Untold Will / Невысказанное завещание (на английском языке). Амирхан Еники

Untold Will / Невысказанное завещание (на английском языке) - Амирхан Еники

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1330 by the Indo-Persian writer Nakhshabi, which was popular for several centuries in India and Central Asia.


«Layla and Majnun» (Ләйлә белән Мәҗнүн) is a narrative poem composed in 584/1188 by the Persian poet Niẓāmi Ganjavi based on a semi-historical Arab story about the 7th century Nejdi Bedouin poet Qays ibn Al-Mulawwah and his ladylove Layla bint Mahdi


«Kaharman Katil» (The Story of Kaharman) (Каһарман катил) a Tatar dastan with its genetic roots goes back to the Persian source «Kaharmanname» known from ancient times. It is known that the ancient Persian monument «Kaharmanname» dates back to the 11th – 13th centuries and arose under the influence of a very ancient Persian epic.


Kyl kubyz (кул кубыз) is an old Turkic stringed instrument, which was popular among the Bashkir people in old times. The instrument was made from a single piece of wood. An oblong-bucket-shaped case made from a whole diced piece of birch is connected to a bar with a curly head with pegs.


«Salkyn chishme» (Cold Brook) [salˈkɪn tʃɪʃˈmæ] a Tatar folk song:

Зәңгәр айлы кичтә ташка басымСалкын чишмәләрдән су алдым.Тау астында салкын чишмәЧылтыр-чылтыр агадыр,Иҗтиһат кыйл, эшкә башла,Гомер узып барадыр.Салкын чишмәләрдән су алгандаШушы җырларымны җырладым,Zәңgәr ayly kichtә tashka basymSalkyn chishmәlәrdәn su aldymTau astynda salkyn chishmәChyltyrchyltyr agadyrIҗtiһat kyyl eshkә bashlaGomer uzyp baradyrSalkyn chishmәlәrdәn su algandaShushy җyrlarymny

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