1.8 Snapshot of the SOLVER parameters.Figure 1.9 Chemical reaction with recycles in four continuous stirred tanks.Figure 1.10 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculations to determine exit con...Figure 1.11 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculations to solve an implicit ...Figure 1.12 Snapshot of the Excel calculations for the interpolation.Figure 1.13 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet for the solution of the set of dif...Figure 1.14 A new case in The UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell The ...Figure 1.15 A new component list in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywel...Figure 1.16 List of components in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell ...Figure 1.17 List of components in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell ...Figure 1.18 A fluid package tab in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell...Figure 1.19 The choice of equation of state in UniSim Design software (Courtesy ...Figure 1.20 Simulation Basis Manager in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Hone...Figure 1.21 PFD window in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell UniSim D...Figure 1.22 Saving simulation in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell U...Figure 1.23 Stream property window in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeyw...Figure 1.24 Stream composition page in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honey...Figure 1.25 Stream properties in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell U...Figure 1.26 Fly-By window for stream in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Hone...Figure 1.27 Drag and define material stream in UniSim Design software (Courtesy ...Figure 1.28 Adding both streams in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell...Figure 1.29 Definition of streams in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywe...Figure 1.30 Addition of Set function in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Hone...Figure 1.31 Definition of Set function in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Ho...Figure 1.32 Adding source stream to Set function in UniSim Design software (Cour...Figure 1.33 Entering Set function data in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Ho...Figure 1.34 Adding Mixer to define 1-Butanol stream in UniSim Design software (C...Figure 1.35 Simulation of Mixer unit operation to determine 1-Butanol stream in ...Figure 1.36 Adding Heater and Cooler to calculate bubble and dew points in UniSi...Figure 1.37 Pressure drop window for heater in UniSim Design software (Courtesy ...Figure 1.38 Bubble and dew points calculation window in UniSim Design software (...Figure 1.39 Variable window in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell Uni...Figure 1.40 Selection of variables from flowsheet in UniSim Design software (Cou...Figure 1.41 Case studies window in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeywell...Figure 1.42 Choice of dependent and independent variables for Case study in UniS...Figure 1.43 Adding the data for independent variable in UniSim Design software (...Figure 1.44 A plot of T-x-y diagram in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honey...Figure 1.45 Input composition page in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeyw...Figure 1.46 Simulation of stream 1 in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honeyw...Figure 1.47 Calculation of dew point pressure for stream 1 in UniSim Design soft...Figure 1.48 Calculation of bubble point pressure for stream 1 in UniSim Design s...Figure 1.49 Calculation of dew point temperature for stream 1 in UniSim Design s...Figure 1.50 Calculation of bubble point temperature for stream 1 in UniSim Desig...Figure 1.51 Addition of Separator to PFD in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of ...Figure 1.52 Design window of the Separator in UniSim Design software (Courtesy o...Figure 1.53 Worksheet/Conditions window for the Separator in UniSim Design softw...Figure 1.54 Variable Navigator page in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Honey...Figure 1.55 Choice of variable in the Variable Navigator page in UniSim Design s...Figure 1.56 DataBook/Case Studies page in UniSim Design software (Courtesy of Ho...Figure 1.57 Independent Variable Setup for Case Studies in UniSim Design softwar...Figure 1.58 A plot of ethane mol flow in vapor stream versus temperature in UniS...Figure 1.59 Setting the duty of the Separator in UniSim Design software (Courtes...Figure 1.60 Adjusting drum temperature to reach 50 % liquid in UniSim Design sof...Figure 1.61 Adding the Adjust function to PFD in UniSim Design software (Courtes...Figure 1.62 Addition of Spreadsheet to define new variable in UniSim Design soft...Figure 1.63 Adding Imported Variables to Spreadsheet in UniSim Design software (...Figure 1.64 Calculation of the liquid to feed ratio in the spreadsheet of UniSim...Figure 1.65 Setting and calculating the Adjust function in the spreadsheet of Un...Figure 1.66 Monitoring the adjusted variable in the Adjust function of UniSim