damask – a silk, fine, patterned fabric, originally produced in Damascus, Syria.
Ohio – the US state in the Midwest (106 125 sq. km), joined the USA after the American Revolutionary War in 1783.
Indiana – the US state in the Midwest (93 491 sq. km), joined the USA after the American Revolutionary War.
Sandusky – a city on Lake Erie in northern Ohio, founded by the British in 1745.
Lake Erie – one of the five Great Lakes on the USA-Canadian border.
sine qua non – necessary conditions. (Latin)
St. George and his Dragon – a Christian martyr of the 3d century and the patron saint of England; St. George saved a Libyan king’s daughter from the dragon and killed the monster in return for the promise that the people of Libya would be baptized.
Alabama – the US state in the south (131 334 sq. km); the first Europeans who came there were the Spanish, the first settlement was founded by the French in 1701; after the war of 1763, the territory was ceded to England.
the Federal army – the army of the federal government in the American Civil War of 1861–1865 with 11 Southern states.
the Southern cause – the southern states seceded from the Union in 1860–1861; the Northern and the Southern states had different economies, different attitude to slavery, trade and the very idea of states’ rights.
Corinth – a city in northeastern Mississippi; the bloody battle took place to the north of the city during the American Civil War.
the Yanks – Yankees, a nickname of the citizens of New England states; the word was used by Southerners for Northerners and Federal soldiers during the American Civil War.
Niagara – Niagara Falls on the Niagara River in northeastern North America, on the USA-Canadian border.