Scientific research and development of solar energy in the modern world and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Monograph. Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

Scientific research and development of solar energy in the modern world and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Monograph - Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

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The world's only technology for the use of solar interference in the production of energy.

      The reliability of the results is based on the ongoing project to implement two power plants, which were mentioned earlier on the basis of cooperation between Clipper Associates LLC and Electron Laboratory LLC, which will lead to great results, if we mention the number of publications, then this was mentioned in many scientific articles, but as a professional book publication in the field of solar energy, this the job is the first one. Quite a few monographs, textbooks and others have already been published in the nuclear field.

      Chapter 1. Orders, resolutions and orders in the Republic of Uzbekistan on alternative and renewable energy sources

      Since the main problems of the energy crisis are becoming more and more relevant today all over the world, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev pays great attention to the development of energy, as evidenced by numerous active contacts with the states of the world on cooperation in the field of creating new energy installations, among which renewable energy sources have a high priority. It is also worth pointing out that a large number of companies, firms, organizations around the world want to act as investors, to which the Government of the state expresses keen interest, which is also evidenced by the attention of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the energy issue at official meetings with heads of state.

      The following resolutions may serve as proof of the above:

      1.1. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On accelerated measures to improve the energy efficiency of economic and social sectors, the introduction of energy-saving technologies and the development of renewable energy sources» No. PP-4422 dated 08/22/2019

      The republic implements long-term strategies for the development of the oil and gas, electric power, coal, chemical, and construction industries aimed at ensuring dynamic economic growth and improving the welfare of the population, uninterrupted satisfaction of demand for fuel and energy resources.

      At the same time, the existing capacities of the fuel and energy industry do not fully meet the growing demand for energy resources, the energy intensity of the domestic economy significantly exceeds the average of developed countries.

      The share of renewable energy sources generated mainly by hydroelectric power plants currently accounts for only 10 percent of the total electricity produced in the country. Despite the huge potential available, the possibilities of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are not fully used.

      In this regard, one of the urgent directions of state policy at the present stage should be to increase the energy efficiency of economic and social sectors, the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources.

      In order to comprehensively organize work to improve energy efficiency, widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources, radically reduce the energy intensity of economic and social sectors by involving existing resources and untapped potential, taking into account advanced foreign experience, as well as ensuring rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources:

      1. Take note that:

      a) The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Use of Renewable Energy sources" provides for benefits and preferences in the field of the use of renewable energy sources, including exemption from payment of:

      all types of taxes for a period of five years from the date of state registration of producers of renewable energy installations;

      property tax for installations of renewable energy sources and land tax on the sites occupied by these installations (with a nominal capacity of 0.1 MW or more) for a period of ten years from the date of their commissioning;

      land tax by persons using renewable energy sources in residential premises with complete disconnection from existing energy networks, for a period of three years, starting from the month of use of renewable energy sources;

      b) the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 8, 2017 No. PP-3379 "On measures to ensure the rational use of energy resources" established the procedure according to which from January 1, 2018:

      during the design, reconstruction, construction and commissioning of buildings and structures of state bodies and institutions, as well as multi-apartment housing stock, they are checked for compliance with urban planning norms and rules regarding the use of energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies;

      when designing, reconstructing and constructing all buildings and structures, except for individual housing construction, it is mandatory to install certified solar water heating installations for hot water supply, as well as energy-saving lamps.

      2. Recognize the unsatisfactory work of ministries and departments, enterprises and organizations of economic and social sectors to improve energy efficiency, introduce energy-saving technologies and develop renewable energy sources.

      3. Indicate the personal responsibility of the first heads of state and economic management bodies, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokims of regions, Tashkent, districts and cities for taking comprehensive measures to improve energy efficiency, the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies and the use of renewable energy sources in administrative buildings, settlements and industrial facilities.

      4. To approve the Comprehensive Program developed by the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Ministry of Innovative Development and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan for further improving the energy efficiency of economic and social sectors, the introduction of energy—saving technologies and the development of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019 – 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the Comprehensive Program), which provides:

      a) approval:

      target parameters for the further development of renewable energy sources according to Appendix No. 1 with bringing their share to more than 25 percent of the total electricity generation by 2030;

      The Roadmap for further improving the energy efficiency of economic and social sectors, as well as the development of renewable energy sources according to Appendix No. 2;

      See the previous edition.

      b) measures to ensure uninterrupted supply of energy resources to social facilities (educational organizations, including preschool, healthcare facilities) in the regions, as well as to reduce energy consumption in the city of Nukus, regional centers and cities of regions due to:

      (first paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 as amended by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2020 year No. PP-4857 – National Database of Legislation, 09.10.2020, no.07/20/4857/1357)

      phased installation of modern solar photovoltaic plants and solar water heaters (with the exception of facilities connected to centralized heat supply systems) to provide hot water and electric energy, as well as energy-efficient heating systems, including bivalent, including the introduction of modern heat pumps and recuperators;

      improvements to the thermal protection system of buildings, installation of two-chamber and energy-efficient window units, sensor sensors combined with LED sources, as well as air recuperators and other systems;

      c) installation of solar photovoltaic plants (on average 2 kW) and solar water heaters (on average 200 liters) in private households;

      d) replacement of non-standard gas-burning devices with modern and energy-efficient gas-burning devices for household consumers, as well as legal entities;

      e) approval of the List of administrative buildings of state bodies and organizations, as well as infrastructure facilities that are recommended to be equipped with solar photovoltaic stations and solar water heating installations, according to Appendix No. 3.

      5. Determine the sources of financing for the activities of the Comprehensive Program from the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the republican budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of regions and Tashkent, own funds of individuals and legal entities, as well as preferential credit resources

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