Musculoskeletal Disorders. Sean Gallagher

Musculoskeletal Disorders - Sean Gallagher

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Although it was thought that the pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis were originally thought to be most commonly affected, more recent literature suggests all muscles may be equally affected, with the possible exception of the palmaris longus (Kiel & Kaiser, 2019). As the tendon undergoes repetitive microtears, there is remodeling of the collagen fibers and increased mucoid ground substance. Focal necrosis or calcification can occur. Subsequently, collagen strength decreases leading to increased fragility, scar tissue formation, and thickening of the tendon. Although less common, acute trauma can also cause medial epicondylitis from a sudden violent contraction of the muscles (Kiel & Kaiser, 2019).

       Risk factors/activities associated with medial epicondylitis

      Medial epicondylitis is sometimes referred to as “Golfers Elbow”; however, numerous other repetitive athletic activities such as overhead throwing, bowling, and weightlifting have also been associated with the development of medial epicondylitis. However, 90% of cases appear not to be associated with athletic activities (Kiel & Kaiser, 2019). Studies have demonstrated that occupational risk factors include activities repeatedly stressing the flexor tendons including wrist bending, rotational motions of the forearm, and forceful gripping are associated with medial epicondylitis.

      Shoulder tendinopathy (rotator cuff)


      Shoulder disorders are a common cause of occupational pain and disability in working populations. Rotator cuff disorders (RC) emerge as the dominant source of shoulder pain, accounting for an estimated 65–70% of all shoulder pain (Hales & Bernard, 1996). Symptoms of RC tendinopathy commonly include pain situated at the top and front of the shoulder or outer portion of the upper arm. Shoulder pain can progress from the anterolateral shoulder margin and lateral surface of the arm down to the elbow (Gumina et al., 2014). Pain can be exacerbated if the afflicted individual raises the arm or reaches back behind the body. These disorders are most commonly observed in middle‐aged to older patients. Injuries to the shoulder are associated with longer than average recovery times compared to other occupational MSDs with a median of 26 days of lost work. Night pain can occur in 83% patients, and 41% may experience muscle weakness (van Kampen et al., 2014).


      A systematic review examining physical occupational risk factors for shoulder pain disclosed that jobs involving high force demands, highly repetitive work activities, adoption of non‐neutral shoulder postures, and exposure to vibration and duration of employment were observed to be common physical occupational risk factors (Van der Windt, Thomas, & Pope, 2000). This review also examined psychosocial factors (e.g., job dissatisfaction, lack of control at work, poor social support, and/or psychological demands); however, while certain psychophysical factors were found to be significant, these factors were assessed to be inconsistent across the studies examined. Moderate to high levels of physical demand have commonly been associated with the development of shoulder pain (Ariens et al., 2000; Bergenudd, 1987; Devereux, Vlachonikolis, & Buckle, 2002; Malchaire, Cock, & Vergracht, 2001; Miranda, Punnett, Viikari‐Juntura, Heliövaara, & Knekt, 2008). Exposure to vibration has also been implicated in the development of shoulder pain (Ariens et al., 2000; Miranda et al., 2008; Stenlund, Goldie, & Hagberg, 1993; van der Windt et al., 2000). Continuous low‐intensity muscle contractions also increase the prevalence of neck‐shoulder complaints and syndromes, including acromioclavicular syndrome (Balogh et al., 2019; Huysmans, Blatter, & Beek, 2012; Visser & van Dieen, 2006). Finally, the adoption of non‐neutral shoulder postures has been associated with shoulder outcomes in a number of studies (Larsson, Sogaard, & Rosendal, 2007; Miranda et al., 2008; Pope et al., 1997; van der Windt et al., 2000). Many studies have failed to examine potential interactions between these physical risk factors; however, Frost and Andersen (1999) provide data suggestive of an interaction between force and repetition and shoulder tendinitis.


       Risk factors/activities associated with shoulder tendinopathy

Photos depict partial and full tears in supraspinatus tendons, a rotator cuff tendon.
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