Business English. Workbook №1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах. Элла Маркина
they be? / Will you be?
В современном английском will используется со всеми лицами, так что можете, смело сказать – I will be happy!
Exercise №4
– I hope, I (to be) on holiday next month. I (to be)
in the country. It (to be) country-holiday…..
– Oh, there (to be) a lot of interesting for you I think.
As I understand it (to be) your first trip to the country.
– I am sure it (not to be) boring there. And where
you (to be) this summer?
– Unfortunately. I (to be) in town because I have much
work to do this summer.
Exercise №4.1
– He (to be) at the plant tomorrow?
– I am afraid he won’t. He is leaving tonight. He (to be)
on business till the end of the next week.
– What a pity! Who (to be) instead him?
– I suppose Peter. He (to be) in the office tomorrow.
– Well, I (to be) in your office tomorrow afternoon.
– Ok, we’ll be waiting for you.
Exercise №4.2
– They (to be) busy after lunch? I’d like to discuss
some things.
– Perhaps, they will. They (to be) on the object.
– By the way, when (to be) the meeting?
– The meeting (to be) at 11a. m. Managers of all departments
(to be) there.
– You (to be) there too?
– Of’ course!
– They say there (to be) some changes in work schedule.
– Yes, we are planning to complete works till the end of the
year so we will have to work overtime.
– It (to be) hard month. But from other hand salary (to be)
more. Isn’t it good news?
– It’s all the same to me, I work on rotation. I hope
I (not to be) at work on New Year Holiday as usual.
– Don’t you work on New Year Holiday?
– Yes, three years in row.
– It’s just your luck!
Exercise №4.3
– How do you do. I’m Le. I’ll be working with you.
– How do you do. Come here. It (to be) your work place. Make
yourself comfortable! Believe me, you (to be) very busy
all this week. There (to be) too much work in the office.
– I (to be) hardworking, I’ll do the best.
– If you do it, it (to be) right. I’m sure you (to be)
one of the best specialists.
– I hope you (not to be) a crazy boss…
– Don’t worry I (to be) a wise boss.
– We (to be) a good team. You can trust in me.
– I also happy that you (to be) one of us. I know you are
а reliable person.
– Nice to hear it. Thanks a lot.
– You are welcome.
Раскройте скобки используя правило спряжения глагола to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени
Exercise №5
– Hello Sofia, there (to be) any letters for me?
– Yes, there (to be) some letters from our Providers.
They (to be) here. And here (to be) our invoice for a Customer.
Could you sign it, please?
– That (to be) ok, I’ll look and sign it a little later.
The meeting (to be) at 9 a.m., isn’t it?
– Yes, it (to be) at 9 sharp.
– When the memorandum (to be) ready?
– It (to be) ready yet.
– I hope it (to be) on my table after the meeting?
– Ok, anything else?
– No thanks. Tell everybody I (to be) busy till 9 a.m. And
print out all reports for previous month. They must be
on my table as soon as possible.
– I’ll do everything.
Exercise №5.1
– Mr. Douglas (to be) in?
– No, I’m afraid, he (not to be) in office till the end
of the month. He (to be) on business.
– When exactly he (to be) back?
– I suppose, on the 10th of April, but I (not to be) sure.
May be he (to be) available a little bit earlier.
– By the way, where he (to be) now?
– He (to be) in Rom.
– Oh, I (to be) in Rom last year in September. It (to be)
– You (to be) there on business?
– No, it (to be) my holiday. I traveled with my family.
Exercise №5.2
– How do you do! We (to be)