Жемчужница и песчинка. Эмилия Тайсина

Жемчужница и песчинка - Эмилия Тайсина

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frozen thunder, bears its peaky head.

      Charmed and entranced, I watch the clouds foat by,

      Half scared, half anxious, eager and obsessed;

      And, on the crowning peak, the highest high,

      I recognize the Saturn – shaped black nest.

      The sunset backcloth burns with magic fre

      Of ancient signs no living – thing can tell.

      Unable to submit or to retire,

      I witness nature ready for the spell.

      …And lo! The light is swiftly fading down;

      The blistful Imdugood spreads whirling wing;

      Across the sky fies roaring silence sound, —

      And here comes His Majesty the King.

      To Rev. Igor Tsvetkov

A naive prayer

      You know I never pray aloud.

      I hide my hope and faith.

      And when I see a singing crowd,

      Blush comes into my face.

      You think me wrongfully acute,

      Because You heard me tell

      That shower and perfumes substitute

      Me soul and spirit well.

      I know I am a sinner, since

      I doubt Our Father’s might;

      And showing no concern just means

      To show «folie» and spite.

      You sealed me with severe look,

      And I grew weak and meek.

      A royal King of Eagles took

      A fy – away from me.

      Now I’m alone, alone again,

      A doll with broken heart.

      You still believe I cannot pray?

      That’s why You set apart?

      Now see me knealt from high above!

      You’ll hear from down below:

      «Oh, take me to your arms, my love,

      For keen the wind doth blow!»


      Мне волхвовать в коричневой пустыне,

      Корой укрывшись светлой бересты.

      Мне неотступно думать: где ты ныне,

      Меня ль еще воспоминаешь ты?

      Мне воевать с тупые злые бесы,

      И под шелом увязывать власы.

      Тебе воссесть архангелов одесно,

      Следить с восторгом райские красы.

      А в этой жизни, предков чтя обычай,

      Тебе сберечь седую старину,

      А с поля брани захватить добычей

      На час утех ногайскую княжну.

      Защитник, страж, певец родных пристанищ!

      Сим прорицаю: купно с Неиным

      Ты явишь правду, сам же ею станешь,

      Ты будешь счастлив счастием земным!

      По таинстве венчанья, как к святыне,

      Навечно ты прилепишься к жене…

      Мне уходить. Так не рыдай же, сыне,

      Во гробе зряще, не рыдай мене!

Afairy – tale

      My Lord the Carpenter, behold

      The plea of mortal soul!

      In days of sheer youth I was told

      This story as a whole:

      There once had sprung a tragic love

      Between a lightning white

      Dispersing fres from high above,

      And river, fowing wide.

      The River marveled at the show

      Of sparkling, dazzling spears;

      And he refected them below

      And mirrored radiant spheres.

      Slow waters sparkled in delight

      Or ran in thousand springs;

      The mighty River watched the lights

      That trembled on the strings.

      The Lightning sang her frenzied songs,

      She danced and prophesied;

      The zigzag signs confessed and warned,

      She knew she was desired.

      The deep sweet waters closed the care

      Of deep sweet heart in love;

      He did not notice love was there

      Until he heard enough.

      The mighty River formed a lake

      To hold that furious life

      To hug in marital embrace

      The one he called his wife.

      The Lightning twinkled him a kiss

      And rushed to meet her fate.

      The freball blazed, blew up and hissed

      And few to fall and fade.

      Evaporating, boiling lake

      Was veiled with misty fog;

      The River groaned and strived to take

      Last waters to the bog.

      You could imagine him return

      When tears of rain were shed;

      The lake was dry, the grass was burnt,

      The Lightning, she was dead.

      This moarnful ballad makes me sad

      And shivering from cold.

      I am no bird I am no cat

      I am a human soul.

      My burning nature can't be changed,

      I am all fames and fre;

      Beyond all that, I am engaged,

      And I don't want to die.

      My Lord the Carpenter, I beg

      That You should meet my plea;

      Take cedar logs, and fasten belts,

      And make a raft for me.

      Oh Lord my Savior, here's Your turn

      To show Your magic craft!

      Rejoyce, my soul, red fre, burn,

      Wide River,

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