Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction. Aiden A. Bruen

Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction - Aiden A. Bruen

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4Figure 4.1 One‐time pad.Figure 4.2 How does Romeo know that Juliet's message has not been altered?Figure 4.3 Authentication and message integrity check to ensure that nobody ...Figure 4.4 Public key encryption principle.Figure 4.5 Digital signature scheme usingPublic Key Cryptography.Figure 4.6 The basic Kerberos scheme for trusted server authentication.

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The group law.

      6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Man‐in‐the‐middle attack on symmetric key encryption.Figure 7.2 Man‐in‐the‐middle attack on public key encryption.Figure 7.3 A passive relay attack in which encrypted message

is sent by Al...Figure 7.4 A relay attack. Message
is sent by Alice's car. Eve relays (for...

      7 Chapter 11Figure 11.1: Decision tree.Figure 11.2: Initial graph.Figure 11.3: After one merge.Figure 11.4: Arithmetic coding.

      8 Chapter 13Figure 13.1: The German 10 Deutsche Mark featured Gauss in the 1990s.Figure 13.2: The late Professor J. H. van Lint, one of the world's leading c...

      9 Chapter 16Figure 16.1: One clock pulse.Figure 16.2: A general LFSR.Figure 16.3: The 5‐bit LFSR generated by


      10 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Memory hierarchy.Figure 17.2 Memory hierarchy with compressed caching included.Figure 17.3 Compressed caching in main memory.Figure 17.4 Lempel–Ziv tree for the string

.Figure 17.5 Dictionary immediately after compressing
in Example 17.5. Afte...Figure 17.6 Cells 1 (top), 2 (middle), and 3 (bottom) in the compressed cach...Figure 17.7 Cell 2 after adding a compressed page
of size 0.7.Figure 17.8 Cells 1 (top), 2 (middle), and 3 (bottom) for Problem 17.5.Figure 17.9 Cell 1 for Solution 17.5.

      11 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Error correction.

      12 Chapter 20Figure 20.1: Fano's geometry with seven lines and seven vertices.

      13 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Bruck net of order 2 and degree 3.Figure 23.2 An MDS code with


      14 Chapter 25Figure 25.1

copies of
acting independently and in parallel.

      15 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 Blocks linked into a chain.Figure 26.2 Backward hash pointers. See [NBF+16, p. 33].Figure 26.3 The foundation of Bitcoin.


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Series Page

      4  Title Page

      5  Copyright

      6  Dedication

      7  Preface to the Second Edition

      8  Acknowledgments for the Second Edition

      9  Book Website

      10  About the Authors

      11  Begin Reading

      12  Appendix A

      13  Appendix B

      14  Glossary

      15  Index



      1  ii

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  v

      5  xvii

      6  xviii

      7  xix

      8 xx

      9 xxi

      10  xxiii

      11  xxv

      12  xxvii

      13  1

      14  3

      15  4

      16  5

      17  6


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