Chemical Process Engineering Volume 1. A. Kayode Coker

Chemical Process Engineering Volume 1 - A. Kayode Coker

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7.24 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculation for the packed tower.Figure 7.25 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculation for the packed tower.Figure 7.26 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculations for the recoveries of...Figure 7.27 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculations for the minimum numbe...Figure 7.28 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculations for the actual number...Figure 7.29 Snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet calculations for the optimum locat...Figure 7.30 Snapshot of the UniSim Design flowsheet shortcut distillation (Court...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Companion Web Page

      6  Gratitude

      7  Preface

      8  Acknowledgments

      9  About the Authors

      10  Begin Reading

      11  Index

      12  Also of Interest

      13  End User License Agreement


      1  ix

      2  ii

      3  iii

      4  iv

      5  v

      6  vii

      7  xvii

      8  xviii

      9  xix

      10  xxi

      11  1

      12 2

      13  3

      14  4

      15  5

      16  6

      17  7

      18  8

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      21  11

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      25  15

      26  16

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      28  18

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      31  21

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      35  25

      36  26

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      38  28

      39  29

      40  30

      41  31

      42  32

      43  33

      44  34

      45  35

      46  36

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