Scientific research and development of solar energy in the modern world and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Monograph. Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
accounting and control of electricity consumption in 2018 – 2020 according to Appendix No. 1, which provides for:
the implementation of 7 investment projects for the modernization of existing and commissioning of new generating capacities with a total capacity of 1984 MW and a project cost of 2.6 billion US dollars;
See the previous edition.
annual reconstruction of existing and construction of new electric networks with a total length of 7.1 thousand km, installation and modernization of 2500 transformer stations at the expense of attracted loans and own funds of JSC "Regional Electric Networks";
(the third paragraph of paragraph 1 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 18, 2020 No. UP-6010 – National Database of Legislation, 06/18/2020, No.06/20/6010/0776)
connecting 7 million consumers to the Automated System for Monitoring and Metering of Electricity (hereinafter referred to as ASKUE), bringing the share of coverage of ASKUE to 100 percent of the total number of subscribers by the end of 2021;
the development of long-term loans totaling $ 1.8 billion, the attraction of which is coordinated with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and other international financial institutions.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan within two weeks to approve the network schedules for the implementation of each project provided for by the Roadmap.
See the previous edition.
Assign personal responsibility to:
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov – for the implementation of strict control over ensuring timely and full implementation of the measures provided for by the Roadmap;
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations S. U. Umurzakov – for ensuring the timely disbursement of attracted funds from international financial institutions and organizations, as well as the search for potential investors and attracting foreign direct investment in the electric power industry with the identification of objects to be transferred to investors, including in trust management;
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Financial and Economic Issues and Poverty Reduction – Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan D. A. Kuchkarov – for ensuring the qualitative development of mechanisms for the implementation of projects in the electric power industry on the terms of public-private partnership;
chairmen of the Management Board of joint―stock companies "Thermal Power Plants", "National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan" and "Regional Electric Networks" – for ensuring timely development, coordination and approval of project documentation, construction and commissioning of facilities provided for by this resolution.
(paragraphs seven to eleven of paragraph 1 as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 18, 2020 No. UP—6010 – National Database of Legislation, 06/18/2020, No. 06/20/6010/0776)
2. The Ministry of Finance, together with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Investments, should ensure that part of the borrowed funds of international financial institutions involved in the implementation of the Obod Kishlok State Program are allocated for the construction and modernization of low-voltage networks in the amount of at least 100 million US dollars in 2019-2020.
3. To take note that in accordance with the resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 14, 2012 No. PP-1705 and August 2, 2012 No. PP-1795, the project "Introduction of an automated system for accounting and control of electric energy consumption. The system of accounting for electricity consumption of 0.4 kV consumers of Bukhara, Jizzakh and Samarkand regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan" with the participation of the Asian Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as ASUE Phase 1).
To agree with the proposals of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Investments and JSC "Uzbekenergo" on:
a) the implementation of projects for the further implementation of the ASKUE in other regions of the republic at the expense of borrowed funds of the Asian Development Bank in the amount of 300 million US dollars provided for the implementation of the project "Introduction of an automated system for monitoring and accounting of electricity consumption in Andijan, Namangan, Ferghana, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions (ASKUE Phase 4)";
See. previous edition.
b) conclusion of additional agreements with:
the contractor company, determined by the results of an international tender within the framework of the ASKUE Phase 1 project, for the creation of a single republican data processing center of the ASKUE at the expense of the Asian Development Bank funds saved as part of the implementation of this project;
consortium of consulting companies "CESI S.P.A/AF Mercados Energy Markets International S.A/" (Italy/Spain/Uzbekistan) on the development of tender documentation for the conduct of international tenders for the purchase of modern metering devices and related equipment necessary for the implementation of the ASKUE throughout the territory of the republic.
Assign responsibility for ensuring coordination to the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Sh. A. Vafayev):
development of tender documentation for the purchase of modern metering devices and related equipment for the implementation of the ASKUE, taking into account the participation of domestic manufacturers in procurement procedures, the creation of service centers for the maintenance of ASKUE and metering devices in the country, as well as other interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
accelerated holding of international tenders for the purchase of modern metering devices and related equipment at the expense of borrowed funds of the Asian Development Bank, which ensures the completion of the implementation of the ASKUE throughout the republic no later than December 1, 2021.
JSC "Regional Electric Networks", when purchasing metering devices and related equipment from domestic manufacturers, ensure that their technical parameters comply with the requirements of tender documentation developed for international tenders.
(paragraphs four to ten of paragraph 3 as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 18, 2020 No. UP-6010 – National Database of Legislation, 06/18/2020, No. 06/20/6010/0776)
See the previous edition.
4. The Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement to ensure in 2019 the allocation of JSC "Regional Electric Networks" on a gratuitous basis of funds from the Development Fund of the Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement in the amount of 500 billion soums, not subject to taxation, for parallel financing of the purchase of electric energy metering devices and related equipment based on the selection of the best offers of domestic manufacturers.
(the first paragraph of paragraph 4 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 18, 2020 No. UP-6010 – National Database of Legislation, 06/18/2020, No. 06/20/6010/0776)
See the previous edition.
Exempt domestic manufacturers of electric energy metering devices for a period up to January 1, 2022 from paying customs duties (with the exception of customs clearance fees) for the import of components, raw materials and materials used for the production of electric energy metering devices and related equipment supplied under contracts concluded with JSC "Regional Electric Networks" within the framework of this resolution, as well as value-added tax on the sale of these electric energy metering devices and related equipment.
(the second paragraph of paragraph 4 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 18, 2020 No. UP-6010 – National Database of Legislation, 06/18/2020, No.06/20/6010/0776)
5. To approve the Plan of Practical measures for reforming the electric power industry in accordance with Appendix No. 2.
6. To form a Commission for the Reform of the Electric Power Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) in accordance with Annex No. 3, assigning it jointly with the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank