I am Earthman. Джора Байрамов

I am Earthman - Джора Байрамов

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to their calculations, Black holes have reached such gigantic sizes that an active process of devouring the stars and planets of that galaxy will soon begin. Another clear sign of this active process, in addition to reaching the gigantic size of Black holes, as our scientists believe, it is possible to accelerate their rotation around their axis. However, as our scientists believe, these hypothetical assumptions alone are not enough for a comprehensive and complete study of this process, and they have not yet been fully confirmed. Therefore, while there, they study the strength and nature of the attraction of Black holes, when, with what changes inside the galaxy and with what other obvious signs, the active and already irrevocable process of devouring their own galaxies begins. Thus, our scientists are looking for answers to questions about whether we can determine in advance, at least approximately, the beginning of these active processes in our galaxy, and in your galaxy. And our shipbuilders, scientists, designers, inventors and developers, based on the knowledge of the universal laws of the universe, are working not only on the modernization of our intergalactic spaceships, but are working to create completely new ships. This is necessary so that the intergalactic ships we are creating, if necessary, can overcome the gigantic force of attraction of the Black Hole of the galaxy, so that we ourselves will not be late, save ourselves and if such a danger comes to you, then help save humanity and find another planet suitable for life, for the continuation of life in the endless expanses of the Universe. Our scientists have long known that theoretically, from the point of view of the laws of astrophysics and comprehensive other laws of physics, it is possible to build ships that can overcome their gigantic attraction at any time and from any distance from Black holes. This is possible only if we invent and create particularly strong, anti-gravity spaceships running on perpetual motion engines-converters of the energy of attraction of cosmic bodies and the endless gigantic energy of outer space itself, into reverse energy. These engines, the very force of energy, the attraction of Black holes and other cosmic bodies could be turned into the same force of energy, but with the opposite, that is, the effect of influence repelling from them, but necessarily regulated by us. If our scientists, inventors and creators of ships find ways to create such ships, then this gigantic energy converted into reverse force on their engines, with the same unimaginably gigantic force as the attraction of Black holes themselves, would push our ships away from them, like unipolar magnetic fields repelling each other. In other words, our intergalactic ships must be absolutely anti-gravitational, but at the same time, with the help of gravitational energy converter engines, they must have enormous speed properties for instantly fast, and most importantly safe and controlled movement in outer space in any direction. Only in this way will we be able to escape from the absorption of Black holes. However, to do this, it is necessary to comprehensively study in detail the Black holes themselves and their unimaginable force of attraction. Our scientists, both astrophysicists and physicists studying quantum and optical physics, shipbuilders are working on this, but so far our scientists have not been able to closely investigate and study the Black holes themselves, their features and differences from other cosmic bodies and establish at least approximately the maximum force of their attraction. Our research ships, unmanned ships, research probes, which we sent for their close study, having fallen into the zone of irrevocable attraction of Black holes, disappeared without a trace, in other words, they were attracted to themselves by Black holes and devoured. Our scientists believe that even particularly high-frequency beam signals that report the disasters of our ships, wherever it happens, could not overcome the force of attraction of Black holes. Beam signals are specially encoded signals collected from strictly defined several rays into one beam, which, due to their special properties, are not subject to planetary and stellar attractions and are released from the ship automatically when an emergency situation occurs that is incorrigible by the crew. Because of their special properties, these ray signals, as if in a chain, but instantly transmitted through the particles of outer space, travel a distance at a speed several times faster than the speed of light and are reflected only in our special receiving stations, which instantly process them and determine the location of our ship in distress. Hence the conclusion that Black holes in the territories assigned to them attract, without any exception, everything that exists in that part of the Universe, and devour them. Therefore, we do not know where that boundary begins, or, as you put it, the so-called "last threshold", beyond which there is no return and even no feedback. Black holes are not planets, stars or other cosmic bodies that we know, they are something else, mysterious and we have not yet studied cosmic bodies. Our scientists only assume that the core of Black holes are formed from the dark and invisible matter of the cosmos, the specific gravity, density and gravitational force of which is several million times greater than that of the largest stars and planets in the Universe. And Black holes also explode because of an unimaginably high density, no longer able to withstand their own unimaginably gigantic force of attraction and the energy accumulated as a result of this compression inside themselves. So, having reached a huge size and an absolutely critical limit of density and no longer being able to shrink any more, at a certain time, we believe, a large-scale thermonuclear or another reaction, unknown to us yet, is activated inside Black holes, and because of this, the process of their expansion to even more huge, immeasurably gigantic sizes begins. And when the expansion process reaches its critical limit, Black holes for an indefinite, by cosmic standards, for a very short time, radiating outer space with their bright rays, become blindingly bright, titanically larger superstars than all the stars combined. After that, their expansion reaches an even more critical limit and a large, blinding explosion occurs and a whistling melodic sound, reminiscent of the word "Hallelujah", spreads into outer space

      The alien, interrupting telepathy a little, continued;

      – If you have made a final decision not to stay on our planet any longer, then with your consent, in order to preserve your body in an unchanged state for a long time, we will place you in a special bio-chamber. For your information, I would like to inform you that a bio-chamber is a special equipped chamber where all the functions of a biologically living organism go into a dormant, passive mode of existence. At the same time, during the period of a person's stay in a bio-chamber, his body does not age and does not wear out as during active life, since all this time, a constant, full-fledged cellular exchange takes place in the body at the proper level, pre-coded for each person, taking into account all the functional and other features of his body. The work of all other internal organs is suspended during the dormant mode of the body, but at the same time, so that during the time a person is in the bio-chamber, these organs do not lose their physiological functions in the future, their tissue cells too, without aging and wear, are maintained and fed properly. In addition, the lung and digestive tract, so that they do not lose their functions, are filled with a special, harmless for the body, liquid. This is the only way we can preserve your biological body and your life for many years. Having placed you in such a chamber, we will send you on a research ship with our research scientists, who will make a trip to other galaxies. And if, in those galaxies, there is a planet where the living conditions are similar to Earth, where there is biological life and research will establish that nothing will threaten your life and health there, you will be "revived" for a short time. And after that, while our ship is in the immediate vicinity of that planet or in its orbit, again, with your consent, you will be landed on the surface of this planet for a short time, with a guard.

      And also, if your planet is restored by the time the mission of our researchers ends, they will land you there, provide you with everything necessary for your stay for the first time and leave you.

      –I agree, but I have one more request. For one reason or another, if even before the time your ship will be in our galaxy and within our Solar system, then I really ask you, flying past, show me my home planet, Earth, I miss it very much.

      The alien nodded his head in agreement. After that, after a certain time, three aliens (possibly their scientists in the field of medicine) carefully studied all the functional data and features of his body, placed him in a special bio-chamber. He only remembered how the hermetic door of the bio-chamber was tightly closed in front of his nose and immediately fell asleep.

      CHAPTER 4


      So an earthling after three hundred years of sleep, if the preservation of human flesh without change for a long time in a special bio-chamber, and then the restoration of the full work of all organs and all other physiological functions of the body can be called a dream,

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