Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers. Kalyan K. Sen
receiving‐end active and reactive power flo...Figure 2‐23 (a) Variation of the modified sending‐end active and reactive po...Figure 2‐24 (a) Power transmission system with a series‐compensating voltage...Figure 2‐25 (a) Variation of the exchanged active and reactive powers (Pse a...Figure 2‐26 (a) Two‐generator/one‐line power system network and its series‐c...Figure 2‐27 Phasor diagram of a PAR (sym): (a) active power flow, pu; (b) ...Figure 2‐28 RR operating with a reactance control method: (a) two‐generator/...Figure 2‐29 Series‐reactance regulation as combined effects voltage regulati...Figure 2‐30 RR operating with a reactance control method: (a) two‐generator/...Figure 2‐31 Effect of a compensating reactance on the power flow and the eff...Figure 2‐32 RR operating with a reactance control method: (a) two‐generator/...Figure 2‐33 RR operating with a reactance control method: (a) two‐generator/...Figure 2‐34 Effect of a compensating reactance on the power flow and the eff...Figure 2‐35 RR operating with a voltage control method with a compensating v...Figure 2‐36 RR operating with a voltage control method when a compensating v...Figure 2‐37 Effect of compensating voltage on power flow, effective line rea...Figure 2‐38 Power flow characteristics at the modified sending end and recei...Figure 2‐39 Variations of series‐compensating resistance and reactance of an...Figure 2‐40 Variations of series‐compensating impedance magnitude and its ph...Figure 2‐41 Variations of series‐compensating resistance and reactance of a ...Figure 2‐42 Variations of series‐compensating impedance magnitude and its ph...Figure 2‐43 Variations of series‐compensating resistance and reactance of a ...Figure 2‐44 Variations of series‐compensating impedance magnitude and its ph...Figure 2‐45 Variations of series‐compensating resistance and reactance of a ...Figure 2‐46 Variations of series‐compensating impedance magnitude and its ph...Figure 2‐47 Variations of series‐compensating resistance and reactance of a ...Figure 2‐48 Variations of series‐compensating impedance magnitude and its ph...Figure 2‐49 (a) Autotransformer. (b) Two‐winding transformer. (c) Ratio of t...Figure 2‐50 Qr vs Pr at the receiving end of the line for the range of modif...Figure 2‐51 (a) Voltage‐Regulating Transformer (Shunt–Series configuration);...Figure 2‐52 Thyristor‐Controlled Load Tap Changer.Figure 2‐53 Static Var Compensator (SVC).Figure 2‐54 Concept of a STATCOM.Figure 2‐55 Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM).Figure 2‐56 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with (a) no compensa...Figure 2‐57 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with (a) no compensa...Figure 2‐58 (a) Phase Angle Regulator (asym), (b) phasor diagram for decreas...Figure 2‐59 (a) Phase Angle Regulator (sym), (b) phasor diagram for decreasi...Figure 2‐60 Thyristor‐Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) (k is the number of...Figure 2‐61 Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC).Figure 2‐62 The UPFC (with a common DC link) and its building blocks: STATCO...Figure 2‐63 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network, integrated with a P...Figure 2‐64 Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC).Figure 2‐65 Basic UPFC model, integrated in a two‐generator/one‐line power s...Figure 2‐66 Sen Transformer (ST).Figure 2‐67 Basic ST model, integrated in a two‐generator/one‐line power sys...Figure 2‐68 Basic BTB‐SSSC, integrated in a three‐generator/two‐line power s...Figure 2‐69 Implementation of a basic BTB‐SSSC.Figure 2‐70 BTB‐SSSC scheme as an asynchronous tie, integrated in a four‐gen...Figure 2‐71 Basic MST, integrated in a three‐generator/two‐line power system...Figure 2‐72 Multiline Sen transformer (MST).Figure 2‐73 Back‐To‐Back STATCOM (BTB‐STATCOM), integrated in a two‐generato...Figure 2‐74 Back‐to‐Back STATCOM.Figure 2‐75 Generalized power flow controller with a DC link.Figure 2‐76 Generalized power flow controller with an AC link.Figure 2‐77 Phasor diagram of VR for (a) no power flow, (b) 100% power flow ...Figure 2‐78 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐79 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐80 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐81 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐82 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐83 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐84 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐85 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐86 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐87 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐88 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐89 (a) Phasor diagram of a two‐generator/one‐line power system netw...Figure 2‐90 Phasor diagram of a PAR (sym) for (a) no power flow, (b) 100% po...Figure 2‐91 Phasor diagram of PAR (asym) for (a) no power flow, (b) 100% pow...Figure 2‐92 Phasor diagram of a RR for (a) no power flow, (b) 100% power flo...Figure 2‐93 Phasor diagram of an IR for (a) no power flow, (b) 100% power fl...Figure 2‐94 Voltage magnitude at the modified sending end for the range of a...Figure 2‐95 Power flow characteristics at the modified sending end for the r...Figure 2‐96 Power flow characteristics at the receiving end for the range of...Figure 2‐97 Reactive Power Index (RPI) versus active power (Pr) flow at the ...Figure 2‐98 Loss Index (LI) versus active power (Pr) flow at the receiving e...Figure 2‐99 Apparent Power Rating (APR) versus active power (Pr) flow at the...Figure 2‐100 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network without any compens...Figure 2‐101 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with shunt compensa...Figure 2‐102 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with two shunt comp...Figure 2‐103 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with three shunt co...Figure 2‐104 Active power at the sending and receiving ends versus number of...Figure 2‐105 RPI versus number of shunt compensators.Figure 2‐106 LI versus number of compensators.Figure 2‐107 Total APR of shunt compensation versus number of shunt compensa...Figure 2‐108 Series‐compensating reactance versus equivalent shunt compensat...Figure 2‐109 RPI of series compensation versus equivalent shunt compensation...Figure 2‐110 LI of series compensation versus equivalent shunt compensation ...Figure 2‐111 APR of series compensation versus equivalent shunt compensation...Figure 2‐112 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with a lossy line a...Figure 2‐113 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with a lossy line a...Figure 2‐114 Reactive Power Index (RPI) versus active power flow (Pr) at the...Figure 2‐115 Loss Index (LI) versus active power flow (Pr) at the receiving ...Figure 2‐116 Apparent Power Rating (APR) versus active power flow (Pr) at th...Figure 2‐117 Sen Index (SI) versus active power flow (Pr) at the receiving e...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3‐1 EMTP modeling structure.Figure 3‐2 Single‐line diagram of a three‐phase voltage source with a source...Figure 3‐3 The A‐phase voltage (v1Apu).Figure 3‐4 Single‐line diagram of a two‐generator/single‐line power system n...Figure 3‐5 Single‐line diagram of a two‐generator/single‐line power system w...Figure 3‐6 A‐phase line voltage (v1A) at the BUS01 node, its peak value (V1)...Figure 3‐7 Block diagram of a Vector PLL.Figure 3‐8 A‐phase line voltage (v1A) at BUS01 node, its peak value (V1), an...Figure 3‐9 Block diagram of a steady‐state resistance calculator.Figure 3‐10 Mathematical models of the (a) ST and (b) UPFC. Note the differe...Figure 3‐11 Variations of exchanged powers between the transmission line and...Figure 3‐12 Variations of node voltage with the operation of the ST and UPFC...Figure 3‐13 Variations of the receiving‐end power flows with the operations ...Figure 3‐14 Comparison of the active and reactive power flows at the receivi...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4‐1 (a) Autotransformer. (b) two‐winding transformer.Figure 4‐2 Ranges of voltage magnitudes (Vs and Vs′) at the sending an...Figure 4‐3 Ranges of voltage magnitudes (Vs and Vs′) at the sending an...Figure 4‐4 (a) Voltage‐regulating transformer (shunt‐series configuration); ...Figure 4‐5 Ranges of voltage magnitudes (Vs