Королевский двор в Англии XV–XVII веков. Коллектив авторов

Королевский двор в Англии XV–XVII веков - Коллектив авторов

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peric, j. dim. talwood; russhes and litter all the yere of the sergeaunt vssher of the hall and chambyr» (BB. § 45. P. 124).


      ВВ. § 42. Р. 168.


      The Promptorium patvulorum…; Catholicon Anglicum…


      «Vt omnes domestici eius se ocuparent…» (BB. § 6. P. 84); «Pro ccxl domes-ticis vltra…» (Ibid. § 18. P. 96).


      «Vnius officiary pistrine…» (BB. § 2. P. 81).


      «…to kepe the ministres thereof any breche…» (BB. § 29. P. 110); «Ministres of chamber…» (Ibid. § 22. P. 101, note a).


      Larson L.M. The king’s Household before the Norman Conquest//Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. 1904. № 100. History series. Vol. I. N 2. P. 103.


      «Не may haue in this court ii seruantez…» (BB. § 33. P. 113); «…to rewarde his household seruantes…» (Ibid. § 7. P. 85)


      Golberg P.J.P. What was a servant?//The Fifteenth Century. Vol. I. Concepts and patterns of service in the later Middle Ages / Ed. by A. Curry, E. Matthew. Woodbridge, 2000. P. 3.


      Gabourdin G., Viard G. Lexique historique de la France d’Ancien regime. Paris, 2005. P. 243.


      Цатурова C. K. Офицеры власти: Парижский Парламент в первой трети XV века. М., 2002. С. 24.


      «…euery officer shall mowe sufficiently be of power…» (BB. § 9. P. 87); «…to all officers in this householde…» (Ibid. § 12. P. 89).


      BB. § 27. P. 105.


      CPR, Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, 1461–1468. London, 1949. (Далее – CCR).


      Morgan D. The household retinue of Henry V and the ethos of English public life // The Fifteenth Century. Vol. I. P. 64.


      Le Nouveau Petit Robert….


      BB. § 79. P. 169.


      Fleming P W Household Servants of the Yorkist and Early Tudor Gentry//Early Tudor England. Proceeding of the 1987 Harlaxton Symposium/Ed. by D. Williams. Woodbridge, 1989. P. 22.


      BB. § 8-66. P. 86–141.


      Ibid. § 67–92. P. 141–197.


      The Promptorium patvulorum…; Catholicon Anglicum…


      Латинско-русский словарь / Под ред. И. Х. Дворецкого. М., 1976. С. 611.


      Ковин В. С. Королевские слуги и яковитский двор в Англии 1603–1625: Дис… канд. ист. наук. СПб., 1999.


      Newton A. P Reforms in the Royal Household // Tudor Studies presented to A.F. Pollard. / Ed. by R. W. Seton-Watson. New York., 1969. P. 232.


      Tout T. F. Chapters in the Administrative History… Vol. II. P. 248.


      Given-Wilson С. The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity: Service, Politics and Finance in England, 1360–1413. New Haven; London, 1986. P. 29.


      Morgan D.A. L. The house of Policy: the Political Role of the Late Plantagenet Household, 1422–1485 // The English Court: from the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War/Ed. by D. Starkey. London, 1987. P. 31–32.


      Blair J. Hall and chamber: English domestic planning 1000–1250//Anglo-Norman Castles/Ed. by R. Liddiard. Woodbridge, 2002. P. 312.


      BB. § 27. P. 104–106.


      Tout T. F. Chapters in the Administrative History… Vol. IV. P. 181.


      Ibid. Vol. III. P. 53.


      CCR, 1461–1468. London, 1949. P. 25.


      CPR, 1467–1476. P. 590.


      The Ordinance of 1478 from the Queen’s College Oxford MS.134//The Household of Edward IV: The Black Book… (Далее – O 1478). § 28. P. 217


      BB. § 46. P. 125.


      Ibid. § 57. P. 135.


      Ibid. § 42. P. 121.


      Ibid. § 33. P. 113.


      The wardrobe Accounts of King Edward the Forth, from the 18th April to the 29 September 20 Edw.IV, 1480 // Privy Purse expenses of Elizabeth of York: Wardrobe accounts of Edward the Fourth/Ed. by N. H. Nicolas. London, 1973. P. 163–166.


      ВВ. § 56. P. 134.


      BB. § 31. P. 111.


      Grattan Flood W. H. The Beginnings of the Chapel Royal: An Unwritten Page of English Musical History//Music & Letters. 1924. Vol. V. N 1. P. 85–90.


      ВВ. § 56–60. P. 133–137.



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