Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин
part soluz mary sera mittre',
Retour conflict passera sur le thuille: Par cinq cens vn trahyr sera tiltre'
Narbon & Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
I translate the highlighted text like this: " Par " – five hundred. This is the 500th occurrence of the preposition " par " in the Centuries!
“ The gang , the crowd, will seize the earth …” – such a gloomy prediction is made by Nostradamus in the next quatrain.
8-56 La bande foible la terre occupera,
Ceux du hault lieu feront horribles crys: Le gros troppeau d'estre coin troublera, Tombe pres D.nebro descouuers les escris.
A weak group will capture the earth,
Those from a high place will utter terrible cries:
A large herd will disturb the corner with its essence,
The grave near D. will not open the letters.
Group, crowd – " bande " – in the same quatrain with the ground – " terre " in quatrains 5-64 and 9-52. In quatrain 10-78 the same situation with the word " cris ". Nearby, on the last section, the words " horrible " (10-81), " lieu " (10-81) and " hault " (10-84).
In quatrain 10-48 – "gang" with "herd" – " trope + au ".
10-48 … Trouble s passant au pres du pont de Laigne,
Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand trope …
The fourth line of quatrain 8-56 is reflected in perhaps the most interesting part of this topic. Below – "D ne + bro", even With two graves .
8-34 … Sus la montaig ne de IVRA Seca tombe
D elues & bro des septieme million
Lyon, Vlme a` Mausol mort & tombe .
A little lower is another secret gang – BANDE .
8-35 … E t la forest non loing de D amazan
D u marsaues gelees, puis gresle & bize
D ordonnois gelle par erreur de mezan.
8-36 Sera commis conte oingdre aduche'
D e Saulne & sainct A ulbin & Bell l'oeuure
Pauer de marbre de tours loing espluche' N on B leteram resister & chef d'oeuure.
The meaning of highlighting " D " as a separate letter, apparently, is to designate a large number of them in this area. Immediately five capital " D " here.
O successive brothers divide the kingdom, being in a quarrel. This has probably happened more than once in history. Quite yourself plausible quatrain .
8-58 Regne en querelle aux freres diuise',
Prendre les armes & le nom Britannique: Tiltre Anglican sera tard aduise', Surprins de nuict mener a`l'air Gallique.
The kingdom is divided by brothers in a quarrel,
Take their weapons and the name British:
The title of Anglican will be noticed late,
Suddenly, at night, the Gaulish is brought into the air.
There are several quatrains supporting this theme. In 2-95 the kingdom is already divided among the brothers: " diui + se ".
2-95 Les lieux peuples se ront inhabitables:
Pour champs auoir grande diui s ion:
Regne s liures a` prudents incapables:
Lors les grands freres mort & dissention.
In the next quatrain – brothers, kingdom and quarrel.
3-98 Deux royalz freres si fort guerroyeront
Qu'entre eulx sera la guerre si mortelle,
Qu'vn chacun places fortes occuperont:
De regne & vie sera leur grand querelle .
In the next section, in addition to explicit words – ARMES (6-6), Gallic air, in the form of AER (6-6, 6-7), in this form it is in the Centuries in quatrain 6-27, and the word " Ang + li + can ".
6-5 Viuront sans loy, exempt de pol li tique.
6-6 A pparoistra vers le S eptentrion
Non loing de Can cer l'estoille cheuelue:
Suze, Sienne, Boece, E retrion,
M ourra de Rome grand, la nuict disperue.
6-7 Norneigre & Dace, & l'isle Britannique ,
Par les vnis freres seront vexees:
Le chef R omain issu de s ang Gallique
E t les copies aux forestz repoulsees.
6-8 Ceulx qui estoient en regne pour scauoir,
A u Royal change deuiendront apouuris…
Thus, the topic turned out to be a composite one, but literally everything in it was confirmed.
Attention ! Now the last Centurian, His Eminence Rooster, will appear on the Centurian arena. We meet .
8-61 Iamais par le decouurement du iour,
Ne paruiendra au signe sceptrifere:
Que tous ses sieges ne soyent en seiour,
Portant au coq don du TAG amifere.
Never, with the coming of the day,
The scepter-bearing sign will not reach:
Since all his places will not happen in such a stay,
Bringing the gift of TAGA (friend-bearing?) to the rooster.
The narration of the first line is reflected in quatrain 10-50.
10-50 La Meuse au iour terre de Luxembourg,
Descouurira Saturne & trois en lurne…
The action of this coming day – “ iour ”, will last until quatrain 10-80 with the next “day”. During this thirty-quarter day, a scepter will appear – " sceptre " and will never meet " signe " – a sign, a signal. This word will come up with the onset of the next day, in quatrain 10-83. IN German it even will shoot twice .