I am Earthman. Джора Байрамов

I am Earthman - Джора Байрамов

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human life will not be enough for this time. Therefore, we ourselves would like to suggest that you make a decision and give us your consent in order to place you in a special bio-chamber to preserve your body in an unchanged state for a very long time, without compromising your health. And then, when all the conditions for biological life are restored on Earth, they decided to take you there and restore all the functions of your body there again, that is, in other words, it will revive you again. But if you definitely and specifically do not want to stay with us, that is, while in the bio-chamber, to wait out the restoration of the Earth and the revival of life on the planet, then I offer you another option.

      He, interrupting a little, added;

      –Our scientists are constantly studying and exploring the universe, looking for ways to protect themselves not only from intelligent parasites-predators and other, known to us in advance and unknown, monstrously diverse and terrible dangers emanating from the depths of the bottomless cold and unfriendly space, but also from another, more global and especially problematic for us, danger. Such a danger comes to us from the galaxy eaters. On Earth, your scientists call them Black holes. Just as your scientists knew that Black holes are the cores of every galaxy. Our scientists have established that Black holes first create galaxies by the big bang. That is, all Black holes, absorbing absolutely everything that is in its gravitational space, gradually become titanically, that is, unimaginably dense and gigantically large. And then, as a result of an internal thermonuclear or other reaction, expanding, reaching a certain limit size in their expansion, they always and inevitably explode, and when they explode, they throw millions, billions, perhaps even an uncountable number of burning fragments of different sizes into the dark and cold outer space. After the explosion, at the site of the explosion, the remnants of their nucleus are always preserved from Black holes and these remnants are attracted to each other by the force of attraction, immediately after the explosion, connecting, forms small Black holes spinning around their axis. These newly formed Black holes, although they are still not large enough in size, but they immediately have huge gravitational forces of attraction from the moment of formation. Acting with their gigantic force of attraction, they first stop all the cosmic bodies that are close to them from moving further away from themselves, and after that, acting through them in all directions in the form of spiral chains, they also stop all the other cosmic bodies that they have thrown away. And then, keeping these cosmic bodies at a certain distance from themselves, they begin to rotate them around themselves and thereby gradually creating this or that new galaxy. And all the burning fragments ejected by the Black hole after a certain time under the influence of the uniform gravitational pressure of the cosmos from all sides, acquire a rounded, and, some of them even, a convex shape and turn first all into burning bright stars, and then after a certain time, some extinct stars turn into planets. And some small stars that are close to a large star, under the pressure of the latter, while still in the process of thermonuclear combustion, exploding, form a gas and dust nebula in space, thereby creating conditions for the formation of a large star around the still burning one, and others, that is, in terms of origin, it is different from other, various planets. Thus, various large and small star systems with their own planetary systems are born inside this newly formed galaxy. After a certain amount of time, which is billions and billions, perhaps even trillions of years, Black holes, gradually absorbing all the cosmic bodies close to it, again become gigantically large and unimaginably dense. After that, they begin to actively collect all the cosmic bodies of their galaxy back, that is, in other words, they devour them, so that later, again after billions and billions of years, they explode and re-create this or that galaxy. For example, on Earth, scientists believed that some galaxies seen by your telescopes, located close to your galaxy, are moving away from you at such a speed and that it seems that they are about to leave the field of view of your telescopes very soon and will be lost forever in the endless expanses of the Universe. But in fact, they do not move far away and do not go anywhere, as according to the Law of the Universe, there are no free places in the Universe, although it is immensely infinite and bottomless. And, no matter how your astrophysicists claim, the galaxies will never collide with each other. This will not allow them to do their own Black Holes, which strictly control and protect their territory assigned to them in the Universe according to the law of universal gravitation. But our scientists at the same time admit the hypothesis that small or dwarf galaxies, which, in comparison with the Black hole in their neighboring large galaxy, respectively, and small Black holes, during the active process of devouring cosmic bodies by large Black holes of neighboring galaxies, can be completely absorbed by its larger neighbor. Such an absorption from the outside will initially look like a gradual but steady movement in space towards each other of two galaxies and their obligatory subsequent collision. Unfortunately, we, limited by the time frame of observing this, even by cosmic time standards, very long-lasting process, will not be able to observe all the subsequent pictures of such an absorption, followed by the devouring of all the celestial bodies of both galaxies by a huge Black hole. Perhaps that is why your scientists, observing only a certain period of time the beginning of the process of devouring the cosmic bodies of both galaxies by a large Black hole, came to the conclusion that after a certain time, the galaxies moving towards each other in space must necessarily and inevitably collide. However, our scientists do not exclude such a hypothetical version of events that if, after all, sometime in the future there is a violation of the Law of the Universe of the Universe and a chaotic collision of galaxies occurs in outer space, without subsequent absorption of celestial bodies by Black holes, then this may subsequently lead to a catastrophic chaos in the Universe. And this, in the end, again hypothetically, may lead to the fact that an eternal, never-ending darkness will prevail everywhere in space, the onset of which would mean that in the universe, never again, any life forms will not be able to be reborn, born again, and cannot exist at all. But this is only a hypothesis, and our scientists hope that this hypothesis will never find its theoretical, much less practical, confirmations. Well, in the meantime, the stars, planets and other cosmic bodies of those galaxies that you think are moving away from your galaxy are attracted to themselves by the unimaginable giant force of attraction of their Black holes, and therefore it seems to you that they are moving away from your galaxy. And in fact, in these galaxies, neighboring to your galaxy, an active process of devouring stars, planets and other cosmic bodies by their own Black holes has been going on for a long time. By attracting them to itself at a certain distance, Black holes, simultaneously with attraction, without releasing and pressing on them with their huge gravitational force, first turns them into dust, and then devours them all. Eventually, a gigantic gravitational, unimaginably huge, very dangerous and absolutely empty, in the literal sense of the word, dark cosmic void appears in that part of the universe. And in the center of this cosmic void, there is only a gigantically large, predatory, absolutely devouring, invisible to telescopes, Black hole, spinning around its axis alone, and there comes an unimaginably cold, pitch darkness for long and long times, until this giant Black Hole explodes. This is the so-called "Big Bang". This has happened, is happening somewhere at the present time, will happen in the future, with a constant frequency of billions, billions of times, that is, infinitely forever. This is the universal and basic Law of the Universe, and without this Law, the Universe cannot exist in its current form, since after a certain time, having spent all its energy, all the currently existing stars will someday go out. And if there are no explosions of Black holes, then even in this case, chaos will occur everywhere in the Universe and only eternal cold, pitch darkness will prevail. Based on this Law of the Universe, Black holes serve as the only irreplaceable and very important source of periodic renewal of very necessary energy and light in one or another part of the Universe. Maybe this is the endless war of high intelligence and the dark forces of the universe. Of course, we will never save the Blue Star and our Green Planet from such a universal, but absolutely necessary Law of the Universe. In the foreseeable future, there is no such danger for our galaxy, and for your galaxy, although the Black Hole of your galaxy, compared to the Black Hole of our galaxy, has already reached a relatively large size. But we always have to think about this, naturally global and inevitable, but at the same time necessary for the existence of life in the Universe, danger, we always have to think in advance, look for, find ways and ways to confront and save our people. This is what the "High Mind" pushes us to do. Although we have a very developed science and technology in all areas, compared to Earth's achievements, we are also powerless against the attraction of Black holes. Therefore, our scientists on more modernized research ships are sent to distant galaxies, where, according

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