M. F. Whiteness of a different color. European immigrants and the alchemy of race. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998. P. 105–106; Cornell S., Hartmann D. Ethnicity and race. P. 153–194.


      Haney Lopez I. F. White by law: the legal construction of race. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1996.


      MacMaster N. Racism in Europe, 1870–2000. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2001. P. 176–189, 200–204; Gillborn D. Critical race theory and education: racism and anti-racism in educational theory and praxis // Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education. 2006. Vol. 27. № 1. P. 14–17, 21.


      Van Dijk T. A. Elite discourse and racism. Newbury Park: Sage, 1993.


      MacMaster N. Racism in Europe… P. 7, 200–204.


      Chase A. The legacy of Malthus: the social costs of the New scientific racism. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1980. P. 72; Todorov T. On human diversity. P. 91; Omi M., Winant H. Racial formation in the United States. P. 71.


      Feagin J. R., Vera H., Batur P. White racism. P. 2–7.


      Winant H. Racism today. P. 760–761.


      Winant H. Racial formation and hegemony: global and local developments // Rattansi A., Westwood S. (eds.). Racism, modernity and identity: on the Western front. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1994. P. 270.


      Benedict R. Race and racism. P. 157.


      Bauman Z. Modernity and the Holocaust. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell Univ. Press, 2000. P. 65–72.


      Ibid. P. 74.


      Майлз Р., Браун М. Расизм. С. 105, 131–133.


      Gilroy P. Between camps: nations, cultures and the allure of race. London: Routledge, 2004. P. 144.


      Van Leeuwen B. To what extent is racism a magical transformation? An existential-phenomenological perspective on racism and anti-racism // Journal of social philosophy. 2007. Vol. 38. № 2. Действительно, судя по новейшим исследованиям, эмоции, основанные на стереотипах, искаженных представлениях и «здравом смысле», играют немаловажную роль в развитии расизма. См., напр.: Mukherjee R. The racial order of things: cultural imaginaries of the post-soul era. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2006.


      Mills Ch. W. The racial polity // Babbitt S. E., Campbell S. (eds.). Racism and philosophy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999. P. 25–30; Fredrickson G. M. Racism: a short history. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ Press, 2002. P. 6; Murji K., Solomos J. Introduction: racialization in theory and practice // Murji K., Solomos J. (eds.). Racialization: studies in theory and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. P. 11–12.


      MacMaster N. Racism in Europe. P. 7.


      Vasta E. Rights and racism in a new country of immigration: the Italian case // Wrench J., Solomos J. (eds.). Racism and migration in Western Europe. Oxford: Berg, 1993. P. 93.


      De Rudder V., Poiret Ch., Vourc’h F. L’inégalité raciste. P. 35–36, 154.


      Wieviorka M. The arena of racism. London: Sage, 1995. P. 36–78.


      Balibar É. Es Gibt Keinen Staat in Europa: Racism and politics in Europe today // New Left Review. 1991. № 186. P. 11, 15–16. См. также: Sivanandan A. RAT and the degradation of black struggle. P. 28; Appadurai A. Modernity at large. P. 146.


      Frankenberg R. White women, race matters.


      Wodak R., Reisigl M. Discourse and racism: European perspectives // Annual Review of Anthropology. 1999. Vol. 28. P. 178–179.


      Feagin J. R., Vera H., Batur P. White racism. P. 19–24.


      Fredrickson G. M. Racism: a short history. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, 2002. P. 99–101.


      Miles R. Racism. London and New York: Routledge, 1989. P. 42–61, 73–87; Майлз Р., Браун М. Расизм.

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