I am Earthman. Джора Байрамов

I am Earthman - Джора Байрамов

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of your brain cells, does not yet have time to physically accept, scan and process all the information provided to it during sleep, in the form of dreams, by the intelligent part of your soul. Therefore, when a person wakes up after a dream, filled with different, but not yet processed information, his brain does not immediately think and assess what is happening around him, the situation. In addition, he then quickly forgets everything or only fragmentally remembers his dream, unless of course the pictures seen and transmitted by the mind are previously familiar to him and are connected with his daily life. Sometimes, in such cases, if the dream is very complex and the cognitive part of his brain cells is not previously familiar with the pictures of the dream, he does not even remember what he saw during the movement in space and transmitted his mind to the brain, being in other, far places from the location of his physical body. And, everything else, what he remembers fragmentally in such cases from this dream, is perceived by a person as a nightmare. Over time, that is, as your brain cells develop, your brain will be able to receive, scan and process all the information presented to it by your own mind, and then you will see, evaluate and even know everything that is happening in the Universe without much effort, even without telescopes, without space probes and high-tech equipment. Although our scientists, everything I have said now, has been theoretically proven on a scientific basis, but practical evidence in this direction has not yet been received. This can be practically proved, as I have already said, if we separate the soul of a person from the brain, of course, still alive, and study them separately. But so far, for scientific study, no one, that is, your scientists, and our scientists, has managed to artificially separate the inseparable connection of the intelligent part of the soul and the human brain, without harming the further functioning of the brain. However, we have accurate information that your scientists on Earth were working on a project in secret laboratories, so that later, in any still alive, healthy person, at the right moment, of course, without harm to his body and health, especially without harm to the brain, he would be able to separate the intelligent part of his soul from the brain cells. The ultimate goal of their work was to, after separating the intelligent part of the soul from the brain cells, make the necessary changes in the mind of the person being tested, correct and direct the action of his mind at his discretion and return it back with an altered mind to the human brain and thus control the mind of any person. In a word, this meant attempts to create biologically living, thinking biorobots, whose appearance, body structure, behavior, habits and all other anatomical structures and physiological properties of the body are no different from ordinary people, but programmed and unquestioningly fulfilling all the instructions given to them. What results they have achieved, most likely we will never know now. At the same time, we know that the possibilities of the human brain are infinitely huge and infinite, like the universe itself. Therefore, as carriers of a high, noble mind, we will need each other not only now, but especially in the distant future. And we think, and even know, that all is not lost for humanity yet. It is only necessary to find optimal ways to overcome the consequences of a nuclear catastrophe and develop methods for the maximum rapid restoration of biological and plant life on Earth. Our scientists will help you with this. If, by the time the invasion of predators begins, the human race is restored, we will definitely help you to repel the invasion of these intelligent parasites-predators. And, the human race will definitely recover sooner or later, we believe in it.

      – After the nuclear war, were there any survivors on Earth? Well, at least someone, that is, people, animals, birds, vegetation?

      – After the nuclear disaster, we study the Earth all the time. Very little time has passed, and therefore it is difficult to assert or deny anything now. But one thing I can say for sure is that in the deep waters of the oceans, where underwater volcanoes did not erupt, the life of waterfowl was preserved in immeasurably small quantities. In addition, when we were saving you, our radars detected one, the only nuclear submarine that survived the thermonuclear disaster in the northern latitudes of the planet, but we do not know anything about the further fate of this boat and its crew. We then unsuccessfully tried to contact the crew to pick them up from the nuclear submarine and save them. However, for some reason, their means of communication for contact did not work, perhaps in order not to reveal themselves, they were in full radio silence, and when our small landing ship appeared for visual contact with the crew, the boat hastily plunged and disappeared under the water, apparently taking us for an enemy. After that and the subsequent time, no signals came from them. Due to the fact that we are well aware of the potential for survivability and autonomous existence for a long period of time of your nuclear submarines, we rate the survival of the crew of the boat after the disaster very highly. This is possible if at the time of the disaster there were large food supplies in the boat, and during this allotted time they found a place on the shore where they can then periodically replenish food supplies. It is still possible that there are living people in government bunkers and billionaires ' bunkers who built these bunkers of life in order to wait out, survive and stay alive in the event of nuclear wars or other global natural disasters and cataclysms on Earth. But the territories where these bunkers were located were subjected to such targeted, furious nuclear attacks by opponents that we even doubt that even if there were survivors there, they have very little chance of getting out of the bunkers to the surface, since in many places they were flooded by ocean waters. And where the water did not flood, there the earth turned into a charred, black lifeless radioactive mess and in these places directly on the surface in the soils of the earth and, accordingly, in that radius and in the atmosphere, a disastrous concentration of radiation for biological life has accumulated, which will persist for centuries. Whether they will survive in such circumstances depends on the reserves of water, food, oxygen and the technical equipment of these bunkers for autonomous existence for very many years. And after a certain time, when they run out of these supplies, their survival depends on the fact that if they have a sufficient number of protective suits against radiation, and if they get out safely, and also if they leave these places safely quickly. In addition, in large megacities or in cities where there were subways, in metro tunnels where water did not flood, a certain number of people who were there directly at the time of a nuclear war could remain alive. But due to the fact that they did not have food and other necessary means of subsistence, all of them may have died long ago. However, there are also territories on Earth that have suffered less from nuclear explosions, volcanic eruptions and flooding of ocean waters. The radiation background in these places, as well as on the entire surface of the Earth, was quite high immediately after the nuclear explosions, but after the passage of time, unlike other places, due to the fact that there were no nuclear charges exploding in the immediate vicinity, the concentration of radiation in these places significantly and rapidly decreases. Therefore, it is very likely that people, animals and vegetation may have survived in these territories. We are carefully studying these territories and if this is the case, we will definitely inform you. By now, most volcanoes have passed the active eruption phases. In addition, our scientists have done everything to ensure that the thermonuclear winter does not last long, that is, that the dust and ash shroud from the atmosphere quickly settles on the earth's surface and the vital rays of the Sun penetrate to the Earth. These works have already borne fruit and the sun's rays in some places pass through the veil and the nuclear winter is gradually receding. And how long will it take for biological life on Earth to be revived again and everywhere? There is no answer to this question yet, since the scale of the disaster was terrifying and immeasurably very large. But the main thing is that the Earth withstood the catastrophe, did not split into parts, did not descend from its orbit, as before, rotates around its star and revolves around its axis, retained its attraction, and as a result, although very polluted, it also retained its atmosphere. However, the widespread super-powerful earthquakes and the eruption of large and small volcanoes that occurred on the surface layers of the Earth subsequently echoed very negatively in the inner layers of the planet. So, after the nuclear catastrophe, some strong changes also occurred in the bowels of the Earth in the form of tectonic shifts, mixing and multiple faults of the lithospheric plates, resulting in subsidence and separation of continents, which led to the formation of numerous, large and small islands on the Earth's surface. But we do not yet know what the further consequences of these shifts and faults will be for the planet Earth, whether it will retain its life-supporting properties for biological beings in the future. I also want to inform you that the Earth rotates around the Sun, in its orbit at the same speed as before, but it rotates around its axis a little faster than before. This was due to the fact that the powerful fiery explosive

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