Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers. Kalyan K. Sen
the A phase in Option 1 conf...Figure 6‐75 ST configuration with three secondary windings in a two‐core des...Figure 6‐76 Operating points of an ST in Option 1: (a) modified sending‐end ...Figure 6‐77 The voltage compensating points for the A phase in Option 2 conf...Figure 6‐78 ST configuration with three secondary windings in a two‐core des...Figure 6‐79 Operating points of an ST in Option 2: (a) modified sending‐end ...Figure 6‐80 The voltage compensating points for the A phase in Option 3 conf...Figure 6‐81 An ST configuration with three secondary windings in a two‐core ...Figure 6‐82 Operating points of an ST in Option 3: (a) modified sending‐end ...Figure 6‐83 (a) UPFC test results for automatic power flow control mode of o...Figure 6‐84 Practical voltage compensation range with the use of the VRT, PA...Figure 6‐85 Multiline Sen Transformer (MST).Figure 6‐86 ST’s Compensating‐Voltage Unit is connected to the stepped‐down ...Figure 6‐87 ST’s Compensating‐Voltage Unit is connected to the stepped‐up vo...Figure 6‐88 Two methods of modifying a transmission line voltage: (a) with a...Figure 6‐89 (a) Shunt‐Shunt configuration of ST for the A phase; (b) phasor ...Figure 6‐90 Shunt‐Shunt configuration of ST for the A phase, B phase, and C ...Figure 6‐91 (a) ST with shunt‐connected Compensating‐Voltage Unit operating ...Figure 6‐92 (a) ST with shunt‐connected Compensating‐Voltage Unit operating ...Figure 6‐93 (a) ST with shunt‐connected Compensating‐Voltage Unit operating ...Figure 6‐94 MST with shunt‐connected Compensating‐Voltage Units.Figure 6‐95 Generalized Sen Transformer (GST).
7 Appendix AFigure A‐1 Three‐phase voltage source supplying currents to a balanced three...Figure A‐2 Balanced three‐phase voltages in a timing diagram and the corresp...Figure A‐3 Balanced three‐phase currents in a timing diagram and the corresp...Figure A‐4 Unbalanced three‐phase variables in a timing diagram and the corr...Figure A‐5 Balanced three‐phase, positive‐sequence components in a timing di...Figure A‐6 Balanced three‐phase, negative‐sequence components in a timing di...Figure A‐7 Zero‐sequence component in a timing diagram and the corresponding...Figure A‐8 A‐phase, positive‐, negative‐, and zero‐sequence components in a ...Figure A‐9 B‐phase positive‐, negative‐, and zero‐sequence components in a t...Figure A‐10 C‐phase positive‐, negative‐, and zero‐sequence components in a ...Figure A‐11 Triple frequency, zero‐sequence component in a timing diagram an...Figure A‐12 Unbalanced three‐phase variables in a timing diagram and the cor...Figure A‐13 A‐phase positive‐, negative‐, and zero‐sequence components in a ...Figure A‐14 B‐phase positive‐, negative‐, and zero‐sequence components in a ...Figure A‐15 C‐phase positive‐, negative‐, and zero‐sequence components in a ...Figure A‐16 Three‐phase voltage source supplying three‐phase unbalanced load...Figure A‐17 Representation of three‐phase, positive‐sequence variables in (a...Figure A‐18 Representation of three‐phase, negative‐sequence variables in (a...Figure A‐19 Conversion of A, B, and C stationary variables into (a) d‐q stat...
8 Appendix BFigure B‐1 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with a lossy line and...Figure B‐2 Natural current (In) as a function of power angle
from 0° ...Figure B‐3 (a) Natural active power (Psn), (b) natural reactive power (Qsn),...Figure B‐4 (a) Natural active power (Prn), (b) natural reactive power (Qrn),...Figure B‐5 (a) Qsn vs Psn at the sending end and (b) Qrn vs Prn at the recei...Figure B‐6 Modified sending‐end voltage (Vs′) with a shunt‐compensatin...Figure B‐7 Modified sending‐end voltage (Vs′) with a series‐compensati...9 Appendix CFigure C‐1 Sen transformer representation.Figure C‐2 Phasor diagram of the Sen transformer.Figure C‐3 Proposed Sen transformer representation in PSS®E load flow....Figure C‐4 Chilean power system – study area.Figure C‐5 Chilean system post Sen transformer.Figure C‐6 Operating limits of the two‐transformer model and the Sen transfo...
1 Books in the IEEE Press Series on Power and Engineering
8 Foreword
10 Preface
12 About the Companion Website
16 Appendix B Power Flow Equations in a Lossy Line
17 APPENDIX C Modeling of the Sen Transformer in PSS ®E
18 References
19 Index
20 Wiley End User License Agreement
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