The Colors Of A Optimistic World. Logan J. Davisson

The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson

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red category, sell or give away.

      - The yellow category are things you are not sure whether they will be needed again. Make a note in the calendar that you will go through this box again in exactly 30 days and then make final decisions.

      - Now it's time to put the green category away. Apart from a comfortable bed and a wardrobe, nothing really belongs in a bedroom. So: Fluffy blankets, unobtrusive light sources and the like are allowed to move back into the bedroom.

      - What does your ideal wardrobe look like? Write your vision on your checklist so you don't lose focus! (Suggestion: A homemade clothes rail from a large branch with many colorful hangers and three noble boxes under it for shoes, accessories and winter equipment.

      - Store the entire contents of the wardrobe in another room - don't overlook the things on and under the wardrobe!

      - Thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the wardrobe.

      - Make any necessary design changes.

      - Sort out what no longer fits, what has never fitted, what will never fit, does not fit optimally, no longer looks beautiful and does not let you shine in its full glory. These are all things that belong in the red category!

      - Throw things out of the red category, sell or give away.

      - The yellow category are things you are not sure whether they will be needed again. For example, the fancy shoes from your holiday in Italy, which you actually never wear. Make a note in the calendar that you will go through this box again in exactly 30 days and then make final decisions.

      - The green category includes all the clothes in which you look stunning and which fit you perfectly. Now put these garments neatly back in your wardrobe.

      - Establish an order: Which items of clothing should be ready to hand, which items of clothing should be allowed to go all the way back?

      - The cellar and the attic are the rooms where we store the camping equipment, Christmas decorations, tools, souvenir boxes and the like, which are only used once a year. So your vision should be to sort out everything you don't need for your happiness and used less than once a year.

      - Emptying the basement and attic is not really a good idea. Here you prefer to sort everything into labeled boxes directly according to the principle and put the items of the yellow and red categories aside.

      - The yellow category are things you're not sure if they'll be needed again, even though the basement and attic are yellow categories in themselves for years, right? Make a note in the calendar that you will go through this box again in exactly 30 days and then make final decisions.

      - Green things are for example the diving equipment used annually, the Easter decoration or the inline skates used only in summer! The trick is to sort these things out clearly.

      - Throw things out of the red category, sell or give away.

      Closing remarks

      So, now you have successfully worked your way through this book, taking inspiration for more serenity, happiness, success and contentment. You now know that minimalism is the conscious renunciation of "over- consumption" and that the minimalist lifestyle separates us from the pressure of perfectionism around status and material symbols. What remains is a highly mindful lifestyle, in which we consciously decide to let only really necessary and useful objects enter our lives and to fill our lifetime with meaning. Sinking into the evening in front of the television may then no longer be part of your everyday life - depending on the interpretation and exertion of minimalism - but there are plenty of possibilities in your life. Every day, for example, you have the opportunity to watch the seductive advertising that was so seductive until recently and say, "No, that doesn't fit into my life". Instead, you can devote yourself to the activities and people that contribute to your true happiness. So in minimalism you are very close to yourself, have removed the outer material layers, so to speak, and are now advancing to the core of your ego. In this way, you can freely decide what your life should look like without any outward seduction or influence. Letting go, rearranging and mindful living are the keys to a happy, successful, mindful and loving life. Your time to dedicate to someone or something is the greatest gift you can give, after all, you have no chance of regaining that time under any circumstances. So take care of yourself and make your life free, free yourself from unnatural and unnecessary compulsions and love your life! Make full use of the power of minimalism to achieve your goals and lead a truly relaxed and happy life. Now it is your turn to take the first steps, throw away the everyday ballast from your shoulders and unfold your life spirit anew.

      So you want to be more successful, exhaust your resources and get on track? Then you have made the right choice! They must have a goal in mind and the will to change, and together we can embark on the journey to a more successful and strategic appearance! With the help of the tips and insights on the following pages, you can achieve a lot, but do not overtax yourself, but apply everything consistently and systematically for your life, and you will see that enduring success brings with it. But see for yourself. I hope you find the next pieces of the puzzle that will bring you the desired success.

      As different as people are, so is the definition of success for each individual. For some success may mean earning a lot of money, for others success means overcoming a serious illness, yet others see their success in being recognized and respected, or finding the love of their lives. Perhaps all of this applies to you or you have a completely different definition of success. Whatever you wish to be successful, you should first become aware of what success means to you and what success looks like to you. Whatever you define success and what it includes for you, one thing is clear in every case, who is successful, who achieves the goals and intentions he has set himself. Furthermore, for many, the recognition associated with achieving a goal is an essential indicator for their own success, if not even the main motivation to achieve a goal. Moreover, it can be said that people generally feel successful when the challenges they face run parallel to their growing abilities and skills and they thus have the feeling that they are up to the demands and tasks. However, as soon as an overload occurs, the successful completion of a project is automatically at risk, if the feeling of overload lasts longer, which can lead to stress or even burnout. In the opposite case, i.e. when the challenges are lower than a person's existing knowledge and skills, an overload due to understraining quickly arises and leads to boredom and a loss of motivation. The right level of demands in relation to the available resources is therefore decisive for success. This book is designed to help you achieve your goals, invest time in your success and also take time to read this book, because you will have more of it if you internalize the individual chapters and perform the suggested exercises instead of skimming through this book in quick succession. Use this book to change your life and make your dreams come true!

      Take a close look at your current situation. In which areas of your life are you successful and happy and where have you not yet achieved what you would like and why? Your life situation becomes most effectively clear when you take the trouble to write everything down very clearly. Often even more coherences and backgrounds come to light when writing down, because one is consciously and concentrated on one's own situation. Find out where you stand, especially in areas where the desired success has not yet been achieved. In this way, you quickly gain clarity as to where you should make changes, because this is absolutely necessary if you do not want everything to remain the same. Be absolutely honest with yourself and make a sober analysis of your current situation in all areas of life, starting with your work,

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