The Colors Of A Optimistic World. Logan J. Davisson

The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson

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around the world", or "One day I will own a Porsche", etc. That is also very nice, only "one day" and "sometime" are not in any calendar, but our lifetime is limited and can quickly be over. Live your dreams and don't waste your precious energy and time on things that don't make you happy. Take control of your life now and make yourself happy. Make the most of your precious time and embark on your own life's journey to your own personal happiness and success.

      Follow your goal without constantly thinking about what others might think about it. Align your goals according to your own wishes and dreams. They can never please everyone and should not be deterred by it. There will always be supporters and critics of an idea. Talk about your goal, if at all, only with people who support your idea and find it good, but do not depend on the opinions of others. Stay true to yourself and your goal! It is certainly good to be interested in the views of others, because that means that you are open-minded, capable of criticism and willing to learn. But if you fight with fears that your fellow men might think negatively about you and your goal, this is a clear signal that you define your self-esteem exclusively through your success and make yourself dependent on the opinion of others. If this is the case with you, then you should deal separately with your self-esteem, which should not depend on your success. Because you are valuable, no matter what you do or what you achieve in your life or not.

      If you have a negative image of yourself and don't trust yourself, it's not surprising if it doesn't work with the success in your life. It is therefore advisable to examine in detail what you think about yourself and what your self-image is. We develop our self-image in the first years of our lives and are shaped by our experiences and our parents, relatives, teachers, etc. As children we are not yet able to develop our self-image, so we internalize what we experience and what others tell us about us. Our self-image therefore corresponds to the image of others and what others reflect us. If our lives have been marked by defeats, negative experiences and unpleasant utterances, it is not surprising if you have a low self-esteem and a negative image of yourself as an adult. People who often experience that they are successful even as a child have a strong self-confidence and are automatically successful in adulthood because they are convinced that they can achieve their goals. To be able to achieve success is fundamentally decisive for one's own self-esteem. Those who feel inferior or even worthless cannot be successful. That is why it is very important to analyse one's own self-image precisely. Be aware that you have adopted your self-image since childhood and have carried it around with you since then without having checked it. As long as we feel like losers, we can only lose. But the good news is, just as we have learned to think badly about ourselves, we can also learn to think well about ourselves and change our self-image. Go inside yourself and listen carefully to what you often think or say about yourself, so you can quickly learn your beliefs and apply them exactly there, first transforming your self-image and then your whole life. Visualize how you would like to be, paint it in the brightest colors and imagine how you would like to behave and what you would like to do. If you often imagine a positive self-image of yourself, your subconscious will orient itself towards it and you will see yourself more and more in a positive light. You should also ensure that you can celebrate your first small successes by setting yourself small goals that you believe you are able to achieve. The more often you experience that you really achieve your goals, the more your self-confidence and your belief in yourself will grow. Start small and soon you will be able to reach large destinations. Another important point to consider in any case, do not depend on your success. Your success says nothing about your value as a person. You are no more valuable than others if you have a lot of money or are on the winner's rostrum at the Olympics. Always remember that you are valuable and endearing, no matter how successful you are. So your motivation to reach a goal should not be to polish up your self-esteem, because then you run the risk of giving up in case of failure, demoralized and demotivated, and even less of yourself.

      Test your beliefs! All too often our own convictions and beliefs prevent us from achieving our goals. But if we listen carefully to what we think about ourselves and what we think about success, money, etc., we are surprised to discover that we go through life with convictions that are often not even our own, but which we have already internalized and adopted from our parents, friends, acquaintances, etc. as a child, because we believe as a child that the grown-ups already know everything much better. But if we are convinced, for example, that money spoils the character or that you have to earn success hard... these are beliefs with fatal consequences. Because if you believe that, you will have a hard time being successful, and you will keep giving up halfway or even failing. Therefore, pay attention to what you think about yourself and the topic of success and correct old, long outdated beliefs and make yourself free. The decisive factor is what you believe! Only if you believe that you can really achieve your goal will you achieve it. But if you have inner doubts or fear that you are not up to your goal at all, it is impossible to realize your dreams and goals. In this case you should first work on your self-confidence and examine your beliefs, because not everything we believe is really true! Beliefs are at best a subjective truth and do not have to correspond to the objective truth or your own truth. If you set yourself a goal, but don't believe that you can really achieve it, you won't achieve it either. So if you want to achieve a goal, it is crucial for the success that you are absolutely convinced that you can achieve this goal. Only if you are deeply convinced of it, it will succeed. Pay close attention to your beliefs and emotions while addressing your goals. This way you can quickly find out which beliefs may block you in achieving your goals. For example, if you want more money but feel guilty in the deepest inner money or you don't think you are valuable, you will not be able to achieve your goal. Again, use the helpful method of raising awareness through brainstorming by writing down what you believe about yourself and your goals, as well as the topic of success. Get to the bottom of your beliefs and examine carefully whether they serve you or discourage and weaken you. If you have identified a negative belief, be aware that it is based on a subjective viewpoint and does not have to be true. Try to find out when and in what situation you developed this belief and why. At this point it is very momentous if you face up to your emotions and allow them to happen. Maybe old suppressed situations with other people come up and with them also the associated emotions like pain, anger, suffering etc. Allow your feelings and write them down as well. Especially when a negative belief was triggered by a close person and their behavior or statements, we often have to fight with anger and feelings of hatred because we realize that we believed the statement of a close person and concluded, for example, that we are not valuable or, for example, a failure. Forgive this person and realize that we are all just people and that each of us makes mistakes and sometimes we just don't know better. Just as we are entitled to make mistakes and not be perfect, so are others. Visualize the stressful situation and forgive the person involved as best you can. This will end the effectiveness of the old doctrine and free you. Consider reasons why this belief is not true and write behind your belief at least 3 reasons why it is not tenable. Play a little with your belief and reformulate it advantageously next. What should your creed be so that it strengthens you and serves you? Once you have found the right wording, write down your new belief again and try to live by your new one from now on. Many people are amazed at how elementary our beliefs and thinking about ourselves and our attitude towards success, money and wealth influences us. Stop being thwarted by untrue patterns of thought and free yourself. Rewrite your life and shape your future the way you want it. Then you are not going to stop on your way to your personal success.

      If you notice that fears and doubts arise in you when you are confronted with your goal, it is in any case fundamentally important to first face up to your own fears and doubts and not simply push them away, because otherwise you will continue to work in your subconscious and block your success. Face your fears with courage and check them carefully. As a rule, our fears are based on old beliefs and

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