Business English. Workbook №1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах. Элла Маркина
(to be) my first job.
Exercise №2.3
– I know that Transport Service (to be) a big company
and their chances and ours to win this tender (to be) equal.
– I think you (to be) mistaken. They have some problems with
Tax Inspection so they have no chances.
– Probably you (to be) right. The customer doesn’t
like to have dealt with a company which has such problems.
I don’t know if they (to be) successful; however, they
will certainly try.
– Unfortunately, the reality (to be) very different. Hardly
any serious Customer will have any dealings with them.
– Don’t be so sure. I know that after a short interruption
they proceeded with their work. I (to be) sure they
will certainly try.
Exercise №2.4
«Good afternoon! We regret to inform you that we (to be) not at all satisfied with your service. You can imagine our disappointment when we discovered that the quality of the received goods was worse than we expected. We tried to get in touch with you by phone but didn’t get anyone who knew anything about how this matter could be solved. We (to be) interested to know if you can offer any explanation for this poor quality of your goods».
Спряжение глагола to be в прошедшем времени. (я была, он был…)
(+) I / He / She / It – was
They / We / You – were
(-) I / He / She / It – was not = wasn’t
They / We / You – were not = weren’t
(?) Was I? / Was he?/ Was she? Was it?
Were they? / Were we? Were you?
Exercise №3
– You (to be) at our new cinema yesterday? There (to be)
a very interesting film on.
– I remember I (to be) there a few weeks ago. There (to be)
a lot of people.
– You (to be) there alone, (not to be) you? Who (to be)
with you?
– No, I (to be) there with my friends.
– The film (to be) interesting?
– Yes, I advise you to see it.
Exercise №3.1
– Who (to be) in the office yesterday after 6p.m.?
– As I know, Mike (to be), why?
– There (to be) very important documents on my table,
but now they aren’t.
– Which documents (to be) there?
– First of all, there (to be) a draft contract for delivery
of equipment. In addition, there (to be) some reports.
– I really don’t know. I remember some documents (to be)
in that red folder. Mike brought them and put them in.
Exercise №3.2
– You (to be) right! It (to be) a waste of time.
– From the other side, you (to be) right too, because you
(not to be) sure in result but now you know for sure.
– Yes, the pump (to be) really out of order.
– Anyway, It (to be) necessary to check it again.
I think we need extra hands. There (to be) something wrong
with a forklift.
– There (to be) any urgent work there?
– Yes. The warehouse number 3 had to be cleaned
out as soon as possible.
Exercise №3.3
– I saw Nelly, She (to be) so tired that couldn’t move. It (to be)
a very hard day. There (to be) a lot of work at the office
yesterday. We (not to be) ready for the talks with the
Customer. Necessary documents (not to be) prepared.
– You (to be) nervous?
– No, I (to be) angry! My assistant (to be) out. I was
said that she (to be) ill, that‘s why she (to be) absent.
– I am sorry! It (to be) really hard day yesterday.
Exercise №3.4
– What’s the problem? I was said that some of workers had no
gas sensor devices. As I know there (to be) a number of similar
sensors at the warehouse.
– In fact, we ordered only definite quantity of the devices.
Probably Safety Engineer (to be) right and there (to be) no
sensors any more.
– Why you didn’t think of it before?
– We didn’t expect that we would have to attract so many
workforces for the Shutdown.
Спряжение глагола to be в будущем времени. (я буду, он будет…)
(+) I’ll be / We’ll be/ He’ll be / She’ll be / It’ll be / They’ll be
You’ll be
(-) I shan’t be / We shan’t