Biotron is the key to human health. The use of concentrated radiation of young organisms for health improvement and prolongation of active life. Evgeny Komrakov

Biotron is the key to human health. The use of concentrated radiation of young organisms for health improvement and prolongation of active life - Evgeny Komrakov

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RU 97636 by the author Zakharov Yu. A., (2009) describes a device for transmitting electromagnetic radiation from young seedlings to the skin of the face and head and there are some theoretical justifications.

      In the patent RU 2108028 by the authors Kotov B.S. and Gavinsky Yu. V. (1996), the results of measurements of biological radiation of sprouts of various plants in the wavelength range from 2 microns to 2 mm are given (Fig. 1). The radiation power density (W/cm2) is indicated on one axis, and the age of the sprouts is indicated on the other axis in days.

      However, all these scientists have only recorded the presence of radiation from living objects and the fact that it affects other living objects. None of them have tested how radiation from young organisms can affect an old or sick organism.

      It is known that elementary particles are both matter and a field at the same time. Russian scientist Pyotr Goryaev believed that genes also have both a material and a field component. When an old or sick organism is exposed to concentrated electromagnetic radiation from living young organisms, specific significant positive changes occur. This may be the correction of information wave exchange failures between cells and organs that appear with aging or disease. There is an opinion that the genome is just a disk on which important wave information is recorded.

      Jiang Kanzhen’s Method

      The only brilliant Russian scientist of Chinese origin, Jiang Kanzhen, guessed to use concentrated bio-radiation of young organisms to prolong life, improve health and rejuvenate the old or sick. As donors in his experiments, he used young organisms, most often plant seedlings.

      In recent decades, he has used a device in the form of a copper ball with a diameter of 3.6 m (Fig. 2). Journalists called this copper ball mysterious and wrote that attempts to copy it failed.

      A wooden floor was made in this ball at a height of about 90 cm. A bed for the patient was installed in one focal area, and a stand with plants was installed in the other focal area. Jiang claimed that the principle of operation of this ball is that from one focal zone in which plants are installed, radiation, reflecting from the part of the sphere closest to the plants, is transmitted to the part of the sphere that is near the bed and concentrates on the patient.

      Let’s figure out what’s really going on.

      Figures 3 and 4 show a sketch of the section of the Jiang Biotron. In these sketches, three-dimensional, spherical focal zones are depicted in yellow, which are formed near the middle of the radius of the sphere (90 cm from the center). The estimated thickness of these focal zones is 13 cm. Fig. 3 shows that the focal zone, due to the curvature, practically does not capture the patient’s head and legs. And in Fig. 4, the focal zone strongly extends beyond the patient. The height of the stand with plants is 180 cm, and the height of the focal zone in the middle of the radius will be 90 cm. At the same time, the height of the recumbent patient is only about 20 cm. Consequently, only about 25% of plant radiation works for the patient in this plane. The rest of the radiation flies by. Figures 3 and 4 shows: 1 – a stand with plants, 2 – a copper sphere, 3 – active parts of the sphere, 4 – a patient, 5 – a bed, 6 – a door in Fig. 3 or a foundation in Fig. 4; 3, 7 – spherical volumetric focal zones.

      The focal zone 7, which is also located inside the plant stand, has an estimated thickness of 13 cm. At the same time, the thickness of the stand with plants is 70 cm. Then the focal zone will occupy only 20% of the total volume of plants.

      If we proceed from this, then only 20% of plant radiation will fall on the active part of sphere 3 closest to the stand. But that’s not even the point. When plants radiate from the focal zone to the active part of sphere 7 near plants, radiation is de-concentrated, then this radiation is reflected from this part of the sphere and, flying through a stand with basins with earth and plants, falls on the active part of sphere 7 near the bed. Further, the radiation is concentrated on the patient in the focal zone 7. Thus, there is a simple transmission of radiation from plants to the patient without any concentration (first deconcentration, and then concentration) and with large losses from double reflection, passing through the stand and a long distance. This is equivalent to the fact that the patient is just 5.4 meters away from the plants (90 cm +360 cm +90 cm). Based on this, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion that Jiang mistakenly described the principle of operation of the Biotron. In fact, all plants from stand 1 radiate directly to the active part of sphere 3 near the bed, and this part of the sphere effectively concentrates this radiation on the patient (green arrows in the figure). And the radiation of plants in the other direction is concentrated by the active part of the sphere near the plants and forms a focal zone inside the stand with plants, which makes no sense.

      Until 2004, Jiang did sessions on Biotron for 8 hours. The recommended course was 30—40 such sessions 2 times a year. It is clear that it was impossible for both patients and businesses to regularly use Biotron in this mode. Jiang was working with specialists from Khabarovsk Technical University to manufacture an electronic amplifier for his Biotron. In 2004, such an amplifier (with white noise emission) It was created and Jiang began to apply it. The session in the Biotron was reduced to 45 minutes.

      The principle of operation of the amplifier was not fully understood. From the description of the amplifier: “A method of amplifying the radiation of a biological object, characterized in that for influencing objects using the invention ‘Biotron Jiang’, patent No. 2090613 RU (Jiang Kanzhen, 1995), additional irradiation of objects placed in a permanent magnetic field is applied by electromagnetic radiation from generators of ‘white noise’ in meter, microwave- and extremely high frequency bands, causing the effect of double electron-nuclear magnetic resonance in objects, while the objects themselves, located in the focal zones of the Jiang Biotron, mutually irradiate each other with an informative biological electromagnetic field, causing a four-element electron-nuclear magnetic resonance in the system, additional electromagnetic energy through the effect of a four-element electron-nuclear magnetic resonance turns in an informative biological electromagnetic field from objects, the effect of strengthening the biological electromagnetic field is obtained.” Jiang’s attempt to patent an amplifier with this description failed.

      Jiang believed that using such an amplifier could be quite harmful. He limited the session time to 45 minutes and the number of sessions in the course to 21, did not allow consecutive sessions. He insisted that the patient receive 7 sessions, then a break of a week, then 7 sessions, again a break of a week and the last 7 sessions. Jiang also did not allow courses to be held more than 2 times a year. At the same time, Jiang himself worked around this amplifier for 12 hours every day. Experts warned him that it was harmful. The most likely cause of Jiang’s death in 2018 is prolonged exposure for 14 years to powerful EM radiation from this amplifier. He died of pneumonia at the age of 85, most likely due to a low level of immunity.

      Komrakov visited Jiang in Khabarovsk at the very end of 2008. He completed a course of 21 sessions of 45 minutes in a Biotron with an amplifier. After that, vision improved significantly (it was +2.5) and never used glasses again. The pressure has also stabilized and some other parameters have improved. Komrakov believed in this technology and tried to negotiate with Jiang about cooperation. Jiang refused. Komrakov had to start looking for a more efficient version of the Biotron design. Six months later, he came up with such a design and in September 2009 received priority for the invention. The main idea of the invention was to transfer the active part of the sphere, which was located near the plants at a radius distance. Then the focal zone, which was inside the stand with plants, was transferred along with part of the sphere. This made it possible to form a joint focal zone in the center of the device. Figure 5 shows a view of the Biotron from patent RU

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