Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing, and Nutrition. Группа авторов
food processing operations and consumed as canned beans in brine or sauce. The market and overall consumption of beans and formulated bean products are expected to increase and to further segment as they are positioned as nutritionally rich and healthy foods. However, the development of high‐quality bean products in convenience foods categories such as dehydrated, frozen, and extruded formats appear to be an open opportunity.
The food industry, in cooperation with public research programs (universities and research centers) and other professional organizations, should focus efforts to incorporate dry beans and other pulses into innovative products that are economically viable, readily accessible to consumers, convenient to use, and of high culinary quality. The clearly recognized healthy attributes of beans deliverable in both subsistent and developed diets should be exploited for long‐term improvement in positive health outcomes. The factors limiting the consumption of dry beans in industrial economics may, in part, be attributable to an inadequate level of innovation for developing value‐added products adapted to modern consumer needs for convenience while specifically linked to high‐quality eating experiences. Opportunities to improve the use of dry beans and pulses require integration and expansion of public and private sector interventions that are socially and culturally appropriate.
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