Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction. Aiden A. Bruen
24.8 Some Details on the Random Permutation 24.9 The Case Where Eve Has Nonzero Initial Information 24.10 Hash Functions Using Block Designs 24.11 Concluding Remarks Note Chapter 25: New Identities for the Shannon Function with Applications 25.1 Extensions of a Binary Symmetric Channel 25.2 A Basic Entropy Equality 25.3 The New Identities 25.4 Applications to Cryptography and a Shannon‐Type Limit 25.5 Problems 25.6 Solutions Chapter 26: Blockchain and Bitcoin 26.1 Ledgers, Blockchains 26.2 Hash Functions, Cryptographic Hashes 26.3 Digital Signatures 26.4 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies 26.5 The Append‐Only Network, Identities, Timestamp, Definition of a Bitcoin 26.6 The Bitcoin Blockchain and Merkle Roots 26.7 Mining, Proof‐of‐Work, Consensus 26.8 Thwarting Double Spending Chapter 27: IoT, The Internet of Things 27.1 Introduction 27.2 Analog to Digital (A/D) Converters 27.3 Programmable Logic Controller 27.4 Embedded Operating Systems 27.5 Evolution, From SCADA to the Internet of Things 27.6 Everything is Fun and Games until Somebody Releases a Stuxnet 27.7 Securing the IoT, a Mammoth Task 27.8 Privacy and Security Notes Chapter 28: In the Cloud 28.1 Introduction 28.2 Distributed Systems 28.3 Cloud Storage – Availability and Copyset Replication 28.4 Homomorphic Encryption 28.5 Cybersecurity 28.6 Problems 28.7 Solutions Chapter 29: Review Problems and Solutions 29.1 Problems 29.2 Solutions
13 Appendix A A.1 ASCII
14 Appendix B B.1 Shannon's Entropy Table
15 Glossary
16 References
17 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Approximate frequencies of letters in the English language.Table 2.2 Number of character coincidences corresponding to displacement
2 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Factorization of
3 Chapter 24Table 24.1 Bit agreements between two remnant stringsTable 24.2 Expressions for
4 Appendix ATable A.1 ASCII table
5 Appendix BTable B.1 Shannon's entropy table.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 (a) Claude E. Shannon, Theseus, and the maze (see Section 1.4). (...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Caesar cipher wheel.Figure 2.2 The German Enigma machine. (a) the Enigma machine type‐K, (b) the...Figure 2.3 Block diagram of the Enigma machine.Figure 2.4 Simplified Enigma model.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 General encryption.Figure 3.2 Symmetric encryption.Figure