Flow-Induced Vibration Handbook for Nuclear and Process Equipment. Группа авторов

Flow-Induced Vibration Handbook for Nuclear and Process Equipment - Группа авторов

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and Air‐Water Two‐Phase Cross Flow Show...Fig. 8-23b Flow Regime Map for Steam‐Water, Freon and Air‐Water Two‐Phase Cr...Fig. 8-24 Freon Results Included in Two‐Phase Fluidelastic Instability Resul...Fig. 8-25a Schematic of the Air‐Water U‐Bend Test Section and Flow Loop.Fig. 8-25b Schematic of Air‐Water U‐Bend Test Section.Fig. 8-26 Lowest Vibration Modes for an Unsupported U‐Tube.Fig. 8-27 Out‐of‐Plane U‐Tube Frequency‐Response Spectrum for 90% Void Fract...Fig. 8-28 Out‐of‐Plane Vibration Response Spectra as a Function of Mass Flux...Fig. 8-29 Out‐of‐Plane Vibration Amplitudes Measured by Strain Gages, in Liq...Fig. 8-30 In‐Plane Tangential Vibration Amplitude Measured by Strain Gages, ...Fig. 8-31 Flexible Tube Assemblies a) Single Tube, b) Central Cluster, c) Si...Fig. 8-32 Configurations of Flexible Tubes Tested Within the Test Section.Fig. 8-33 Response versus Flow‐Pitch Velocity for a Single Flexible Tube for...Fig. 8-34 Response Spectra of Single Flexible Tube in Flow at 80% Void Fract...Fig. 8-35 Response in Lift Direction versus Flow Pitch Velocity for the Sing...Fig. 8-36 Response in Lift Direction versus Flow Pitch Velocity for the Sing...Fig. 8-37 Response of Tube 7 versus Flow Pitch Velocity for the Partially Fl...Fig. 8-38 Instability Map: • Axisymetrically Flexible Tube Bundle in Air‐Wat...Fig. 8-39 Selected Frequency Spectra for Fluidelastic Instability of Clamped...

      9 Chapter 9Fig. 9-1 Directional Dependence (Lift versus Drag).Fig. 9-2 Effect of Tube Bundle Orientation.Fig. 9-3 Effect of Pitch‐to‐Diameter Ratio (a) Normal‐Triangular Tube Bundle...Fig. 9-4 Effect of Upstream Turbulence.Fig. 9-5 Effect of Fluid Density (Gas versus Liquid).Fig. 9-6 Proposed Guideline for Excitation Forces.Fig. 9-7 Comparison with Previous Guidelines.

      10 Chapter 10Fig. 10-1 First Normalized Guideline for Power Spectral Density of Random Tu...Fig. 10-2 Early Normalized Guideline for Power Spectral Density of Random Tu...Fig. 10-3 Normalized Guideline for Power Spectral Density of Random Turbulen...Fig. 10-4 Early Dimensionless Guideline for Power Spectral Density of Random...Fig. 10-5 CENS Air-Water Power Spectral Densities for a Normal-Square Tube B...Fig. 10-6 CENS Air-Water Power Spectral Densities at 50% Void Fraction for a...Fig. 10-7 CENS Air-Water Power Spectral Densities at a Mass Flux of 750 kg/(...Fig. 10-8 Measured Peak Frequencies from Air-Water Excitation Force Drag Pow...Fig. 10-9 Variation in Characteristic Void Length with Void Fraction and Mas...Fig. 10-10 CENS Characteristic Void Length Data (Square Symbols at 1500 kg/mFig. 10-11 CENS Air-Water Power Spectral Densities at a Mass Flux of 750 kg/...Fig. 10-12 CENS Air-Water Power Spectral Densities at fdB/UP = 0.1 for a Nor...Fig. 10-13 Air-Water Flow Regime Maps Using Kanizawa and Ribatski (2016) Bou...Fig. 10-14 Steam-Water and Freon Flow Regime Maps Using Kanizawa and Ribatsk...Fig. 10-15 CRL Air-Water Power Spectral Densities at fdB/ Up = 0.1 for a 60°...Fig. 10-16 Effect of Mass Flux on Reference Equivalent Power Spectral Densit...Fig. 10-17 Comparison of Normalized Random Excitation Power Spectral Densiti...Fig. 10-18 Comparison of Air-Water and Freon-22 Drag Power Spectral Densitie...Fig. 10-19 Comparison of Air-Water, Freon-134a and Freon-22 Drag Power Spect...Fig. 10-20 Comparison of Air-Water and Freon-22 Drag Power Spectral Densitie...Fig. 10-21 CENS Air-Water Dimensionless Power Spectral Densities at a Mass F...Fig. 10-22 Original Dimensionless Guideline with Data Points from de Langre ...Fig. 10-23 CENS Data Plotted Using de Langre and Villard (1998) Scaling Fact...Fig. 10-24 CRL and Other Data Plotted Using de Langre and Villard (1998) Sca...Fig. 10-25 Bubbly Flow Power Spectral Densities Collapsed Using Eq. (10-8) a...Fig. 10-26 Churn and Annular Flow Power Spectral Densities Collapsed Using E...Fig. 10-27 Intermittent Flow Power Spectral Densities Collapsed Using Eq. (1...Fig. 10-28 Axial Spatial Correlation of Random Pressure Fluctuations in Two-...Fig. 10-29 Measured and Predicted Vibration Amplitude versus Simulated Steam...Fig. 10-30 Effect of Flow Regime on Void Fraction Dependence of SF(f) in Ste...Fig. 10-31 Velocity Dependence of SF( f ) in Steam-Water Axial Flow (Pettigr...Fig. 10-32 Temperature Dependence of SF(f) in Steam-Water Axial Flow (Pettig...Fig. 10-33 Normalized Power Spectral Density Results from Several Researcher...

      11 Chapter 11Fig. 11-1 Typical Vibration Response (Gorman, 1976).Fig. 11-2 Laminar Vortex Formation in the Wake of a Vibrating Cylinder at a ...Fig. 11-3 Envelope of Strouhal Number versus Reynolds Number for Circular Cy...Fig. 11-4 Lift Coefficients for a Single Cylinder (Gerlach and Dodge, 1970)....Fig. 11-5 Vortex Shedding Behind the Second Row in a Rotated‐Square Array wi...Fig. 11-6 Strouhal Numbers for Tube Bundles in Liquid Flow (Pettigrew and Go...Fig. 11-7 Strouhal Number Expressions for Various Tube Bundle Geometries (We...Fig. 11-8 Strouhal Numbers for Finned Tubes (Kouba, 1986): Dots are Experime...Fig. 11-9a Vibration Response to Single‐Phase Forced Excitation (a) Normal‐S...Fig. 11-9b Vibration Response to Single‐Phase Forced Excitation (b) Rotated‐...Fig. 11-9c Vibration Response to Single‐Phase Forced Excitation (c) Normal‐T...Fig. 11-10 Fluctuating Force Lift Coefficients for Tube Bundles in Single‐Ph...Fig. 11-11 Force Spectra at 80% Void Fraction: (a) and (b) Pitch Flow Veloci...Fig. 11-12 Periodic Force Frequency and Periodic Force versus Pitch Velocity...Fig. 11-13 Force Power Spectral Density (PSD) at 80% Void Fraction and 6.8 m...Fig. 11-14 Periodic Force Frequency and Periodic Force at 80% Void Fraction ...Fig. 11-15a Vibration Response to Air‐Water Forced Excitation (Solid Circle:...Fig. 11-15b Vibration Response to Air‐Water Forced Excitation (Solid Circle:...Fig. 11-15c Vibration Response to Air‐Water Forced Excitation (Solid Circle:...Fig. 11-16 Fluctuating Force Lift Coefficients for Tube Bundles in Two‐Phase...Fig. 11-17 Flow Regime Maps for the Two‐Phase Fluctuating Force Data Sources...Fig. 11-18a Schematic Diagram of the Acoustic Cavity in a Typical Moisture S...Fig. 11-18b Tube Bundle Geometry within the Moisture Separator Reheater.Fig. 11-19 Dimensionless Equivalent Speed of Sound Ce/C versus Dd/W of the A...Fig. 11-20 Acoustic Resonance in First and Second Mode Excited by Vortex She...Fig. 11-21 Acoustic Resonance in Second and Third Modes Excited by Vortex Sh...Fig. 11-22 Acoustic Resonance Criterion for a) In-Line (Square) Bundles and ...Fig. 11-23a Damping Criteria for In‐Line Arrays, Gi (Ziada et al, 1989b).Fig. 11-23b Damping Criteria for Staggered Arrays, GS (Ziada et al, 1989b)....Fig. 11-24 Maximum Sound Pressure Levels as a Function of Tube Pattern and S...

      12 Chapter 12Fig. 12-1 Complex Tube‐Support Geometry: Possible Contact Points (Pettigrew ...Fig. 12-2 Steam Generator Tube and Support Contact Combinations (Pettigrew e...Fig. 12-3 Fuel Element Vibration Response Compared with Location in Fuel Str...Fig. 12-4 Effect of History on Fuel Element Vibration Response (Pettigrew, 1...Fig. 12-5 Nuclear Fuel Vibration: Range of Dynamic Characteristics (Pettigre...Fig. 12-6 Model of Fuel Element Bearing Pad and Fuel Channel Contact (Pettig...Fig. 12-7 Work‐Rate versus Gap/Preload for a Fuel Element Vibration Response...Fig. 12-8 Effect of Clearance or Preload on Dynamic Interaction between Fuel...Fig. 12-9 Work‐Rate Balance in Multi‐Span Heat Exchanger Tube Test.Fig. 12-10 Input and Dissipated Work‐Rates for Multi‐Span Heat Exchanger Tub...Fig. 12-11 Estimated and VIBIC‐Calculated Work‐Rates for: a) Two‐Span Simula...Fig. 12-12 Hypothetical Multi‐Span Heat Exchanger Tube.Fig. 12-13 Hypothetical Steam Generator U‐Bend Tube with Flat‐Bar Supports....Fig. 12-14a Contact between a Steam Generator Tube and Flat‐Bar‐Type (AVB) S...Fig. 12-14b Wear Volume versus Wear Depth.Fig. 12-15 Estimated and Measured Work‐Rate for Fuel Element Subjected to Tu...Fig. 12-16 Typical Vibration Limits for Piping System (Wachel, 1982).Fig. 12-17 Multi‐Span Steel Pipe.

      13 Chapter 13Fig. 13-1 Types of Wear (Fisher et al, 1995).Fig. 13-2 Fretting Map (adapted from Vingsbo and Soderberg, 1987).Fig. 13-3 Effect of Temperature on Fretting‐Wear Rates (Ko, 1980).Fig. 13-4 Pressure Tube Fretting‐Wear Rates (Fisher et al, 1990).Fig. 13-5 Effect of Contact Force Level on Fretting‐Wear Rates (Ko, 1979a)....Fig. 13-6 Room‐Temperature Fretting‐Wear Machine.Fig. 13-7 Force Transducer Assembly for Room‐Temperature Machine (Ko, 1985a)...Fig. 13-8 Wear Rate versus Work‐Rate for Incoloy 800 Tubing and Inconel 600 ...Fig. 13-9 Schematic of an Impact Fretting‐Wear Test Machine (Pettigrew et al...Fig. 13-10 Two High‐Temperature Machines Used at AECL‐CNL (Guérout and Fishe...Fig. 13-11 Isometric 3-D Wear Profile (Specimen C297 PT‐124) (Fisher et al, ...Fig. 13-12 Bearing Pad and Pressure Tube Specimens Installed in the Wear Mac...Fig. 13-13 Schematic of the SAI Motion Type (Fisher et al, 1990).Fig. 13-14 Effect of Temperature on Pressure Tube Fretting Wear (Fisher et a...Fig. 13-15 Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Content on Pressure Tube Fretting Wear...Fig. 13-16 Wear Map for the X40 Alloy (Saito and Mino, 1995).Fig. 13-17 Effect of Temperature on Steam Generator Tube Fretting Wear (Fish...Fig. 13-18 Topographic SEM Photographs of Fret Marks (Fisher et al, 2002).Fig.

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